
Rubber Reserve Co. الردو 21 wever, the visitors. Prepuła. History Bonds was Gimnastica carned Three Goals and defied the Visitors to pass the Line of demarkation. Osmond Evans starred as Goalkeeper. The game was dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Garron THE CACAO FARMER FRIEND Accepting the challenge, in deliberately pushing of the Gimnasitca Sport back the fleeting GimnastiWE ALWAYS BUY CACAO Club, the Shoemakers Syncas than to the required modicate of San José sent us a vement of feet. It was well football team on Saturday that our players made the 17th, ultimo. The visi effort to retaliate.
tors were, on arrival, splen Roy Hayling was in his didily, greeted by the persno prime, in addition to earnnel of the local Syndicate ing the first goal, his geneWE ARE THE AGENTS FOR of Workers and other sport ral display was remarkaing Fans. The match was ble. Captain Wade forcefuobserved during the afterly defended his team. Unnoon of the following day, fortunately, he got hurt in Sunday April 18th. Our est a collision with one of his teemed Commander of Politeam mates, though he did CINE MUNDIAL be ce, Coi. Esquivel, and the not give up the helm until genial Director, Col. Sana he had steered his barque Melba bria, generously placed the to victory. Vargas was also. LIMON Military Band in service marvellous. he is a very for the occasion, and great daring attacker, fearing was the ombelishment evi no foe. Totin manoeuvered denced by the rich musical splendidly, but several FAREWELL, FUNCTION TENDERED MR. SCOTT programme. The sporting judged shots occurred on The resignation of Mr. Jaj, Mr. Ernest Bethune has We also wish Mr. Scott eve public largely graced the his wing. Carlito (Hayrling mes Scott, after twenty. been appointed to the posiſry success in his new field event and gave, characteris carries a great kick, but the three years service withltion vactaed by Mr. Scott. of labour.
tically, unbiased cheers re is no doubt in our mind the Merchandise Depart! We extend him our congra Mr. Frank Jackson prowhenever warranted by the that if he practised more ment of the Costa Rica Batulations and a hearty wel ved himself a good caterer play.
team work and would pass nana Company, was effec come to our communal life. and was thanked by all.
During an earlier stage the ball to other players, ted on the 15th. of the re.
of the game much alarm when play permitted, hecently passed month, and When in Limon call in at Dixon for a Cosmoliton was caused on account of would be a much greater as many of his work mates ga prototype hair. ut or shave. Dixon Barber Shop. West the unfavourable Gondi set to his side. Casasola, ve a spread in his honour, of the city Market.
tions experienced by our Gimnastica mighty if ght on the following evening, ag Boys. The visitors received footer, earned two brilliant a tangible display of their; METHODIST LEAGUE SCORED BRIGHT SUCCESS seven distirfet corner posi shots. His team can always high esteem and deep re tions as well as the benefit) depend on him if he once gard.
of six infringements, which connects the The setting was effected that the whole pivot of the vie. Mrs. Holmes filled the e pigskin.
It is not too much to say represented by Miss Ogli When all is said and do in the Bar of the commis entertainment presented in role of Mahlon in the absen directed the play against our. ho won a marked sary. Mr. Willie Price led the Methodist Church well deserved off with a brilliant ocation Tuesday evening, four days leck was presented by Mrs.
once of Mrs. Kenton. Elimetion for fast shooting, Os the super. ball donated by and effectively tendered mond Evans shewed them don Eugenio Garron and his Mr. Scott a gift which the outstanding intellectual cul Miss Campbell. Mesdaago, revolved around some Grant and Chilion by they could ot pass. He esteemed wife.
donor he shoud phenominal. Many, Most impressive it was always keep as a momentu ture and pleasing grace. mes Samuels, Kerr, Cham.
brilliant strokes were regis when don Pedro Breedy, of The winsome feature of bers and Barrett were tered by the Shoemakers. one of Limon most outs; and genuine friendship. the programme was the por the friends and neighbours as well as an abundance of tanding sportsmen, stopped her speakers were Messrs.
mortifying ones. Being, ap. the exercise for two minu: Earle, Splatt, mighty man of Israel, Ruth mes Reid, Polson and Lawing with Boaz, the then the Bridegroom were Mesda parently, so accustomed to tes in commemoration of ra, Lewis and Jos. The the Moabitess, and Naomi, rence and Miss Adams, the free use of their arms the late Manola Andres, mas, Mr. Scott respolise her mother. in in pounding and stitching who was an ardent member was very impressive.
law. The Mrs. Ruth Thomas filled the the leather, we were treat of our sporting fraternity.
play unfolded the leaven of role of Groomsman. The Vir ed to much use of the virtue and true Christian gins were represented by uch use of the hands characteristics.
the Misses Grant, Stennett, SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILIndividually and collecti Blake, Smith of Eg CAFE HOLNESS yely, the cast of characters trada, Brown and Ro DREN TO ENTERTAIN reached the goal and sher se. Mrs. Jessie Wright was Corner 2nd. Avenue and 7th. Street the splendour of the portra the Priest and climaxed the yal on a very appreciative drama with the wedding directly in front the Football Ground.
It has been announced audience. Mrs. Blake re ceremony. Mr. Edmund that the children of the Sun This New Eating and Refreshing Spot presented Ruth while Mrs. Jackson was the organist. day School; kassociated with Iris Williams acted the part rich solo was rrendered the the St. Mark Church, Mrs.
is now at the Public Service Iris Barnett in entertain in the Parish 011 Monday evening next, as his Chief servant Benja imterini of one of the Acts.
the min. Mrs. Francis was The Rev. Holmes pre AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREDaysley, the very caressing mother sided.
the Director, has, we unders in law. Naomi. Orpah was!
ME ON OUR BILLBOARD tand fortified his pupils with a well prepared after WELL KNOWN ATHLETES LEAVE FOR 25 MILES they are, in consequence ex Easter variety Programme; BROWNE ABRAHAMS pecting a capacity audienCOMPRAMOS We have the information miles, we may, in the near ce. As an evening of joy!
that Mr. Osmond Dayley, future, hear of an Abaca we have no doubt awaits who was attached to the Baseball Team.
the general public, and COCOS. COPRA ACEITE DE COCO Printing Section of the Nor The Atlantic Voice the admission fee of fifty thern Railway Company wishes these athletes every cents should be within the Apartado 362 the activities, has been transfer success in their new sphere reach of all, we trust red to a more lucrative po of activities.
children anticipation will TIMON.
sition with the Abaca Inbe realized.
dustry at 25 miles.
Mr. Daley is the present star pitcher of the Cubs Ba Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back seball Team and is an enthu de su recibo que dice: of receips! which reads: siastic sport. His absence This bill must be paid at our office before from the city will be keen Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month ly felt and will, doubtless, affect his progressive all de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Be so good as to comply with thig request and do not round baseball career. In Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, u step which most of the recent games in de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
which ihe participated, his prowess at the bat earned him great merit. As Mr George Hart, the formidable First Base of the same Club, is also stationed at 251 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. CAFE COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON


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