
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, May 1st. 1943 was on rray.
pre Resurrection COSTA RICA SODA COA a tha RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO EASTER CANTATA AT ZENT entertainment, which EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, ideally prepared and presen LIMON The appearance of the is not far. Miss Bernard ted by Miss Brown, Limembers When in this City from the Line Towns and Coasts come of the Ladies commanded. rapt Tea attention verpool Day School to the above named Restaurant the service you have Union of Liverpoal to our with her solos. He is not cher and Organist. The Mem long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool district of Zent was as wel here. The River of years bers of the Union adopt this drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders. comed as that of an Inn to a Just as am was captiva medium to express their sin OPEN DAY AND NIGHT weary traveller They tingly rendered by Miss Mu cere thanks to Mr. Lambert We buy Costa Rica Lottery brought us much cheer Graham wha accompanied OCTAVIUS THOMPSON Sunday, the 25th ultimo Mrs. Franklin, who them and so marvellously (Better known as Edwin)
with the presentation, in sided with great effective aided their efforts.
Proprietor. Box 52 the Hall of the Universalness, merited the high ho Neutral Observer Negro Improvement Associa nour conferred on her. Her comIt no loafers den No idle gossips, no obscene lan programme, tion, of the very embracing remarks and general wonderfully ments added much to the AMONG THE BAPTISTS guage permitted. The ideal place for children is at Dixon entwined with the Joy con Barber Shop West of the City Market.
nected with the commemoThe annual services, com: memorative of the crucifiration of the xion and resurrection of the 189 of Jesus Christ.
Continued from last Issue.
Saviour of mankind, were Very tunefully did the Choir render the anthemsobserved in the city church WATER FACTORY DO JEWS FIGHT?
with marked al solemnity If ye love Me Like as The discourses, treating or (BY DERIC PEARSON)
Father give thanks ol and the supreme sacrifce Hallilujah For now Fábrica de Hielo y is glorious triumph over deat!
The following is the report and troopships sailing the Christ risen, as well as the which has been handed to me seas. They hold important po He is great Only wait were exceedingly absorbing songs Refrescos Praise the Lord for Several persons, who ha by Marian Zyd.
sitions in all the three Services, accepted the Creed, wer: Jews in the Armies of the those in the Army including More love to Thee. Guide baptized by the Pastor United Nations three Generals Major General Limón me. It is not far and He the Denomination on Gooc For the first time in the his Lorie, Brigailier comes. Mrs. Shaw very imFriday tory of modern wars, all Jewish Beddington, pressively rendered her soFLORIDA ICE AND sympathies are on one side. and Brigadier Kish, los Father hear me As It has been stated This is only natural as the the Heart. The rich value of the anniversary cannedte other side is the most ruthless Jews are not commonly assu Miss Cohen voice was FARM CO with Mother Day will and most powerful enemy tie ciated with the Navy, birthe heard in the solo. An: celebrated by the adhere. Jewish people has ever had Navy List of August 193. con gels of Light Happily LA FLORIDA of this denomination on te throughout its history. In tained the names of ever )0 Merrily. Miss Williamson MADERAS day the 9th instant, Great Britain and all oler Jewish officers in the Royal was also highly appreciated followed by a Concert parts of the British Empire Navy, Royal Naval Reserve. for her contributions FABRICA DE HIELO the evening of Tuesday ti as well as in the United and Royal Naval Volunieurs Beautiful Easter Light It 11th. Stakes and Soviet Russia, Reserve, and technical officers the Jews are contributing and ranks, and by now this Estheir full share in the Alli number must have been inmed war effort both in the creased considerably. Captain LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY military field and in every Daniel de Pass was shown as in other sphere. They are also to command of Cossack, be found in all the other Aled which was described as Lealer FABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS Forces among the Poles, the of the Flotilla, First Destroyer Fighting French, the Belgiuns Division, and which (under the Dutch, the Czechs and the another captain) played such Greeks.
a famous part in the rescue of The exact numerical strength British prisioners from the of the Jews in the Allied Ar German raider Altmark. Decomies is rather difficult to unrations have now been receivPRODUCTORA DE JABONES DE CALIDAD certain, partly because official ed by at least Jewish naval (Fundada en 1910)
figures are not always availa officers.
ble, and partly because some Jewish soldiers conceal their Jews are also well represent Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS religion as a precaution in the ed in she South African and event of capture by the Ger. Canadian Armies. In a statemans, who are known to have ment to the Parliament at the subjected French and Polish end of December last year, Prin GARRON e HIJOS Jewish prisoners to exceptio me Minister Field Marshal Jan nal ill treatment, and particulSmuts revealed that a total of arly Jews of the Soviet Aimy: 8, 366 Jews, men and women, LIMON APARTADO 417 have enlisted for military serThe Jews of Great Britain vice outside the Union. He in the Services are estimated! added that according othe total serving up to about are posted in both languages. tain and parts of her Empur joto number about 50, 000 includ 1936 census, 33, 650 Jewish nen 28, 000.
It is most unfortunate. esp ing over 7, 000 in the Royal Air, over the age of 20 were then The men serving in the forcially in view of the Nazi an Force. As the total Jewish po living in the Union.
ces are to be found in all the Naziinspired anti Jewish px pulation of the country is about The number of Jewish nen Services. To mention iadies The courage and efficiency paganda. that very little is 400, 000 men, women and child on active service now in the first: 2, 000 Jewish women are displayed by the Palestinians heard of the Jewish contrib dren, those in the Forces form Canadian Army totals 8, 500. in the Jewish girls arei nthe various operations in tions in the Allied milita a higher percentage than Jews in Canada compose 98 per cent of the re Lybia evoked the appreciation field, the main reason beir Lord Nathan of Churthimself bulk of vell, formerly ed to according to nati a leader of the Association of Amy, Navy end Air Force sin the Middle East generally. Of East, who said that they per nality. Hence the persister Jewish Ex Servicemen, givesce the outbreak of war now the men about 1, 600 haze join formed fine work, prominently claim by Jewish leaders for the percentage of British Jews exceed that ratio when compared the a few hundred at Sidi Barrani, Sollum, Fort distinctive Jewish nation13 serving in the armed forces, ased with the total enlistments are in the Royal Navy (which Capuzzo, Bardia and Tobruk. force cr army.
over 13 of the Jewish popu in the armed forces.
has only recently began to on another occasion (in a reslation. He also adds that dur Prime Minister Churchill, in, enlist men in Palestine, and asge to a Cairo newspaper. Ge So you see Messrs Hitler, Go ing the present war, British a message to Dr. Stephen Wose the rest are in the Army. neral Wavell said: The Paling, Goebbels, Hiromler, Ri!
Jews have won a total of 64 President of the Jewish World An outstanding feature of iestinians did fine work. They entrop and Cº have ried decorations and 62 have been congress in America, on July recruitment into the Army and showed remarkable courage lake ihe world l;y toature ar mentioned in dispatches (36 21 last year, said that over the is the formation cand a splendid spirit o sell by force, to co the lana decorations or mentions in dis 10, 000 Jews are now serving Jewish Units Jewish in fact sacifice. number of Pales ces for their own person patches were won name. There are inian Jews have falien as needs at the expense of a the epic retreat by Jewsn with the British Forces in the if not in from Dun Middle East; over 20, 000 have about 40 Palestinian Jewish membres of Commandos. indivuals. That is the ver kirk. enrolled in various police for Units in the Middle Easter Others have iost their livas as thing they have falsely accuse British Jews have foughtmations in Palestine. But Army to day. nostly compa volunteers in specially lange the Jews of doing. To hide and fallen in every campaign these figures are now quite out nies and their number is in rous tasks in the conquest of evil deeds they called it Nati in Europe and in the Middle of date. Jewish recruits in creasing. dozen companies Syria, 1, 444 Palestinians were nal Socialism. Nothing could. and Far East in which British Forces had already topped already have Jewish command among the 10, 000 prisoners further removed froin Nati troops have been engaged. 19, 000 (at the beginning of ing officers, and others are in captured by the Germans in nal Socialism. The Unit They have sanctified their an January. Men engaged in in the way to promotion. There Greece and Crete.
Nations are fighting. t)
cestral faith on the battle fields ternal defence all under mi are to day more than 200 Jetreedom of Democracy and th of Lybia and Abyssinia, of litary control number over wish officers (20 of them in It would take too long to individual, against these livin Greece and Syria, in the garri 7, 000, and there are in addition the Words of CO. tell the full story of Jewish devils, and on the side of th sons of Gibraltar and Sierra more than 1, 000 Palestinian mand are given in English, but participation in all the Allied fighting forces of the Critf Leone, of Hong Kong and Sin. Jews serving in the various the day to day language is. Armies, and therefore nave Nations the Jews are your y and notiees LIMON SOAP FACTORY among the generah population per cent of the population, but cruited in Palestine and the of General Sir Archibald was that Jewieho soldiers hare metal. Me.


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