
on the attacks, GAMBRINUS on el espíritu her way in which to handle y llena de salud.
The visiting team gained a sinWe did not note the si. or rare beauty. The large BARCELONA CLUB gle. The same manner of sing of old man Sol. but stones resting on a smooth was cognizant of the fact grassy meadow picturesque scoring was repeated in the as it was a few minutes af ly represent those which The honours for the ho His only disharmonizing Athleticcs became final hall. Surprisingly the ter a. on Saturday, might have been rolled mesters were evenly earned chord sensation occurred when, eight days ago when nal during the latter part of the round and about tho Egyı by Jose Jackson and seemingly, he rested overfreight and passenger com tian Wonders. The palm Chavarria each scored confidently. his two game. They applied several bination left our railway sta lanes and refreshing tempe four goals. lengthy hands, and thus Luftwaffe bombardments but per tion and we were, adventurrature added enchantment. We first of all desire to mitted the Atletico right ex our anti aircraft batteries re ringly, numbered among the We sincerely thank the thank the Athletic Fernan treme to pierce his defence. pelled all but one of the which gave passengers.
them village Policeman who sodez Football Team of San Jose Jackson was in the second goal, The first thing of impor generously helped usto se Jose for having graced our pink of form; his passes earn tance which attracted our cure our new Agent, Master city and se ably aided At a juncture of the game, oured him popular applauds.
attention was the limited ac Leonel Sancho. In the same out door sports on Easter Chavarria wizardly earned a penalty was ruled against commodation for the per depth of gratitude we inclu Day. Though they lost the his mount. Whenever he con the guest. team, and though sons who had purchased de Mrs. Leon Weinstock contest, they have left a re neced the ball it became they did not protest. Jack First Class tickets, many who accommodated us in cord of clean sportsmanship dazzling moments for the vi son threw off the shot.
had to content themselves one of her guest rooms. On There was every evidence sitors. Tenoro, Barcelonas. The match was refefeed with seats in the second her part all was well and they di dtheir best but the right extreme, moved into by Frank Jackson, and not class coaches. Everything comfortable, but the two Barcelonian combination shooting range many times, an unplecsant incident took re the first lap of our ad cupied the same apartment Their team work was most fit to pass the ball to center Our Military Band well up. to Siquirres, whe snoring travellers, who oc displays was almost perfec. but apparently, he deemed place throughout the event.
attendventure halted. After wai set a watch on our eyes and attractive and accurately rather than try his well ac ed and after the sumptuous ting a somewhat tiring time sealed our lips from utte effected. It was, in fact a customed angular shots.
ly served refreshments in at that very busy railroad rance.
net work that would center, we purchased a tichave. During the first half time the Barcelona Club Rooms, ket for Guapiles and puzzled any Olympic Team our side earned four goals, played a captivating selecwas Pepe Jimenez, our goal the first and second by tion in front o fthe building given the information by keeper, played well his part. Chavarria, the third and immediately preceding some one in authority that their homeward march.
the ti ain for that Branch would leave at p. for tunately or Mr. FINDLAY unfortunately IN LOWING AND UNFADING MEMORY the start was effected at We weep not for the hearing of the dead, because Limon had the good fortu three o clock.
the dead know nothing; the tears we shed are the ne of once again extending The train consisted of levanta hearty greetings to her for many freight cars and pas outward symbol to harmonize with the pierced mer citizen and extensively senger coaches, but as it heart. This was our sad experience when. known agricuturist. Mr. Nor is evident the Engineer, man Findlay, wito was Mr. AllenproApril 27th. 1942 among the large number of our affectionate and loving Mother outstanling personages who his visited us during the recer stops and re. starts were ef fected without the passently passed Holy Days period.
ELIZABETH WILLIAMS Although Mr. Findlay has gers experiencing any disTHE WORLD WAR for some time beei residing comfort.
From page gave up that spirit which had unnited her mortal in the Alajuela district in There is a regulation along the Caucasian front as frame for 92 years on ths terrestrial sphere. We the inrests of his health he which prohibits passengers also in the central and Vol miss her but are glad in the thought it was still possesses his large extending their heads khov sectors.
Angel who had beckoned her.
agricultural interests in this hands outside the coaches Aerial acticities have greawhile trains province, and continues to are in mo tly anicreased in various re Enos Williams and her other children, evince his well known zeal tion. Nature, we noted, en gions of the Pacific battle grand children and Relatives for our economic and gene forces this prohibition along fronts with the Allied units welfure The Atlantic certain parts of the Guapi inflicting further serious da Voice wishes him many les route, for the tall growth mage to Japanese inetrests of of heavy. sword grass not vital importance. Over Germore years of useful activi only prevents the dangerous many and the eiemy occupied CHARMING WEDDING CEREMONY practice, but actually en countries in Europe the CE croaches on the accommoda and Allied Air forces Amid a very pleasing scene. Among the speakers were RECENT DEATHS tion of the travellers. are pursuing their relenthess on Monday evening of the week Messrs Bartley, Thos MaitWe had a race with the ind incessant raids. The im in course Miss Felistina Wyn land, Johnson, Westney, Thy following persoas, who Sun and broke about even portant naval base of Wil ter became the bride of Mr. Jos. Thomas, Miss Joonly, as Guapiles was reached helshaven and locations were dist Church, with the Rev. Paraiso Farm, Sixaolu, Very ne are reported to have died Metho son and Mrs. Ellen Taylor ef wee associated with thisr Zojust as he was adjusting his subjected to terific bombings night cap. Holmes officialing. Mr. emotionally the motor (t! e recently in the San Juan de Guapiles may be descri is estimated more than last Wednesday night by, it Claude Henry acted the part of Bride expressed her joy and Dios Hospital, San Jwe. 500 bed as the Pyramid Father Giver and Mrs. Gla contentment for the marriage, Juan Joaquin Jarquin, a NL of war machines.
th section of the Province dysdys White that of Chief Ma Mrs. Walker greetings took caraguan who formerly residdue to its ancient sceneries tron.
the form of a well rendered so ed in Siquirres and had reachAn enjoyable reception was lo. The bridal waltz followed ed the age of 41 years. He ES RICO EN VITAMINAS held at the residence of the the close of the festive Board entered the institution on the FACIL DE PREPARAR newly weds. The blessing and was participated in by 18. 25th. Januay last, and died on was evoked by the Rev. Hol and Mrs. Jacobs, Mr. Jos. the 7th, ultimo THE PHILHARMONIC UN ALIMENTO 100 DE mes, hile Mr. Henry presid Thomas and Mrs. Gladys ed as Master of Ceremony. Se White; thereafter, the guests John Joseph ALTO VALOR NUTRICHOIR KNOWS McNally, a TIVO veral congratulatory speeches tripped to the teasing melo North American of 78 years of wee tendered the happy couple dies of Mr. Eric Evans Band age, is also stated to have died This might appear as PARA NIÑOS ADULTOS while all partook of the deli The Atlantic Voice wishes in the hospital on itesh. Pri)
mewhat strange expression, cious takes and refreshing Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs a long and ultimo. He was the son of Do but it is quite true our very drinks.
EXIJALO ON TODOS LOS prosperous union.
lores McNally and Rosa Moiege. The deceased had lived for good friends of the PhilNEGOCIOS harmonic Choir know how Appearance counts when in need of a haircut or slave many years in the vicinity of and what to provide for you look thin, sick, shabby and a wreck. Do yourself jus Cartago where he cared on West the entertainment of our tice by visiting Dixon Barber Shop, of the City certain industrial con laericulcitizenry.
tural activities and was well kirwn to a large area of the Baguish speaking residing of In keeping with this notable characteristic. taus Sone.
THE CATHEDRAL CELEBRATIONS they presented a rippling The religious ceremonies were both colourful and dis Tecto Meno MTOTO Nia.
ree in the Parish Hall on the night of Easter Monday.
in connection with the com tinctly significant An over raguan who once resident in S: memoration of the tragedy whelming number of pers quiries and had rehehud the What a crowd. What allu BAILARI TOTAALTURAL on Calvary and Christ ons attended all the servi age of 47 years Ile died on the ring musical features!
FRIO CALIENTE ES DELICIOSO triumph over death were ces and other ceremonials. Sth. ultimo.
One feet could hardly reconducted with the ir ac Congenial weather condili Gerardo Varta Dale. 60 sist the enchanting rhythms customed dished out by Mr.
solemn impressions existed throughout the years old, a former lesent of Ernest FOR INFANTS AND veness by our Catholic com celebrations.
this city. His da place Barley and his Riverside ADULTS munity.
on the 8th of lasinh Combination. We have mar RICH IN VITAMINS Thursday and Friday of ked all the approaching hoEASY TO PREPARE the past week were wholly liday dates with a double devoted to the services in like your ads. and the hair cut too. One amuses SOLD IN ALL BUSINESS capital (P. in order to the Cathedral and the proce the other satisfies. said a new client the other day, after keep them foremost in HOUSES ssions along our principal getting fixed up at. Dixon Barber Shop West of the Biblioteca Mathroughfavesano déſfhena Nadattampiloteoksity. irMarketuay Juventud, Costa Rica.
ties CHOCOLACTO Soimind.

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