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sixo as even anc can at THE EIGHTH ARMY STETTINIUS TELLS HOW NONSTOP RAIDS BY JAPAN RUNS AMUCK MEXICO WOULD SEND The Eighth Army isone of young LEND LEASE AIDED ON ENEMY TROOPS ABROAD veterans. Many have fougit in The torture and cold blooded the desert for two and a hali TARGETS burder of American fliers unyears and more. There ar? Da WASHINGTON, April Amer ttalion commanders under thirty The prospect of a fortunate enough to fall into Mexican ican armed forces in the South Just how continuous are the the hands of the Japanese bave expeditionary force is taking some as young as twenty three one of its chief and Southwest Pacific received air operations from the British and twentyfour. There are briga.
last diers of thirty five and thirty.
year about 80. 000. 00 pounds Isles against the enemy in Eu sent a wave of horror through shape, and Loinbardo out this country and the whole advocates of fruits and vegetables in all rope and on the seas around it, civilized world. More than Toledano, leader of: organized EIGHTY DAYS WONDER On forms under reciprocal lend is not often realised. Even in more than all the stories of not the only one. Foren Se.
October 23rd. the Eighth Army lease agreements with Australia the not always idealy weather of anything else that has happer:ed, labor in Latin America. Ile is the European winter months, attacked at El and New atro. cretary Ezequiel Padilla and Ge.
Zealand, Edward Joaquin Amaro, com January 23rd. it occupied Tri Stettinius jr. Lend Lease Ad with low clouds and fog, air cities perpetrated by the Ja neral ministrator, disclosed today.
craft of the have been Istheus zone, poli. During those eighty days constantly on panese and their Axis parbers mander of the the offensive.
it had advanced 1, 350 In addition American armed miles Aided by the fighters and bom. the Far East and in for now almost a decade in both have been in favor of the idea.
forces received 3, 630, 000 pounds Europe, over a veritabe wilderness It President Manuel Avila CamaOslof canned meat and 30, 000, 000 bers of the Army Eighth more than the tales of savage cho has declared that the Meaverage daily progress was searmy will not serve venteen miles, but often much pounds of fresh beef, veal, lamb, Air Force the pressure is being fighting in the Salomons and xican increased better abroad but Lombardo Toledain North Africa, more further, since it had to remain mutton and pork. It is estimated that the amount of reciprocal weather arrives.
no believes that the president stationary at certain than points Pearl Harbor, it has at The continuous air offensive while supplies were brought food aid in 1943 will be about is well illustrated by an analysis last brought home to the Ame woud not object to a volunteer Jeanup. During those eighty days in five times larger than last year of the operations for the last and meaning of this war. What while, a Mexican military Sheet people the full impact force serving overseas.
inflicted on the Axis sore two weeks of February a forces in 1942 with about.
75, 000 casualties killed 16, 000, 000 pounds of neither wholesale murder nor sion, headed by Chief of Staff period of indifferent weather.
canned actual warfare, still regarded in Salvador Sanchez; will study tured upwards of 500 tanks fruits and vegetables. Conside. The five home based onerational this country as a kind of chi foreiga theatres of operation in North 1, 000 pieces of artillery, several rable quantities of canned fruits Commands of the were valrous contest governed by the the course of a trip to all in action. Let us take each rules of sport, could bring about Africa.
thousand transport vehicles and and vegetables were also proin turn.
has been brought about by the huge quantities of stores in its vided by New Zealand.
During the last two weeks of Varicties of canned goods pro advance into Tunisia 14 000 pricieath individual suffering and February Bomber vided in large quantities 50, 000 TROOPS Command ben taken up soners have to by of these young Americans. We Australia and New Zealand in operater on all 14 days and on now know what and whom we ciate.
12 nights. The wide extent of Lombardo Toledano has THE TRIUMPH OF SUPLIES cluded such items as: asparagus, are fighting and what must be revived public interest in Bomber Command the The Eighth Army has trained 2, 280, 000 pounds; beets, 2, 775, operations are not perhaps ge the face of the daylight done to wipe this scourge from issue by a speech before a Meand fought at the end of the 000 pounds; carrots, 2, 775, 00 earth. Y. xican labor union conference Times. longest supply line of any Allied pounds; fruit juices, 1, 355, 248 nerally known. Mosquitoes, Bostons, Venturas and Wellington at which he urged that a Mexifighting force any where in the pounds; peaches 1, 725, 000; parvolunteer expedition of were among the dayword a 12, 000 mile chips, 921, 960 pounds; lima Bine light raiders. The docks TO 50, 000 soldiers be FREEDOM SONS.
stretching from Britain around beans, 118, 125 pounds; cabbage, Dunkirk were hit repeatedly.
sent to a fighting front. He argued before the Cape of Good Hoce to 877, 000 pounds, and red cherrnaval stores at Rennes were des Victory alone will not bring a nearly 600 delegates of unions Egypi Te that long sea ime it ries, 321, 000 pounds.
troyed by Mosquitoes. a raid nobler world. But without vic claiming to represent 1, 280, 000 bas added an ever increasing Australians and New Zea followed up later by American tory for the United Nations the members that Mexico would haland line across Africa, landers contributed to American pounds heavy bombers. Each day Bom onward road is barred. Justice, ve no right to a voice at the The man responsible for the forces not quite nine ber Command detached aircraft religious freedom, liberty of peace table if no Mexican blood inmense feat of organisation of fruits and vegetables a person to fly anti submarine patrols political expression are forfeit were shed in the achievement which has enabled the eighth in terms of their total population with Coastal Command.
today over large tracts of the of victory.
Army to pursue its advance with in 1942, and most of this was Thousand Tons world surface. Victory for the Mexican labor unions groupin the an abundant supply of weapons, last six months. Lend.
At night, Germany was attack United Nations will make posed in the Mexican Labor felease shipments of fruits and stores, and foods, is Lieur Gen.
ed 10 out of the 14 possi! le sible the achievement of a more deration known as the Sir Wilfrid Lindsell, who vegetables in all forms from occasions. thousand tons of free, more just, more Christian have trained approximately at the head of a mini tration of the United States to all counbombs were dropped on St. Nacivilisation.
30. 000 members for some five the British Expeditionary Force tries in all of 1942 tota ed not years in military methods and in France in 1939 40. Had it not quite four pounds a person in zaire in one raid on February 28.
Several hundred mines were laid victory for the Axis. 20W many of these are desirous of en thanks to been for the complete efficiency terms of our population, inconceivable, the in energy coastal waters and esMost of the food received last tuaries where boats are wont tering the fight against fascism of his organisation the Army blood and tears and sweat and year by American forces from to linger and 60 per cent. of more actively.
advance could not bale beda sacrifice of millions vould maintained at its high rate Australia and New Zealand was de night sorties were directed have riveted the shackles. of Spanish refugees too form serve the Middle East provided in the last half of the against boak bases, including slavery on mankind.
a body interested in there are 120, 000 lorries, 720, 000 year. Australia is also now pro the blowing up of the Mariensiel But if the Axis cannot now battle again with the Axis and joining motor wheels are turning for viding food for United States explosives depot at Wilhelmswin, neither have they yet been they have a skeleton organizaforces in New Guinea and other which daily 2, 000 new tires are defeated. Strenuous, unrelent tion ready to collaborate with haven.
islands of the Southwest and issued.
ing effort is needed from all. any Mexican or pan American An army division needz 400 South Pacific theaters as well Nor was Fighter Command Perseverance in labour and samove.
tons of stores daily for ordinary as on the Australian mainlad. idle. It operated on 14 day crifice must still be the daily requirements. In the Middle Quartermaster General seven nights out of the 14. In lot of those who love frecciom.
staff East campaign this figure has has been magnificently backed one day a total of 750 soi ies Until the tyrant empires fall, SAYINGS been raised to 520 tons, becerise up by that of the newly formed were flown. Every day Spitfires the sons of freedom must and of the need of bringing up Corps of Royal Electrical and of Fighter Command were out will strive on.
on shipping protection patrols Eight the repaired We are planning to do our Nile along a pipeline to To numerable vehicles in the battle were occupied with the in miles into port. Seven nights rot catch us unawares. It will bruk. From El Agheila to the area and behind the lines.
same One out every five children bills south of Tripoli water is be a difficult tassk, because task. On the other hand Fighter in British elementary schools will be a difficult task, because During the first month of the Command flew patrols against entirely lacking.
Eighth Army advance no fex er enemy shipping on four days and takes his midday meal at it is not for this generation For several days before ihe than 1090 tanks were ura: sed two nights, making several atschool? School authorities are that you have got to build attack began on October 13rd of the battle, feruired, anu tacks at low level.
row serving more than a your peace, but for the children 4d.
4, 000 tons of stores were being ser! Had to the fight.
nights and on three days Fighter and 6d. dinners yet unborn. Mr. Bevin.
delivered daily by road and rail Between El Alamein and TriCommand attacked trains in daily. Our past has been one of to areas behind the line. In the poli units of the reenemy ocupied territ. During Airways flying boats and air change Luring 1942 British Overseas line itself the figting troops concovered many hundreds of ar this time also they shot down craft flew about 10. 000, 000 miles our future is also changing and and progress.
Unless sumed 2, 400 tons. daily of a moured vehicles (including ar 29 enemy aircaft.
stores. During artillery premoured cars and Bren carriers. Army Co operation Command in an aggregate flying time of progressing, and unless we are paration for attack field guns and 8, 975 vehicles (lorries made its first large scale bomb.
about 67, 250 hours, carrying prepared to accept the change alone fired 1, 000 tons. weight or vehicles of all types cthering raid on the night of Februa.
approximately 43, 000 pas and promote the progress, then of shells in an hour.
than armoured. They likewise ry 19, when it attacked the eiec 2, 250 tons of freight?
sengers, 850 tons of mail and those who come after us will 115. During one week of ihe ad repaired many hundreds of ar trical transformer statiors in the not have the same reason to be vance over 5, 000, 000 gallons of moured vehicles and 18, 750 Loire district Frai. Mus.
proud. Mr. Duff Cooper.
gasoline and more than 000 vehicles.
tons of ammunition tang fighters of the Corriand out into the Atlantic and over In one twenty four hour pe flew shipping and recomas.
were deall British waters. The plans for rehabilitation livered to the front.
riod 88 heavy tanks were resance patrols on 11 days.
During this period of 14 days of the occupied territories accept In short, everything from a paired in the battle area 36 of Constant Patrols in which thousands of offensive ed as a responsibility of the cake of soap to a tank engine them by one Corps alone.
sorties were flown by the five United Nations will entail the was. and continues to be, de One self contained recovery Finliy, Coastal Sommard operational Commands, setting up of new international livered up to schedule, and section, away from its base for whose duties are the most mono sorties against Great Britain, organisms which may well prove every man in the Eighth Army ten days, recovered a large tonous but the most arduo:s of German bombs were dropped useful for a multitude of comhad a Christmas dinner.
number of tanks and also the lot, maintained onti was on the 14 days, and, on three mon projects when once their THE WORK OF REPAIR AND brought in their crews and col night and day anti submarine of the night, and nine enery work of rehabilitation is finishRECOVERY. The work of the lectedsl200 prisonersad de la Biblioteca Naciohabi Maelexonnaissanctama paroisifaqat api retarde were destroyed ed. Sir Stafford Cripps.
was 38 to on fer. Most of the water for de Mechanical Engineers, which ha convoying the ships on their last IDO YOU KROW THAT best in order that peace shall a On four million ose Twento foi

    FascismFranceGermanyVicente Lombardo Toledano

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