
t PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, MAY 8th. 1943 JOSEF STALIN AS STATESMAN (Condensed from Christian Science Monitor)
LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY It is a tribute to Mr. Ludi border, pust as the democra wig breath of outlook, cies saw it, and knew his says in his in time was limited. He tried FABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS teresting article in the Chris Maginot fortifications, neu tian Science Monitor, that trality Pacts and Appease he adds Josef Stalin to his nient as the democracies LIMON SOAP FACTORY portrait gallery, for the So did, but only as elements of viet Leader career af delay. His main work was di fords few of those eccentri rected toward hardening, PRODUCTORA DE JABONES DE CALIDAD cities, human weaknesses or stiffening, disciplining, in (Fundada en 1910)
intriguing itens of private dustrializing and arming life, which liven the pictureſ the nation at a pace never for the popular biographer. deamed of in modern times Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS Beyond the fact that Sta In ten years the nation was lin has five telephones on re. vitalized, rejuvenated his desk, wears no necktie, and armed though not fully GARRON e HIJOS has his meals brought to ready. When the Prussians him by a soldier from eheswarmed over the border, LIMON APARTADO 17 Kremlin kitchens, is slow the people were prepared speaking and distant (or to stand by him. The demowas) and has had a gene cratic world, which had ima ral normal and uneventfu gined Stalinism to be Lenifamily life, the man and his nism, was amazed at the ren to school, Stalin sent BRIEF VISIT OF INTEREST 28. 000. 000. Under Stalin thoughts remain for the sight. It began to allow the Russia mineral resources Two other 23. 000 ton carria most part a closed preservere must be an integrity in the Implacable an dthe Inde were for the first time fully which assert: the Soviet. Britain is a fertile uncovered and worked. Gre mutl even Mr. Ludwig could not Continuing his treatment We much regret the very and natural genius springs fre penetrate.
of the subject. Mr. Ludwig, at colonizing schemes were brief view we had of Mr. 16 the whole people. The Pril All the romance of Sta we are assured, discarded. launched to provide labour mas Allen of San José, who Minister.
for the mines and the cons visited our city last week. Allin career lies, we are told, unnecessary details and On the battle fronts in what he has accomplis made it clear, possibly for truction of industrial centers cording to an age old adage clouds are lifting. The tide li ed for Rusia, which Mr the first time, how a false beyond the Urals. In the ear) he only drank a cup of wa turned, and turned for OC Ludwig claims is a great conception of Stalin poli ly stages, workers labourediter and rushed back to the whatever desperate and dead achievement of statesman sy had placed a false interunder great privations, with Capital insufficient food and unsa expedients the enemy may y ship at a time when many in pretation on almost everytifactory working conditi resort to nhis despair. Vietos telligent people regarthing he did. He was censu Tony is one of our or is coming nearer, however ded Stalinism and Leninis red on the ground of rob ons, simply because of the mer citizens who still main off it may yet be. Genej lack of time to properly or tains a warm affection Cor Li Smults.
as much the same thing bing the Russian people of each an affront to the moral liberty. Yet, the biographes ganize. Yet the work had to mon and her people. He is Bus conductresses have ser and economic integrity points out, the war made it be pushed and the workers sured a reciprocal warmth. nie ed the factory front with the capitalist system. He necessary for the Western is an ever welcomed guest. skill and devotion that nooi however, exclained It is a story of a whole Though aware of his busy life, in any war job has surpassed they Democracies to limit their are by no means the same own liberty, and they wish nation stripped and harnes we trust he will, on his next. Mr. Philip Noel Baker, Joi that, to the contrary, they they had started earlier. Sta sed to a great purpose, countrip, find it possible to inske Parliamentary Secretary, a ting no sacrifice too severe; a longer stay.
are poles apart. Lenin belin was also accused, we are nistry of War Transport.
the lieved in defeat, Stalin ir told, of oppressing the far for the great task emancipation of the race. victory. Lenin preached that mers, of driving men MODITETIT TALOTERAPIA invader.
wtthout world revolution, work under appaling condi from fear of the There are some dark times Soviet Russia was lost. Stations, and ofthe ruthless HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA of ruthlessness in Stalin lin preached that Russia transplanting of the popu must stand on her own feet. lace. In the light of Russia career, which Mr. Ludwig LIMON CITY does not, we are told, gloss Stalin found Russia a vast defence requirements, Special Attention and Price for Families.
disorganized, poverty tric these dictatorial acts have over; but his main purpose Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath is to tell, by a simple narraken mass, beaten in the become intelligible and ha tion of the facts, how this THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
field and believing in de ve been approved.
Schoemaker son from Geor CANTINE WELL ASSORTED feat. He saw the trouble The Czars are stated to HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION from Prussia breking on the have sent 8, 000, 000 child gia taught the Russians to know their strength and to ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor find faith in their destiny.
RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, LIMON Bajo el Fuego en Túnez When in this Čity from the Line Towns and Coasts come to the above named Restaurant. the service you have e long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders.
OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We buy Costa Rica Lottery OCTAVIUS THOMPSON (Better known as Edwin)
Proprietor. Box 52 to aj WM The vote of the people is the law of the land and the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service.
West of the city Market, MOTHERS DAY CON CERT BY BAPTISTS All is said to be fully pre hude some new talent pared for the Mothers Day As the programme will be Concert slated for presenta dedicated to the annual cletion in the Faptist Church on ration connected with othe night of Tuesday next, herhood. an overwhelming the 11th. instant. The partici support is specially urged and pants will, we understand, in anticipated.
GAMEZ LUMBER YARD 4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to GAMEZ LUMBER YARD We never have a dissatisfied Customer PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET Tropas estadounidenses en Túnez, continuan su marcha después de haber sido atacadas por bombarderos nazis. Soldados del cuerpo médico atienden a un herido, mientras las tropas estadounidenses siguen su marcha en medio de dos grandes explosiones.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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