
SATURDAY, MAY 8th. 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE DAGE 11 SUNDAY SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT BANNER SUCCESS a of ausAN In Fond and Never Fading Memory ANTI NAZI DISTURBANCES AND MANIFESTATIONS On the evening of Monday the audience. The principal, outstanding credit for the richiy the 3rd, instant there was pre characters were the Misses prepared and presented proIt is reported that during re also occurred in Hunga sented in the Hall of the St. Goulbourne, as the Mother, gramme.
the May Day manifestations ry.
Mark Parish programme Delpratt, as a diligent young the treets of Sofia, Bulga Under date the 5th. ins which fully illustrated the soul gatherer, Hilda Blake, who ria, were strewn with pam tant, London reports the as great pains taken in the de typified one who was too much phlets bearing legends of a sassination of an unusually velopment young taient. engaged with the reading gainst the Germans, Hter large number of Nazi ad. The treat was under the war news to pay attention, at and the Bulgarian traitors. herents. Two Fascist were pices of the scholars of the first, to the religious pamphlet Similar manifestations al shot in Brussels, two Gesta Sunday School, who kept their issued by the little Missiosary, so took place in Macedonia po Chiefs were killed in candles lighted from the rising Time, however, cured his ully and other cities which cau Bergen, Norway: Seven Ges of the curtain till the final fall, and he bowed to that Power sed the arrest of seven hun tapo Agents were also ki The contributions were Ten that is greater than all.
dred persons.
lled in Poland, in addition dered with marked efficiency Mrs. Lawrence and Miss BV Ser ous manifestations of to twenty between the 27th, and each conformed with the Blake harmoniously sang discontent and protests Season of Easter. Among a and 30 th. ultimo.
the the duet, in prose, Nailed to gainst the continued warfareciters were the Misses Ca the Cross. group presentatherine Delpratt, who had her tion of the immortal narrative Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the lamp well trimmed in deliver Rock of Ages was an item of pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon ing the opening address, Grace high merit. The members of the Barber Shop. West of the city Market, Tyndall, Eulalee Cole, Adry choir connected with the SunJoseph, Evon Milliner, Da day School impressively renvis, Edwards, Forde, dered the several items of hoShaw, Smith, Hawes, ruses and individual solos.
Davis, Blake, Masters Mr. Edward Jackson was the Bramble, E, Davis, Blake, evening special pianist Mr. Grant and others who pre Jos. Thomas presided. Mr.
formed in groups The voices Daysley, Mrs. Lawrence GENL. MONTGOMERY of the Misses Blake and Caider and the other leaders deserve in Command of the 8th British Army blended richly in their duet Just hold on. The Misses An.
gela Mohs, Blake and EuJalee Cole made most impressive representations in the yespective scenes of the CruxifiA great impulse, borne on the breath of heaven, cion, Resurrection and the Ahas overshadowed us ever since deat took away doration. Like that of a widow cur dearly beloved Husband and Father moan, Mrs. Doris Gray voice, GEORGE MILES from behind the screen, personified the sinner who was ent.
He has passed away, but memory for him lingers; wined in the mixed recitation His was a life devoted, sincere and sacrificing. Sinner and a Song, pa Whenever there was an occasion which entailed thetically presented by Miss Hil sadness da Blake with her sister Edith He would take more than his lot to lessen that of officiating at the piano. Betty others.
with a smile. a drama with Not dead, but sleepeth. Not lost, but gone before.
a penetrating moral and highly flavoured humour, thrilled WIDOW. DAUGHTERS SONS.
GENERAL EISSENHOWER who has directed the Tunisia Canipaign.
ES RICO EN VITAMINAS Don say you need a hair cut. say you need a FACIL DE PREPARAR Dixon Hair cut. from Dixon Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
50 THOUSAND QUINTALS NICARAGUAN UN ALIMENTO 100 DE ALTO VALOR NUTRIRICE FOR TIVO JAPS. MENACED BY GUERRILLA WARFARE We note the report that may adversely affect Costa PARA NIÑOS ADULTOS the government authorities of Rica in view of the fact that the United States of America several orders from our me EXIJALO EN TODOS LOS have acquired a total of ty porting merchants are vendNEGOCIOS The Japanese are being ting a very effective guerrithousand quintals of rice in ing in the neighbouring Reconfronted with a stubborn lla warfare against the in Nicaragua, which represents, public, and should these be resistence in the pursuance vaders. Renewed and intenit is estimated, the amount of not filled, it is not unlikely of their efforts to complete sified Japanese activities that country over produc another rise will be noted a the conquest of the Philli. are reported underway with tion available for exportation. the price of the locally proppine Islands. The combi a view of eliminating the Local informed persons are duced article.
ned forces of the North resistence.
of the opinion this transaccion mericans and native patri It has also been reported ots are said to be conduc from Burma that the Ка NATIONAL CONGRESS MEETS IN ORDINARY chin tribesmen, regarded as among the world fiercest HOTTHON ACTUALITAT SESSION guerrilla warriors, recently FRIO CALIENTE ES DELICIOSO killed a large number of Japs in tha north of the Mid the accustomed gorge, Tomas Guardia were respecFOR INFANTS AND country and caused the an nihilation of another group, ous but notwithstanding im tively 12 lected President ADULTS pressive ceremonials, the Na and Vice President of the Le RICH IN VITAMINS by making known their con centration camp to Allied tional Congress initiated its gislative Body. Sur Congrats.
EASY TO PREPARE Airmen. The Kachins 1943 Session on Saturday last It is anticipated that the known to be the bitterest the 1st. of May.
present year WOL will SOLD IN ALL BUSINESS enem. yof the Japs. andi HOUSES By the votes of 34 of the cover many projects of vital being natural bushmen are 44 attending legislators Lic. importance to the Repuclic fully versed in forest fighdon Teodoro Picado and don general welfare.
படயய யம CHOCOLACTO are NEWS Tome y coma lo que guste SALOMON CHIN Estrada. LA IBERIAN o Sal Uvina Abarrotes y Licores lo compone. Precios Económicos GENL. ANDERSON who directs the 1st. British Army Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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