p. 12


PAGE 12 SATURDAY, MAY 8th. 1943 FROM BRITAIN BULLETINS means an asat Germany, and that NAZI BIRTHRATE FALLS an on ILE OTHE BELLS RING IN BUILD WORLD OF 14. MATCHLESS BIGGEST BOMBING BRITAIN ENGLAND PEACE TUOJ SINCE COLOGNE INDOMITABLE TUTOS young veteran of convoy Everywhere in England the If the great moral principles battles and of hundreds of air thurch bells are ringing again. by which men live are forgot raids from the Artic to the Me Duisburg, target for the night ABOARD THE AIRCRAFT In bombed Canterbury and ali ten or paid only a conventional diterranean is the British des of Monday, April 26, is well CARRIER INDOMITABLE, at the ancient towns built about reverence, then disaster falls troyer Matchless, com known as the largest Inland Sea (Delayed. AP. preyd the medieval cathedrals; in upon mankind as inevitably as missioned in February 1942, port in Europe.
and powerful symbol of searovWestminster and the leafy the breaking of a rotten bough and now starting her second What this is ihating air might this great gray squares of ravaged London; in from which the sap has depart year at sea.
roughly three quarters of all vessel made her public bow tothe cloistral quadrangles of Ox ed.
ford and Cambridge; in the steeThe story of her first year cargoes carried on the Rhine day as the youngest queen If money making becomes an ple topped vilages of the South end in itself, if the pleasure of and achievement a story of daring, endurance, the principal traffic artery for but already a veteran among includes coal, coke and iron ore in the Great Britain flattops.
Downs and the Great North the moment mocks at moral three convoys to Russia, and Ruhr pass throug Duisburg, One of the four sister ships Road, the familiar chime of restrains, if justice falls from one to Malta a running battle either down river to Rotterdam of the 23. 000 ton Illustrious bells, so long unheard, falls on its high estate, if the sovereign with Italian cruisers and des or up river to Cologne, Mann class, the Indomitable had the air once more. As much as ty of the State is uncontrolled heim troyers in the Mediterranean; and Karlsruhe. Some unanounced (launching more France or Italy, England is a hy the higher sovereignty of and 269 air raids in Malta.
Rhine traffic also proceeds than a year ago and until now land of churches. For centuries the laws of God, then disaster The speed with which ac from Karlsruhe to Italy and has been too busy for a formal the English have lived to the comes tions folowed one another is Switzerland.
coming out.
sound of bells, hoarse or mellow Dictatorship, Hitlerism is High. spotting shown by the fact that for three the Indomiin the oldest belfries, sweet and the logical fruit of a soulless months the Matchless mail The growing inadequacy of table elusive career to date solemn as they sing across the materialism. In the red warn failed to catch up with her. On rail transport, and the educ was a dash into the Indian fields, but always as constant. ing light of oppression and ag several occasions the destroyer, tion of road transport to a mi ocean in which her Hurricane as characteristic of life in that gression. we see clearly truths bound out of port for a new nimum in Germany, have made. squadrons destroyed or winged island, as the fog or fied we had forgotten.
adventure, sailed past the in it necessary for the Germans to fifty seven of 100 Japanese riid or the cheerful lit in the voices How men are giving their rely more and more on water ers making their first big coming mail ship.
of the people.
all to defend the eternal founand only one so far For three years the Enlish dations of honour and freedom. ment was to escort a convoy to tack on the port area of Dais upon Ceylon on April 4, 1942.
The Matchless first assign transport. The effect of inat sault have missed the clangor and me And it is on these recovered lody of Bow Bells and the bells foundations that we must baila Russia. It was on this trip that burg is comprable to the om It was a blow that helped larthe ship received her baptis bardment of locomotive r gely in turning the Japanese of Saint Martin and the great the world of peace.
mal air attack. On another Rus duction centres and the shoot tide of invasion in those waters.
bells of Durham and York and sia bound After that came a turn in the the ing up of individual locomoconvoy trip Lincoln. The silent belfries have II MINES WERE LAID Matchless picked up 200 survi tives.
Mediterranean, shepherding the been a heavier reminder of war vors of a stricken cruiser. For Malta convoys that helped save than the dark streets at night Because the tonnages of. that island bastion from five days, the 920 ton destro ported iron ore needing to be ihe There must be a great lift of the The phrase from yer. one of the largest built moved into Axis.
heart as the bel ring again, for commcniques, Mines were laid for the Royal Navy. had on Sweden are so large, it is athe Ruhr irom the sound is not just a special in enemy waters. gives no clue board more survivors than crew tural that Now she is flying the wenconcession for Holy Week, or to the very daring flying pe members. Overloaded Duisburg alsonant of Vice Admiral Arthur another signal of victory, like rations which this work invol was, the Matchless fought off largest iron and steel works in der of the Royal Navy Carrier as she there should be some o: the St. George Lyster, commanthe peals that rang out for El ves. am told that mine laying 10 dive bombing attacks, Alamein. Mr. Churchill has an from the air has virtually and arrived safely in port.
and Germany. Among these are il. Fleet seafarer of thirty five nounced that henceforth the ed the iron ore trade Hutte Ruhrort Meide ich but years service.
which bells will sound tenbetrieb Meiderich, Huitta Vul As the admiral flagship, the as in prewar once flourished between Swe.
kan, and Sta. Indomitable days, and this means for Vereinigte is the den and the reigning werke Neiderrbeinische. The queen of the carrier force English people assurance there is difficulty now in findthat the Government believes ing crews for ships this existence of large units of the which Alexander, First iron and steel industries in Lord the danger of invasion is past. route.
of the Admiralty, an.
Deep concern is felt in Ger Duisburg have also resulted in Inounced Jan 13 as stronger The ordinary citizen, working see, also that a couple of many at the drastic fall in the the development there of the now than at the war start, and praying and gritting his German cruisers have returned number of births in 1942, teeth month after weary month, to a Norwegian port much da revealed in the latest official cal industries. Among these time back.
as heavy engineering and chemi She was at Norfolk, Va. so. ne will feel as he listens that the maged by something the Navy figures published in the Mannesmann From Mr. Alexander stateworst of the war is over. In the cannot explain. have no doubt chaft und Statistik. The num Rohrenwerke (who make inctal ment it may be assumed that voice of the bells this week he that this is another of the fruits ber of live births in 1942 was tubes. railway wagon plants the Indomitable and the famed hears not only the promise of of Mines were laid in enemy about 240. 000 or 290. 000 te at Westwaggon, heavy machine Ilustrious have been joined in Resurrection, Easter eternal waters.
wer than in 1941.
pledge that life triumphs over tool plants, and the alkali and service by their other sisters, death. He hears the beat of iemWhen Hitler came into power sulphuric acid plants of Mates the Formidable and the VictoPIN POINT NAVIGATION in 1933 the birthrate was 14. und Weber, and Chemis rious.
poral victory, the clear intimaIn laying their mines the a 000. As a consequence tion that the end of the fight work to a very careful moral pressure exerted by the of che Fabrik Curtius. Two other 23. 000 ton carriers; the Implacable and the Indefamay come sooner than he plan. The big bombers which Nazi Government, reinforced tigable were scheduled for omthought. More convincingly than carry the mines have no fighter by social legislation, the birth NAZIS FORGED LETER pletion in 1942.
any other voice the old bells escort as they fly through the rate reached 18. a 000 in All these, plus numerous contell him that England is saved, dark. It is essential that they 1936, 20. in 1939 and again in reach their target without being 1940, 18. in 1941, but verted carriers, more than ofonly SAYINGS Belgian authorities in Lon set Britain six wartime carrier seen by the enemy, and it is 15. in 1942. so that almost don recently exposed what was losses Ark Royal, Couraessential, also, that they navi the whole of the increase which described as one of the nean geous, Glorious, Hermes Eagle Oil is the fighting fuel of gate literaliy to a pin point.
was achieved under the Hitler est forgeries ever put out by land Avenger, the last named a this war. No complacency is With engines shut off, ibey regime has heen lost again. the Nazis. It was a letter sup. converted merchantman.
tolerable in this battle until the glide over the area of water posedly from Cardinal van With her fighter and torpedo immense quantities required being sown, and then Roey, Archbishop of Machelen, squadrons the Indomitable put for the offensive plans focecast the mines, which float down DO YOU KNOW THAT professing support of the Na Ion an amazing demonstration by the Prime Minister and the on parachutes and sink just zis. The Cardinal has denied today of the punch she and her President have been supplied below the surface. Thousands its authorship.
brood pack.
to the vital fronts and bave os mines have been laid in this Royal Air Force and Royal In February, Dutch Catholic One of the participating Alplayed their essential part in way by the since the Navy pilots gave experience bishops issued a pastoral letter bacore pilots was Lieutenant securing victory. Mr. Geof war began.
flights to over 60. 000 Air Train denouncing the Nazis for cle Frederick Bradley, 25 years of frey Lloyd, Petroleum Secreing Corps cadets during sum porting Dutchmen to Germany age, of St. Louis, Mo. the only tary. On an average our anti air mer camps last year. 15 as laborers and for other in American among the Indomirelations with uor craft gunners are to day shoot times as many as during the justices. The following day, the table 1, 700 officers and igen.
French Allies are excellent, ing down eight enemy previous year? In all, more Hilversum and Paris radios never flew plane at They are gradually working up planes for the same number of than 100, 000 cadets nearly broadcast an announcemnent home. said the sandy haired strong fighting forces ready toro which it took to shoot half the whole corps. flew that Cardinal van Roey had son of Mr. and Mrs.
take a full part with ourselves down one in the autumn of with the For the RN. sent a letter to Belgiaa ard Bradley, whɔ lived in New and the Americans. Admi 940. Mr. Duncan Sandys, during 1942.
Dutch priests calling on them York and Boston before movral of the Fleet Sir Andrew Parliamentary Secretary to Mi Malta based Mosquitoes flew to support the Nazis.
ing to St. Louis.
Cunningham, Allied Naval nistry of Supply.
nearly 200. 000 miles harrying Word of the letter, which But had the urge to get in Mediterranean. Enterprise and initiative Axis air, sea and land commu was not mentioned in Belgian into this scrap, so left llar have to warn the country will in the future as in the past nications during January, 1943? broadcasts, finally reached the vard and came to England by that when the next rationing be essential for this country. More than 250. 000 boys in Cardinal, whə issued a formal way of Canada as an ordinary period starts on September believe that if you are going England and Wales wilí probab and biling denial. The Cardinal seaman in 1940.
there certainly will not be to have those necessary enter ly help with the harvest this protested against the Gerrian After got my wings in more than 48 coupons per year prises both on the part of capital year? In Scotland it is exuect reports and denied that he had the Royal Navy the United and the number may well be and labour, you must see that led that 53. 000 children will as ever proposed for the Belgians States got into the war. talkmuch less. Mr. Hugh Dal labour has a new deal in the sist with lifting the potato crop to join the Nazis in a crusade ed it over with the officers and ton, President of the Board of future. Sir William Jowitt, and 000 to. 000 in gather against Communism. New we decided could do my bit Trade.
Minister Without Portfolio.
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ing corn, York Times, March 31. better by staying put. Wirts latter are 60 196 FOTO 20 cel ase RANDON Our aeroa


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