
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Every man should endeavour to maintain in himself favourable opinion of the powers of the human mind; which are, perhaps, in every man, greater than they appear, and might by diligent cultivation, be exalted to Editor: JOS. THOMAS a degree beyond what their possessor presumed believe YEAR VIII LIMON, MAY 15th. 1943 to BOX 199 No. 373 are been VIOLENT ENCOUNTERS ON RUSSIAN FRONTS NAZI OCCUPIED ON BEHALF OF OUR NEEDY ONES EUROPE IN REBELION The Soviet artillery and our have so affected the Nazis that The ill effects of life de not generally signal their units have so weakened the they will be unable to initiate approach, and though there are many schools of experience enemy fortifications which pro their threatened spring offen As was always anticipawhere we could have acquired a precautionary study, most tect the important base of No sive.
ted, the Allied victory in of us have not headed vorossisk, that it is reported North Africa has greatly af In their endeavours to secure their daily bread, many a body of Russian troops woe fected the pecole of the Eu disembarked in the vicinity.
rapean countries occupied have been rewarded with sorrow, misfortune and disabilities. On the Volkhov front, te by the Nazis.
Evidence of these conditions are by no means wanting in immediate south of Lenin, caAdvices reaching London chis city, and those who suffer under these ill results are de artillery activities are said declare that revolutionary seemingly on the increase. These unfortunates, wha to have grwatly increased, as activities had commenced the result of an effort on the in Holland and had spread forced to find their daily food as best they may, can be part of the Russians to avoid across the frontier to Belseen imploring the aid of our more favoured ones in their any important enemy movegium where a series of atprivate dwellings, our business men during their most oc ment in their rearguard. Inten tacks against the German cupied moments, in addition to the pedestrians along our sified air bombings have also troops, their military esta been resumed with much efblishments and communica thorough fares. Depressed by want, many have been known fectiveness over important rail tion lines had takenp place.
to lose their reasoning faculties. The situation is greatly road junctions, air fields and so be deplored and calls for early remedial action.
motorized colums in the rear Acts of sabotage and mo Apart from a few denominational charitable societies, positions of the Nazis. Kiev, vements of general resistenthere is no established center where the golden spray of Orel and Bryansk have suffece were also reported under red from further raids.
way in Poland, Norway, Yu Charity can be sprinkled on those who worthily seek it. The goeslavia and Greece.
inauguration of such a place is urgently required, and would Intense fighting is said to Much concern has act as a baim, not only for the needy ones and the busy have taken place during the caused in military circles citizen, but would aid in the purification of our city social past few days in the Lissiof the Reich by the request atmosphere.
chansk zone in of Mussolini that Hitler the Donetz General Sir Alexander, ve him an immediate supply The professona. the businessman, would, we opine, prearea, where the Germans initiated the attack with infantry of the Allied Forces in of anti aerial artillery and fer to donate a fortnightly or nonthly sum than to be sub and tanks but were repelled Tunisia airplanes.
jected to the many individual applications throughout the with much loss in their inancourse of each day. Our fraternal organizations and other power and material.
well established societies would also, we believe, willingly Its is the general opinion, in Neither parents nor children are content if the Hairmilitary circles, that the vio cut was not done at Dixon Barber Shop contribute, in so far as may be consistent wth their funds, West of the lence of the Russian attacks city Market ot fixed periods, to the operations of such a charitable center. Ways and means could also be found to obstain odditional support from the general public.
BRITISH TROOPS CACAO PRODUCERS STILI FACE DIFFICULTIES We urge the early initiation of something along these lines which will relief the sufferings of a number of our MOVED TO VICINITY OF citizenry and improve communal conditions. It should be The two major products very reasonable figures, in remembered that in as much as we do it unto one of the MARTINIQUE on which the economic life both the North American least of our brethren we do it unto the Giver of all earthly of this Zone hinged were Ba and Colombian markets, possessions small contingent of nana and Cacao. The former where we dispose of the troops have been reported bade us good bye some ti bulk of our production, the transferred from Barbados to me ago, while the latter is local purchasing rate is yet Dominica, another of COMPLAINT BY MEAT SELLERS IN CITY MARKET West Indian group of Islands ing for breath undergoing a sort of gasp maintained at a rate they existence regard as much too low, par belonging to the British Em consequent on the difficulticularly when consideration For quite some time we we are assured it is by no pire. As Dominica is but fifties still being experienced is given the continued uphave been hearing complaints means sufficient.
ty six kilometros off the coast in connection with maritime ward trend in the general by the meas sellers in our city As a consequence of the in of the Island of Martinique transportation.
cost of living, which natural market with respect to the tense heat and slow trade the a French Colony under the The cultivators however, ly affects the expenses they need of more ventilation in sellers claim they are faced governship of admiral Geor now claim that the unfavou must face, in the raising their stalls, rot only to erable with daily losses by the deges Robert, with whom the rable situation has been lar and reaping of the product.
their enjoying a milder tem terioration of the meat. We United States of America se gely aggravated by an ex It is the hope of these perature, but to permit better have no doubt that if the com vered relatic ship recently in ceedingly good crap, and struggling workers that apreservation forheir meat. plaintants presented their case view of the refusal of the na that in as much as it is their nother effort will be made In view of the present heat to our highly esteemed Go val officials stationed there to understanding that the prby the powers that be to afwave, there is certainly an ur vernor and our much regard. co operate with the United ce of the essential commodi ford them some appreciable gent necessity fo ropenings in ed Municipal Fathers, who Nations, the present move by ty has been stabilized, at relief.
the ceiling over the compart are almays ready to lighten the British authorities is ren ments. An efort was made, the hardships borne by all, garded as significant.
shortly after the assignment classes of our citizenry, the number of British navai of the stalls, to effect an ame required adjustment will be nits are also said to have lioration in this respect, but forthcoming.
BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT reached the Island of Domi: nica.
Sapolio Island Palm Soap Lard, lb. 50 Starch, Ib. 35 Bosco, jar. 00 Sweet Oil, bot 60 Klim, tin 80 Oats, Ib. 45 00 50 25 80 Visit the New Broadway Store (Opposite La Victoria Coffee Shop, Limon City)
We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh Merchandise LA PROVEEDORA where you will find the newest assortment in Clothing and general Furnishings at the Lowest Prices.
LIMON General VON ARNIM, taken prisoner in North Africa Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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