
SATURDAY, May 15th. 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE THE PASSING OF DON MIGUEL BORRAS we THE CARIBBEAN PACKING COMPANY THE CACAO FARMER FRIEND WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO OW Those accustomed to visit and words truly represent the Coffee Shop and generalſ his innersmost, then, commodity House on the think, we are correct in saylower floor of the Pension ing don Miguel has been callAmerica in this city, will no ed for greater service in anolonger enjoy the pleasing pre ther world, where he will be sence aud courteous treatment free of all pain.
of don Miguel Borras, who On the afternoon following was the proprietor, for on his sad passing, the funeral Thursday of the past week service was solemnized in our death took him from us. Cathedral by the Rev. Fr.
Other than for the imme John. The cortlage was com diate purposes of his trade, posed of a large number of he at all times generously persons drawn from all ranks placed his shop space at the of our citizenry. To his sordisposal of those who await rowing widow, two chil ed incoming freight and pas dren and other relatives the senger trains; the facility was ATLANTIC VOICE tenders greatly appreciated.
its deepest condolence. May Don Miguel was a native the soul of our departed of Spain and a Costarriean citizen find eternal rest.
by adoption If a man acts RUBBER?
WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR Rubber Reserve Co.
CINE MUNDIAL. LIMON REV. J. AND Mrs. EVANS TAKE BRIEF RESTI Though his manifold. rés hended by Mr. Daysley, HEARTY WELCOME REV. Dr. PAU! BURGESS TO BE SPECIAL PREACHER ponsibilities could hardly the Catechist, will, we undes permit it, yet as his health tånd, during the Rector ab Our diplomatic circle has AT METHODIST CHURCH demandad a change of clima sence, handle such matters as been reinforced by the pre tes and rest, the Rev. may be consistent with their sence of don Raul Alvarez Evans of our Anglican Cure, charge. Alvarado, the new Vice Con The Atlantic Voice wis sul of the neighbouring and been afforded the pleasing :r temala for thirty The ATLANTIC VOICE has dians of the Republic of Cta.
left the city last week for a brief stay in the Capital. He he the Dean and Mrs. Evans friendly Republic of Panayears or formation that the results from ma. We extend him a right Paul Burgess will be the spe that he has translated the Mrs. the very best was accompanied by Rev Dr. more. It has also been stated Evans.
their short change and a safe hearty welcome.
For the benefit of our estee cial guest preacher at the Me, writings of the New Committee, return to St. Mark The Vestry Testamed readers we pass the ir at both the forenoon and eyrn Indians among whom he thodist Church, in this city, ment into the dialect of the formation that the Panama nian Vice Cinsulate is locate ing services on Sunday tie worked. So distinguished a 23rd. instant. CARE HOLNESS ted next door to our MuniChristian workers will, we are cipal Offices, directly in Dr. Burgess is said to be a sure, have much of outstandCorner 2nd Avenue ard 7th Street front of Park Vargas.
well known missionary whoring interest to say.
las laboured among the 1 directly in front the Football Ground.
This New Eating and Refreshing Spot Satisfaction, the desire of the masses, is to be had at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
is now at the Public Service COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREME ON OUR BILLBOARD Cardenal denuncia el paganismo nazi EASTER PROGRAMME AT OLD HARBOUR Green: ny reached a praiseworthy Churchill in Washington On Easter Sunday, the He is not here. He is risen.
25th. ultimo, a Cantata was Come see the place whe staged at the coastal town re Jesus laid. The touching of Old Harbour (Puerto Vie scene of the Sepulchre was jo) under the auspices of, an added item of impressiGeneral PATTON the local branch of the Univeness. Miss Violet Barnes who Commanded North Ameve sal Negro Improvement also greatly impressed the rican Forces in Tunisia Association.
mind of the audience by her The preliminaries, inclu discourse. From the Man ding the Association ope ger to the Cross. She rea ning Ode, From land ley Monntains. we standard. Other splendid ad Accompanied by a nuin re effected under the lead dresses were contributed by ber of military officials Pre ership of the President, Messes. Gray, Douglas, mier Churchill arrived in who after delivering his ve Allwood and Davis. The re Washington, last ry interesting remarks of citations and songs by the Tuesday to hold another con welcome, introduced Mr. Jo children and choristers sho ference with President Rco seph Reid of Hone Creekwered fragrance on the eve sevelt.
as Chairman.
ning entertainment. Mrs Speculation is wife as to Reid closing remarks dis the reason for the conferen The programme was ba played how highly he meri ce at this time. The prevais sed on the Crucifixion and ted his appointment. The en ling opinion is that it is Resurrection of Christ, and tertainment has left a very for the purpose of making much credit is due the Choir pleasing memory on all. final arrangements for ar: master, Mr. Eugene Roper, early invasion of the Eurowho so very efficiently ar NEUTRAL OBSERVER pean Continent is view of ranged the entertaining the North African victory.
items. Playet, embodying the sacred narrative was Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso piously presented. Followde su recibo que dice: ing this very impressive item, Miss Hazel Richard Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro son, effectively personified de los primeros 10 días de cada mes the Angel who had rolled the stone away from the se Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena pulchre. The Blessed Mary de tener que cortar su servicio was stirringly represented by Mrs. Barrett. In pathetic tones, Miss Pichardson said. Fair not Mary, for know ye seek the body of Jejus Who was cruffied.
El Cardenal Schuster, denunciando las organizaciones que fomentan las blasfemias con fines políticos, hizo saber al pueblo de Alemania que Italia no debe ser seducida por misiones políticas contra Cristo. El pueblo italiano está identificado con la civilización latina, la cual, por más de 17 siglos, ha sido consolidada por la cristiandad. No creo que partidarios de tales tendencias irreligiosas pertenezcan a la Archidiócesis de Milán. Es muy posible que esos individuos vengan de otras regiones. Por eso prevenimos a nuestros seres queridos para que estén en guardia.
Al afirmar que Italia no ha necesitado adoptar las creencias religiosas o el orden social de Cardenal Sehuster otros pueblos, el prelado declaro que no es difícil saber de NUEVA YORK. El cardenal donde proceden todos estos moIldefonso Schuster, Obispo de vimientos paganos.
Milán, lanzó una protesta con El discurso, transmitido por tra las doctrinas paganas nazis la radio del Vaticano, es una en un discurso que pronunció en prueba más de los informex res alemán a través de la radiodifu cibidos acerca de que, en el sora del vaticano. La radiodi pueblo italiano día a día aufusión, captada en esta ciudad menta la intranquilidad por la por la Federal Communications infiltración del paganismo en Commission, refleja claramente Italia, así como por el creciente la reaeçión favorable que pro aumento del número de propadujo, ya que después se pudo ver gandistas debido a la amenaz en Italia gran número de tropas de la invasión aliada a través nazis.
del Mediterráneo.
SK close We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back of receip: wiricñ reads: This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month Be so good as to comply with thig request and do not cblige us to suspend our service, a step which wo would much regret to take.
COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
2012 tasivno tolesnika bia


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