
AN PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, May 15th. 1943 از Mothers Day Observed RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO IN MEMORIAM by Methodists EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, LIMON In loving and unceasing Memory When in this city from the Line Towns and Coasts come of our affectionate and dear Sister In keeping with their an to the above named Restaurant the service you have nual custom, the Methodists long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool MARIE LOUISE BAILEY of this city, paid tribute to drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders.
who was surrimoned by an Angel on May 15th. 1919 Motherhood on Sunday last OPEN DAY AND NIGHT the 9th. instant, the obser We buy Costa Rica Lottery vance was interwoven with OCTAVIUS Twenty four years have passed, but the vent in THOMPSON the regular services. Better known as Edwin)
our hearts is yet unmended. She was a sister, Proprietor. Box 52 faithful, gentle, kind and loving.
An afternoon entertain Marie, what a beautiful memory you have ment was given by the left behind!
Young People associated 25 PER CENT INCREASE IN TERRITORIAL TAX with the Denomination. Sea Thaddeus. Carmeta. Madlin soning the items were addSUGGESTED resses by Mr. Herbert van Horn and Miss Violet Sten Our large circle of esteemed, derstood, been initiated, nett. Prayer was effected by readers will, we are Miss Edith Grant sure, jointly by a number of Mr.
MAY QUEEN CONTEST AND CORONATION and the scripture reading be interested to learn that nicipal Boards, who desire accomplished by Miss Linda a movement is reported in that the inerease, if deere JU If we were invited to give mental musical programme. Brown. Mr. Leslie Angus derway to have the Executed, be applicable to their al respective provincial inte a new Beatitude to the world Very regrettable, Mrs. Lynch, presided over the very im ve Authority authorize increase of twenty five per rests.
it would be. Blessed are who has been an outstanding pressive programme.
cent in the present Territothose who give their best sup luminary in past contests, will The proposal is supposed rial Tax rates.
port to the things destined to be unable to assist, as she is INIMERITE to be receiving the attention The effort has, it is un of the government.
extended the Gospel Message a patient in one of the sick of our Blessed Redeemer, for institutions in San José; she JOSE ACHION Ng their will be the dutcwal of went up yesterday, accompani The vote of the people is the law of the land and His Benediction.
ed by the Major, who declared Comerciante detallista the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service.
In this connection we have am not sure my return city.
been given the intration can be effected for Monday Licores; Abarrotes, Cristalería, that the local Salvati tin: night entertainment; howe Artículos de Ferretería y Eléchas established, on the furdver, the Contest will not be tricos; todo se encuentra en Gran éxito de la venta de bonos de guerra raising agenda, a yelly May postponed should be absent, este establecimiento.
Queen Contest, ad 11 for my faith is firm that the the current year, it will sincere and proven friends of PRECIOS DE SITUACION presented in tn Hall in the Army, under the guidance Monday night 117th of Mr. Peter Muir, Mrss Boosh, tant, commencing at. 30 the honorary officers and the sharp comrades of the Corps will PERSONAL The results, so far, of the carry o nand do greater things voting give rise, we learn, to in my absence.
an anticipated lively competi We are sure our citizens Our good friend and wition. In addition to this distin will not fail to give the well dely regarded agriculturist tive honour, there is promised established good cheer and of La Estrella, Mr. Reggie an interesting and impressive hearty support to the Salva Rouse, has again left us for reciting, singing and instruction Army worthy cause. the Capital. We, however, very much regret the know UTLLETTI LUTKEUNTEUM AUTOledge that he has gone to be with his much esteemed HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA wife who has had to submit to a surgical treatment, and LIMON CITY is a patient in one of the sick institutions up there.
Special Attention and Price for Families.
Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath We wish Mrs. Rouse an THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
early and full recovery.
CANTINE WELL ASSORTED HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor El presidente Roosevelt abre en la Casa Blanca la campaña que se acaba de iniciar en los Estados Unidos en pro de un empréstito SALOMON CHIN bélico de trece mil millones de dólares. la extrema derecha, el secretario del Tesoro, Henry Morgenthau.
AN EXPLANATION Estrada WÁSHINGTON. Los ciuda genthau en el sentido de que La danos de los Estados Unidos, inversión del dinero en Bonos de desde los más altos funcionarios Guerra proporcionará la ocasión LA IBERIA del Estado hasta los pobres jor de asestar nuevos y formidables naleros que se pierden en la mul golpes que harán estremecer We much regret the omis)
The notes were sent di Abarro es y Licores titud, no han escatimado en nada hasta los corrompidos y sansion of several news items rect to our printers in San su ayuda más desinteresada para grientos cimientos de la Alemaasegurar el éxito de la reciente nia nazi.
from our last Saturday im Jose but, unfortunately, we emisión de Bonos de Guerra por Imbuídos del más ardiente papression, among which was re not delivered to our re Precios Económicos valor de 13. 000. 000. 000, canti triotismo, y nada reacios en one regarding the celebra presentative in time for pu: dad que se empleará para ases cuanto al cumplimiento de sus tar nuevos y aplastantes golpes deberes, los ciudadanos estadoution of Mothers Day by the blication.
contra las naciones del Eje. nidenses han acudido con su Methodists.
El magnífico resultado que peculio esforzándose hasta lo intuvo en los primeros días la creíble por corresponder a los campaña iniciada para la venta sacrificios de sus soldados en los de dichos bonos constituye la frentes de batalla.
mejor prueba de que los ciudada Los informes que van llegando LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY nos de los Estados Unidos están de todas partes del país revelan dispuestos a hacer toda clase de que los bancos, casas de comersacrificios para asegurar la cio, almacenes, así como muchos victoria.
particulares, estaban adquirienFABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS La inmediata y favorable aco do bonos por valor de cientos de gida de que ha sido objeto la millones de dólares para que no emisión de bonos ha servido para llegue a interrumpirse el envío probar la veracidad de la decla de enormes cantidades de armas ración hecha por el Secretario de a los más apartados frentes de Hacienda señor Henry Mor combate.
Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS GARRON e HIJOS GAMEZ LUMBER YARD 4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to GAMEZ LUMBER YARD We never have a dissatisfied Customer PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET LIMON APARTADO 17 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerjo de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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