
, May sth.
943 PAGE 11 VISIT REV STANLEY CANNON TO THE TRI in Affectionate And Unforgettable Memory Prisioneros Nazis Love lives on and hath a power to remember the Lumon would certainly hadear ones hidden in the Unknown World. Today, ve appreciated and greatly enjoyed a more extended visit by over our loving Son and Brother the Rev. Stanley Cannon, Methodist Minister of Panama WILLIAM GOURZONG and Superintendent of the Pa namá. Costa Rica Circuit, but such was not, we learn with whose charming spirit took flighi sa May 17th. 1942 regret, consistent with his imLone on the paths and god is the thought paired health and other impeWhence th; bright smile and good nest are gone; rative circumtances.
But oh, a brighter home thas ourg is thine.
After airiving in San José, MOTHER. SISTERS. BROTHERS the distinguished visiter had unfortunately, to submit to and other Relatives surgical reatment and was not not sufficiently recovered to occupy the pulpit on his viMOTHERS DAY CONCERT BY BAPTISTS sit here. He was a nover night visiter the Rev. and Mrs.
How rich in promise and in, augmented the enter, ent Holmes and returned to the ca opportunity is the golden pe marvellously repeated legpital last Monday, preparatory 1iod of youth. Wha, mfiniteries of their youthfi dava La expresión de estos soldados que pertenecían a una división to taking air transportation for motorizada nazi, capturados por las fuerzas norteamericanas en wealth do the young posses in their boats were rowl in the Panamá.
Túnez, demuestra que los prisioneros no están descontentos de the gift of intellect. This was stream of eloquence and cha. The ATLANTIC VOICE a la suerte que les ha tocado.
the picture painted on the can rished reminiscence. dopts this medium to express vas of life and weighed on We mucho regret citcums its sincerest sympathy to the one mind in the scene presentances do not allow animal Rev. Mr. Cannon and his dated at the ing an The occasion of the Mothers merit, though it does not seen dearly beloved wife and mother SIQUIRRES RESIDENTS REQUEST OFFICIAL ACTION TO MOTOR Day Concert given on the ev possible we could ade grateiz who died in Panama whole la CURB IMMORAL INDULGENCES OF YOUTHS rening of the 11th. instant. effect the task. We wii huwe bouring in the interest of the The Tots who participated ver, say. It was the onla Master Vineyard.
proved individually and coilec half hours of Earu least number of the resixents tively worthy of the Grace of descended from abovi. The in and around the township of God and the tender care and climax to the itm was a scule BROWNE ABRAHAMS Siquirres have addressed a Pedevotion of Motherhood. to demonstrating Mother. 12:e in tition to the Jefe Político of whom they paid their trixute. Pantomine. with her affecCOMPRAMOS that town calling attention to Their deliberations were obtion, devotion an! lavignos the increasing inmoral endalously lifted to the puresc sky toward her offspring, as they gences among the yıt of of undisturbed beings The passed through lifes SASTOS COCOS COPRA. ACEITE DE COCO the localitly and reque lire words they uttered had knights from the cravdle to the grave imposition of such sules of edification, instruction and This created an impresiori in Apartado 362 as will put a top to me reverence. The adults wh: Iyond our capability. pon.
The memo is si to Don say you need a hair cut. say you need a. LIMON.
tave directed ecial attention Dixon Hair cut. from Dixon Barber Shop West of to the fact that the youngsters the city Market.
of today will be the men and women of tomorrw and that DR. FACIO CHIEF OF SURGICAL DEPT: CAPE OF GOOD HOPE if they are to be worth wile SAN JUAN DE DIOS HOSPITAL members of the community, their minds must be woulded WHAT IS THAT?
The very thany friends and The very important position accordigly. was also pointed hamilers of Doctor Antora to which he has now been ap out, by the petitioners, we are That is your Store, where ou will find all you need Pacowho are still in this pointed became vacant ly assured, that the evils complai in the latest styles and Zone, will be as exceeringly the resignation of Doctor Do ned baut, are indulged in by tad, we think, as we are, io berto Quesa da Jiménez, who all the younths. white, crioll VERY CHEAP heim Hr has been appoint left Costa last Sunday for and coloured. Hence if hhe co CH of the Surgical Darart San Francisco, California, Thit rrective measures are to be It is very comfortable to reach because it is in the ment of the San Juan de Dins ed States of America, where effective, they inust be free of Hos ital, San José, Dr. Puri.
LIM ON MARKET he expects to reside for na partiality. It was, in adelitir, re was for many years assuiciat indefinite pericd during which commended that private or dis ed with this Province and on he will represent the country strict constables be appointed Plan para el Sorleo del 23 de Mayo de 1943 joyed a wide popularity wnile interests as Censul General ot specially attend to the situa Emisión de 26. 000 billetes numerados del 1001 al 27. 000 filling the position of Superin Our congratulations to both tion, but only those possessed tendent of the Hospital in this gentlemen.
of a knowledge of of English a razón de 10. 00 cada uno, in addition their native dividodes en décimos, a 00 el decimo Spanish Valor en premois: 163. 875. 00 colones premii mavor de 50. 000. 00 50. 000. 00 ES RICO EN VITAMINAS 10 000. 00 10. 000. 00 FACIL DE PREPARAR 000. 00 10. 000. 00 500. 00 000. 00 UN ALIMENTO 100 DE 65 200. 00 13. 000. 00 ALTO VALOR NUTRI120 100. 00 12. 000. 00 TIVO 10 aproximaciones al primer premio (5 anteriores y posteriores) de 200. 00 onda una 000. 00 PARA NIROS ADULTOS 10 aproximaciones al 20 premio (5 anteriores y posteriores) de 100. 00 cada una. 000. 00 EXTJALO EN TODOS LOS 99 aproximacicnes al resto de la centena del NEGOCIOS primer premio de 20, 00 cada una. 990. 00 50 99 proximaciones al resto de la centena del segundo premio de 15. 00 cada una 485. 00 1956 25 terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras col PAPA FRITZ premio mayor, de 50. 00 ceda una 250. 00 ¿DONDE ESTA 234 terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del US LUFTWAFFE?
premio. Mayor, de 40. 00 cada una. 360. 00 2340 terminaciones a la última cifra del premio mayor de 20. 00 cada una 46. 800. 00 ཁ umerados com to ele 10 10 a to ود 72 TUNEZ 45.
CHOCOLACTO 3024 premios Valor: 163. 875. 00 ALENTE ES DELICIOUS See WANTED. WANTER. WANTED Black and White Puppy with long hdir, that will not grow yéry big.
Please bring to the AMERICAN CONSULATE, Limon City FOR INCANTS ADULTS RN VITAMOS AV TO PREPARE SOLD IN ALL BUSINESS KOUSES McGovern en el New York Post Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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