p. 12


Hitler had to admit in his of Negro stock. The entire Ne LONDON, May Since the belated Heroes Memorial gro world with the exception; heginning of the year the Rocupation are especially ieit in Day speech that German ci of the populations of Portu yal Air Force has made fre In modern war, the large cities such as Lyon, Mar vilians are suffering the brunt guese and Spanish Africa de quent and highly successful plays its part in the battle of seilles, Toulouse and the Me.
of the enemy lust for despendencies and Liberia is attacks on locomotives haul the ether by transmitting in diterranean and Atlantic truction. This is his way of within coasts. In Lyon and Marseilles the United Nations ing materials th:ough 47 languages. To a Rip Frenchmen are forbidden to saying that the bombardment camp and at war with the Belgium, France and Holland. Winkle of the twentieth cencertain streets, from the air which he and Axis.
These attacks by tury who fell asleep at the end circulate in Goering had reserved for nther One Belgian, two Nether trainbusters pay good divi of the last war and awakened even in whoie districts. In the countries has been brought lands and twenthy British co dends they dislocate the e in the opening years of this. deserted streets of Marseilles home to Germany. It is his lonies together with many of nemy rail transport, prevent war all this would seem maz people greet one another in way of qualijying the state their smaller island depeаden er postpone the delivery of ng. Much of the developinent whispers and avoid speaking ment made by Goering in Au cies are Negro lands. In addi urgent on the streets.
materials has taken place almost over and As result of recent police gust, 1939, tai every measure tion there no less than ten throw additional work on the night.
has been or will be taken to countries among the thirty already overladen German rail The spearhead of the vast raids youths disappeared from assure that not a single nomb United Nations that have pre way workshops daily output of words is liteet. all the French cities. Often. strikes the thr. If the Ruhr dominant or substantial Negro youth did not return home The adopted a sys ed, of course, to enemy DOafter an outing. Weeks later could not be struck, how could populations. Three of the Unit. tem for tabulating successes wers and the occupied coun.
the Berlin? But the Ruhr parents vere pined hased Nations are known as No against locomotives that is si tries of Europe so that these been, over and over again, and gro countries, which is to say milar to that used in counting peoples can get the truth. But that he had arrived in GermuBerlin has had its baptism of that, although their popula lamage to enemy planes. it is also of very great impo. by: The French police and inilitia which are charged with tise fire in preparation for some tions are of mixed origin just locomotive is allowed as distance that neutrals and house investigations are not thing worse iater. And nothing as every other country in the abled only when the pilot sees different races within the Eni that Hitler or his mouth aeces world, African blood governs it blow up or if it is derailed. pire should hear the voice appreciated by the puble Their fate, in case of a Ger can now say can remove the their destinies.
otherwise a damaged on! is London, knowledge that every German defeat, is not enviable.
Numerically the Negros le credited.
From a nucleus of road man has that it was Gerinany present more than 15 per cent In towns where the nuber Like other types of casts in three languages. Operaof youths refusing to submit and Italy, in Ethiopia. in of the total population of the tions, freight train wrecking Trench, German and Talian to compulsory labor service Spain, in Norway, the Nether: United Nations. In the coun Istarted in a small way. In Ja. with which European proands, Belgium France and cils of these nations no started with less nuary, 1942, two Spitfires, fly grammes is especially high, the fathers are in requisit:oned their Britain, who first practiced than 43 per cent of the Going homeward at low Chamberlain level, eve of Munich and unleashed the horrors of vernments speak for predomi saw a locomotive and truck speech on September 27, 198, stead. This system was soon attacks on civilians from the nantly Negro populations or being shunted abandoned as it disorganised on the European Serv. co the out air: SUSO If Unite! Nations Tombsties.
for very large Negro minori skirts of a Belgian port. The has grown steadily. Tc lay, lactories woking for Germayouths Swooped down and attacked these European transmissions hy. The number of who evaded compulsory lah.
manace German civilians, they This great body of humani. the locomotive, with the result go out in Albanian, Bulgarian, is officially estimated at.
know whom they have to ty, spread over three conti that the driver jumped out Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, hank. They know that British nents in both hemispheres and the train crashed into the Pinish, Flen;ish, French, Ser: 16, 000, unofficially 100, 000. cities were ruthlessly and in loves freedom and justice with siding buffers. that was man, Greek, Italian, Hunganumber of yr uths succeeded discriminately attacked, in crossing the Spanish fronfor a passion exceeded by none. the first engine damaged.
rian, Norwegian, Polish, PoiHitler and Goering boasted of The Negro World is pyoving tier, others fled to the moucuguese, Rimanian, Se, bcthe fact. They know why tains.
re itself ready to fight and to die COMPLEMENTARY RAIDS Croat, Slovere, Swedish, Ice The secon relever Head taliation now comes. An anec for the principles of the Atlan The British soon realized landic, Slovak, Spanish and Luxemburg patois.
the attitude of the dote relayed from Stockholm tic Charter. Negroes every that this type of attack could French quotes a saying reputedl; cur where are against she Axis.
BULLETINS CIRCULATID people towards Germany to a play an important part in rent in Berlin after the last Local Fascist oitin greater extent than any proemashing the enemy transpaganda had hitherto heavy bombings: done. This raid their own and in occupied counUnder such circumstances the port system and soon fighters tries have made it virtually Vichy Goverment lost all aushowed tha: Berliners and AXIS MORALE LOW and fighter bombers embarkLondoners reacted identically ed on a regular trainwrecking the subject peoples compulsory irr their oral and to the blits thority. Most ministries they both bit listen.
Terly cursed Hitler. The Ber WITH THE AMERICAN Campaign. These raids became to the official sice ticle officials. Of ten finance deprived of one half of their complementary to those of insliners certainiy had reason to 2d CORPS, Tunisia, Mov. Bomber Command Europe but in so don, they the curse Hitler. It was he who the highest he morale nf the German and have created a definne desire pectors, holding great marsheling yards in Ger brought terror by air Fiposts in the Ministry of upon Italian troops in Tunisia is suf among the ensiaved sidhjects many.
to hear the forbidden varse nance, remained them. The weapon which was fering under the heavy rain all British night fighters then iniended to crash freedoin out imposed by the recent bitter entered into keen competition Britain.
others either resigned or joinat the world has been turned fighting, in which they Jacked with the day fighters, and lo peoples switon liungi; to the ed the dissidents.
Grim, suffering, opocessed against those who thought adequate air and artillery sup comotive after locomtive The occupying autherities was as an strictly supervise the departthey had perfected it: it is port and had increasing trouble antidote to attacked and either derailed Fascist lies, courageu. prefects cannot undertake any mental adninistration. The sarper and more bitter than getting supolies or halted wh the steam pour derground Press copies an:1 they knew.
The knowledge that many ing out. Some were sean to circulates B. builers the German officer place!
thing without the consent of their higher officers alrea explode. One pilot blew up a Polish letter box. started in of dy have fled to Sicilŷ and Ita locomotive ANTIPODES HELP ly is spreading, among the Ger brought back some of the cin: Polish refugees all over.
in Belgium and October, 1939, to give revs of partmental capital, every subdeevery prefecture. Every man troops and this, too, is affecting morale. The Allied rirs. The cinders also helped names by Juis, 1940.
ders in his cockpit as souverope, had broadcast 31000 prefecture, has a detachment of German Gestapo which Up to January of 1943, Ath command is taking advantage him to substantiate his claim makes arrests and actually tralia and New Zealand, with of this situation for its propa to the satisfaction of the inteFrom London the BBC.
controls the French police.
a total population of less than ganda. In pamphlets, fired not only radiates new talks the lligence officer 000. 000. had supplied the from Neue Zürcher Zeitung cannon and dropped who, pilots swear, never be ain and received by ca sie from man and features collected in BritU. forces with more than from aircraf. the Germans are lieves anything.
200 million pounds of food. urged to surrender.
abroad, but items are beanied SAYINGS representing almost al! hen One of these pamphlets, to the Empire capital Sy ralio regular rations and Austra written in German, says Mar JDO YOU KNOW THAT telephone ciccnt, imp 1to tan clearing house is Chira We must face plying most of the US army ily with the hest men on his During the past year it continos bas emergency rations.
war attrition in the Pacific. Ja staff. Your supreme comraand become an increasing 11 pr Nine thousand Gernas id In New Zealand, with it has given up hope of holding tant radio centre. sciali Bunrelenting and the Japanese pan is formidable, tireless ani population of under 2, 000 000 the Tunisian bridgehead. But ges will be sent to the front office was. pened in know that if they cannct win the forces are being sup your soldiers are being ief in or war factories as soon as Cairo early ir. 1942 and later this time, it is impossibie ior possible, it has been announc.
plied with the bulk of their the lurch.
a larger ani cuore permanent them to win renturies ahead.
ed by the Nazi Minister food. It is furnishing blankets The soldier is then toll how organisation was set From Mr. Curtin, Prime Minis er Justice?
and clothing and is turning he can surrender. You need Cairo, in aduta te dispatNew records have been setches in Engti. con verular of Australia.
cut 400, 000 pairs of arut neither pas3 ror password. Avre shoes. New Zealand has built the pamphlet says. You will up in production of the messages in French and Ara Lancaster bomber? Time need The present role of the two large new hospitals for be well treated by us. You tic, sometiries a broadcast in is destructive. It may ed to build it has bean American troops and has di will get the same food as our cat Hindustani and there is down to one third of hat ori.
an yet win fame and laurels in verted so many medical sci) soldiers. You will be taken out occasional Creek news letter constructive work for the ser plies to the forces in the of the battle area immediately. ginally taken to build machi The French material is uservice of mankind.
ines of this size.
Sir AlSolomons area that for a time Then you can get a good sleep.
in the French section of the chibald Sinclair, Air Minister such common items as gaupe After the can get a food sleep. European Service, he After the war There is only one Toad Arabic is broadcast in the Incidentally the broad were virtually unobtainable by possibleme wyou can return home left open to you; it ieads Near East Service and the casts in three different dialec civilians.
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