
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, May 1943 IN MEMORIAM FOR GIFT GOOD BOOK, AND FOR GOOD BOOK LA LIBRERIA In fon and never fading memory of our darling Mother Berta Sudan El Deseo AMOK EVELINA BAILEY WATSON who departed this life on the 24th. May 1923.
The pains of death are past. labour and sorrow ceased, and life tong warfare closed at last. Her soul is found in peace. God knows how much we miss you, mother dear, as it dawns trenty years.
TELEPHONE 5858 SAN JOSE BOX 2044 has The vote of the people is the law of the land. and the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service. CONVALESCING West of the city Market.
HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA It delights us to be able to mention that our highly LIMON CITY IN FOND REMEMBRANCE regarded citizen, Mrs. Da vid Dixon, the mother. of Special Attention and Price for Families.
Time never fading memory will bring to us on Tues Mr Stanley Dixon, the fa: Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath day, the 25th. instant, the Fourth Sad Anniversary for our med Barber, West of the Ci: THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
beloved Son, Husband and Brother ty Market, returned to CANTINE WELL ASSORTED home of her devoted son on HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION ERIC SYLVESTER PATTERSON Thursday of last week, after having undergone a very ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor delicate optical operation.
who departed this life tor the realms of the blest on the 25th.
She is convalescing splen May 1939. May his soul for ever rest in peace.
didly, and it is our sincere EXPERIENCE GAINED SHOULD BE WELL wish her complete recovery Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep, is not far distant.
INCULCATED From which none ever wake to weep: calm and undisturbed repose JOSE ACHION Ng Unbroken by the last of fces.
The signing of the armisti Sir Basil Thomson Comerciante detallista ce in 1918, without Germa this to say in connection MOTHER. WIDOW, BROTHERS, SISTER Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, occupied, has proven a grie Scene Changes.
ny having been previously with that Armistice in The Artículos de Ferretería y Eléc vous mistake; but the lesson During my visit to Salem, tricos, todo se encuentra en has been well bought and Prince Max, the last ImpeLAST SUNDAY FOOTBALL ENGAGEMENT este establecimiento. the very sympathetic peor sial Chancellor of Germa ples who gave the Germans ny, told me an interesting PRECIOS DE SITUACION thet breathing space to have story. One of his cousins, he Barcelona trims Jupiter Eight Goals to One enabled their accumulating said, was a member of the Play was dedicated to don Ismael Retang, the highof war que Esquivel scarcely alloly esteemed Manager of the local Branch of the wed his rivals time to se) weapons, in addition to imted General Foch to obtain a d proving renovating the armistice terms. When Limon Trading Company riously get under way when he scored the fourth sho will surely profit from the their former implements these were read to them, from right wing. Howover, While the Military Band was doomed to fall, not (TO PAGE 10)
shortly after this the Jupi experience.
supplied a famous selection. more than five minutes af ters, gaining control of thel corted to the starting point. ter the Start the players ball, stormed their rivals the guest of honour was es mixed things up and one of fort and by a well directed CAPE OF GOOD HOPE where he gracefully kick the team players dumped action Ulloa relieved his ed the Pigskin. From the the ball into his own reser team mates of the shut out WHAT IS THAT?
very outset Jupiter stav vation, which gave the Bagſ threatened them Jupiter celonians their first goal happy moment was quickly That is your. Store, where ou will find all you need without any undue efort interruupted by Picho chal in the latest styles and ES RICO EN VITAMINAS on their part. From then king up the fifth goal. Echa FACIL DE PREPARAR on the battle for distinction varria followed with the VERY CHEAP and merit continued thr sixth. Tenoro gained the seUN ALIMENTO. 100 DE llingly, with the Barcelon: venth, and Picho again star It is very comfortable to reach because it is in the ALTO VALOR NUTRI ians pulling the leading red with the final eigthTIVO strings. The second goal point.
LIMON MARKET was scored when Jose Jack In a triumphant posture, PARA NINOS ADULTOS son sen ta daisy pass to the Barcelonians faced don Picho Chavarria at left ex Ismael who effectively deco Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the EXIJALO EN TODOS LOS treme, who earned the shot rated each player with his pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon COM NEGOCIOS under loud applaud. bom medal of merit.
Barber Shop West of the city Market.
bardment again took place in front of Jupiter por tal and an fringement com manded the attention of Ro LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY feree Georges Cuthbert, but Jose Jackson, as the colle: ting bailiff, pardoned the FABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS offenders. whirlwind aci tion menaced the gateway of the leaders, and the kee LIMON SOAP FACTORY FRIO CAL DE DTE ES DELICIOSOT per, by some unexplainable means, left it wide open to!
Jupiter when to the amaz PRODUCTORA DE JABONES DE CALIDAD ement of all Ulloa failed to (Fundada en 1910)
FOR INFANITC AND efect the shot for his side.
ADULTS This failure steered the RICH IN VITAMINS third point for Barcelona PASY TO PREPARE and again by Picho.
Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS The SOLD IN ALL BUSINESS rest period intervened. GARRON e HIJOS On the resumption, EnriHOUSES Neither parents nor children are content if the HairLIMON APARTADO 417 cup was not done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
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