
Saturday, May 22nd. 1943.
LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 ENTRE TODOS para todos BA LIBERTY ST EZ LU es el. AXIS LOSSES IN THE NORTH AFRICAN WAR an cement officially a givennoun than 600 ships of varions types throughout the period the House of Commons, Lon of the campaign, No infor don, we note that the losses mation has yet been relea suffered by the enemy dui sed regarding the vast quan ring the African war le tity of material which have re are given as three times fallen in the hands of the those of the Uarited Na victorious armies as Gen tions.
eral Alexander mentioned The total casualties am it would require several ong the Allied armies, in weeks to straighten out cluding the killed, the in things in order to arrive at jured and the men taken a correct idea. In addition prisoners or declared miss, to General von Arnim, who ing totalled, it is stated. succeeded Marshal Rommel 220. 000 while those of the as Commander in Chief of Axis forces amounted to. the enemy forces in North 627. 000, of which 227. 000 Africa, more than sixteen were Germans and 400, 000 Generals, and hundreds of Italians.
Colonels and Captains have It has also been reported been taken prisoners. Genhat of the 267. 000 prisoneral von Arnim has arrived rs captured by the North in London.
mer can, British and It has been further repor rench forces, 224. 000 were ted that during the fortyken between the 5th. and six days of the terrible and th. of the current month. final Allied offensive in Ti: has been estimated that nisia, around thirty eight mi Bm enemy also lost 000 llion shells were fired aga.
planes, 2, 000 tanks, inst the enemy and their po 000 cannon and not less sitions.
97 MIO GAME LUMBER YARD 89 4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to GAME LUMBER YARD We never have a dissatisfied Customer GA PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET HOITAVOID 2017.
KOHTOA fase 5W beste et boos ENOS 196 ADVICE. UNAPPRECIATED Tom 24 ore su 20 As the tenderng of Advice is generally ineffective.
is the cause of frequent diffiIf those who follow the culties, particularly where call of their desires, with the members of our so called out taking heed wither they modern set are concerned, go, had deviated from the we deem the following, cu path of wisdom and were lled from the writings of a rushing upon dangers un well known author, of much foreseen, they would readi value: ly listen to the warnings Advice is, more often than which would save them not, regarded as offensive from the consequences of. not because it lays us op their erroneous actions. Few en to unexpected regrets or who wander along the convicts us of faults which wrong pathway mistake it had escaped our notice, but for the right they do so because it discloses the fact simply because they find it that we are known to oth smoother and more floweers in addition to ourselves. ry; and but a very small The officious monitor, is, number of these may be per in consequence, hated or suaded to quit it bly admoni disliked, not because of the tion or reproof. Like the falsity of the accusation, man who is reminded his in but because of the assump: temperate habits will hurry tion of a superiority we are him to an untimely grave, not disposed to grant, as, ibey not only continue the well as the detection of that indulgence of the danger which we had wished to con but will go in search of ceal. For this reason Advice others.
REV. DR. BURGESS PREACHER AT METHODIST CHURCH TOMORROW the matter, so serious has the WORLD LARGEST DYKES DESTROYED matter affected the industrial The widely known Missio Methodist Church in this During the early morning, ed an indescribable commo activities of the vast area and nary worker, the Rev. Dr. city hours of the 17th. instant tion among the populace. so extensive has the damage Through this Paul Burgess will conduct The medium.
units of the Royal Air Force German authorities to property been.
the services, tomorrow, Sun our friends of the Denomi inflicted one o ftheir worst have imposed a striei censure It is said that the raid cause day 23rd. instant in the nation extend a sincere well blows on Germany by the des o nall the information beingſ ed more than one thousand come to the general public, truction of the dykes on the released in connection with deaths rivers Wesser, Eder and Mohne, which contrailed about BROWNE ABRAHAMS two thirds of the water sup CAFE HOLNESS ply required for the impor Corner 2nd Avenue and th Street COMPRAMOS tant industrial region of the directly in front the Football Ground.
The released waters inunCOCOS. COPRA. ACEITE DE COCO This New Eating and Refreshing Spot dated an extensive erea which included more than fifty is now at the Public Service Apartado 362 towns and left nearly 100. 000 LIMON.
families homeless. The waters COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD also entered the subterranean AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPRErefuge accommodation in the ME ON OUR BILLBOARD Znanost town of Duisburg and produc.
MEJOR CIGARETTES ron ZELAITTEE WILLILUTLET Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica,


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