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LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, May 15th 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN a for are now conwere Newfoundland.
the sisch THE GERMAN LOOT AM ATTACKING THE CANADA MILITARY 400 ATLANTIC THEY ALL LOOT ENEMY STRENGTH CROSSINGS The Germans have always Travellers, including civilian prided themselves on their ef The Victoria Cross has been The captains and crews of from all occupied territorie ficiency. It was supposed to be awarded to Captain Robert Speaking in the House of the British Overseas Airways, particularly the Protectorat one of the distinguishing chs Sherbrooks, O, who Commons on the 890. 000. flying through two winters, the General Government, Dei racteristics of the master race commanded the destroyer force 000. War appropriation Bill, have just completed 400 North mark and also from all trenc entitling it to rule the world in which recently frustrated the Minister of Defence, Col. At antic crossings between the ix and allied States, at that order to build a higher Kultur tempts by the enemy to sink an Raiston, announced that the United Kingdom and Canada in virtually from everywhere, or for its own benefit and for the important convoy Canadian Army in March 1943 18 months.
to Russia ultimate benefit of the order of Reich Marshall Go the infe in what has been described as had 190. 000 men in the United They fly the North Atlantic ing may now bring into Grior races less talented. And th cne of the most gallant Kingdom.
naval return ferry. operated lo a while German the Reich duty free in their perso military actions of the war, In the fiscal year ended Mand industrial efficiency March 31 last, recruiting re requirements of the RA Ferry nal luggage any quantity ap Contact was first made at peared to be carrying the Third daybreak close to North quirements had been from Command, and take to Canada food stuffs and other ratio Cape 30. 000 to 100. 000 men. Actual government passengers on of commodities without sp Reich to its goal. Today, the at the extreme tip of Norway. ly more thaa 125, 000 had been ficial missions, and picts and permit, without the ris)
Germans themselves undoub The enemy was in much the enlisted. In addition, 60 000 crews of the Ferry Command confiscation and teoly entertain second thoughts grester strength, steaming withou: at had been obtained through who have delivered bombers to quantities being rer on that matter. But in one, field great speed toward the convoy, compulsory call up.
Britain. Then they fly to Eng against the traveller ra German efficiency stands usur and consisted of cruisers and Canadian military force was lond with more ¡asser gers and For some time past tra passed in this and any previous destroyers under the lead of a deployed in two main compo freight, have related their surpr age. That is the field of loot pocket battleship.
nents, one in the European These crossings iemonstrate finding that there was r: and plunder.
Captain Sherbrooke did not theatre of opera ions and the that with suitable equipment, tier customs examinatic According to the Board of hesitate. Flashing the order other in North America and safe and regular North Atlan that the German fficia Economic Warfsre, the Ger Am attacking the enemy, fol its outposts, the two connect tic service will be possible tie urged them to take ad mans, up to the end of 1941. low me he led his destroyers ed by the Atlantic lifeline along year around, in both directions, of this favourable oppe looted Europe of no less than into the fight. Four times which. flowed a stream the of after the war. to rein 36. 000. 000. 000, and import goods dut equipment and trained enemy tried to attack the Ir the winter. aircraft often Góring order has thus looting at the rate of tens forcements.
of voy, but Captain Sherbrcoke bazile winds of 60 miles an billions of doilars a year. They manoeuvres were Col. Ralston grave the follow hour for most of the crossing. facto, has been existing larised a condition whic.
able each have stolen and shipped to time to drive the enemy ing summarv without figures, ships of Canadian army Dargerous icing is encounterunits at Germany industrial machinery, outside gun renge of the con home and abroad.
some time past. Moreov ed and, to avoid ice fi rming explicitly stipulates that raw, materials, scientific equip voy. Each time also he succeedclouds, a height of 20. 009 feet imports up to five kg.
ment, horses, cattle, sheep and ed in forcing the enemy more BRITAIN AXIS mis be attained at tempera hitherto been permitted pigs; they have stripped public and more towards his own cotures 50 degrees below freez of duty and permit, hen and private art collections of vering squadron still some disPRISONERS ing these restrictions, too, their treasures to adorn their tance away. In the battle CapEarlier flights made palaces; they have filched office tain Sherbrooke was weunded EXCEED NAZI HELD be removed, the five kg with stops in applying only to food py furniture, park benches and twice but refused to leave the BRITONS Now pilots often fly non stop sent by post. Commodus garden toris, food, coap, cloth bridge until he judged that the over 000 miles between the brought into the Reich as part ing and shoes; they have even convoy had Had time to get United Kingdom and Montreal.
of the traveller luggage must pilfered the hinges from doors away safely. The enemy finally LONDON, May. For the The journey to Canada takes not, however, be sold commerand windows, For magnitude gave up after losing one cruiser first time since the war began. about 17 hours.
and ruthlessness. cially, but no penalty is incursays and one destroyer went military training at the red if relatives or friends reBEW the German looting of There has been German prisoners than nothing there RUTHLESS TYRANTS occupied Europe surpasses al finer in naval the costs.
pay (Münchner annals. states are British prisoners in Nazi Neueste Nachrichten. previous conquests in history.
the citation.
hands, a fact that may have And indeed, Attila was a picons derable bearing upon the Just as Germany has increasprisoners in German camps.
ed her physical strength ker by comparison. For with PAYMENT MUST Germans have developed lootLast October, when the Ger occupation, so Japan by recruiting to a science and ing slave labour and plunderBE MADE an art.
Three years after the Ger.
command ordered the ing materials from occupied They have not only seized man invasion of Norway, Stock shackling of prisoners, the Naterritories has everything they could move: holm reports feverish greatly augGerman zis he about 80, 000 Britons, they have likewise seized eve defensive preparations aga nst compared with mented her power. Her 23. 000 GerThere is potential is obviously far grea nations as for individuals.
a settling day for ry thing they could not move an Allied invasion. Will it mans in British camps. The No by simply taking over title to come? We do not know.
But British and Americans together ter than it was. Yet there is a the property. Through outright we do know that reverse side to the medal. Ger man can defy the laws of nathe Allies have captured more than.
ture, whether in the physical confiscation and intricate finan learned three years many missed her opportunity.
ago how 150. 000 in Tunis a.
without cial jugglery, the German Gr. to stage it. namely with tae Italy has about 70. 000 BritAt one time she had a possibi or the moral realms, destructive consequences to vernment or German banks, help of the Fifth Column. Who ish prisoners, but the British lity of cornbining Europe, sick, himself as well as to others.
cartels and holding campanies can doubt that the British pos now have some 300. 000 Italian shaken and overcome, into Some day the account is preunder its control today own sess today a larger Fifth Co prisoners, not counting real New Order, but hec ruthnative sented. That is a commonplage almost everything worth own lumn than the Germans less disregard every interest had troops captured while serving ing in the line of human experience.
of industrial but her own effectually preon April 9, 1940? The Fifth Counder Italian colors.
It is no less true, though peranl financiel enterprise in con lumn that is woiting for the Thus the Axis holds vented her and turned all Euabout duered Europe. And the con support of the invading army 160. 000 British prisoners, com rope against her. The same will haps not so obvious, in the case quered nations pay for the up is not a more few hundred Quis pared with 450. 000 German and happen to Japan. The slogan is of nations. Nations which build keep of the robbers by continu lings. but two and a half mil Italian captives.
worn out. The disguise is pierc their lives on the basis of aggression store up disaster for ed tribute in the guise of PClion Norwegians. burning ed, and the natives of the coto themselves. The aggressor may cüpation cost. Even neutral prosperity sphere don think reverse the events of April 9, he flourish for a while but countries are cheated by being SAYINGS of Japan as a liberator, but re1940. Basler Arbeiter Zeipaid for their goods in unpaid cognize her as the ruthless ty. fights fruitlessly in the end betung. cause he fights against the clearing balances amounting Far more has already been rant she is.
stars of ultimate decency.
te forced loans.
reparations. The total of the done in post war planning since Aggression provokes resis But even that is inly part of reparations they really paid this Government took AXIS LOST 111 office tance. It calls out heroism. It the tale. Some 300. 000. 000 Eu omounted 16. 000. 000. 000 than during the whole of the GENERALS rallies the nations that believe ropeans are today the slaves of marks, or less than 4, 000. last war. The trade union movein goodwill and fair dealing.
their Nazi masters, forced to 000. 000 Even the fictitious ment, as is its due, has been The knowledge of a just cause work for them or starve. And German figures never put the brought far more closely into LONDON, May. Since the is not the least of the armaeven those who work are often total at than 43, 000. consultation than ever before beginning of the war at leastments of a nation at war.
near starvation; for though the 1000. 000 rnarks, or a little more All this will. Mr. 111 German and Italian gerieThe United Nations are pre.
Germans are themselves kept than 10. 000. 000. 000 in cash Hugh Dalton, President of the rals have been captured by the senting Nazi Germany with on short rations, the conquered and kind. And the Allies loaned Board of Trade.
British and American forces.
longstanding account and paypeoples get only a fraction of them nearly 30. 000. 000. 000 should wish to make it Among the prisoners were ninement is now due.
the German rations. a frac marks, or some 500. 000, 000, clear that anti Semitism is teen German generals.
tion which ranges from 87 per to pay the cash and rebuild plainly contrary to the spirit of Ninety two Italian generals The State is not an end in cent for the Czechs to 21 per their war industries. The Ger the Gospel and that therefore were captured. Some of them. itself; it is a convenience for cent for the Jews.
mens have shown what is in Christians ought to unite in including the Duke of Aosta, the use of human beings. Unless How amateurish in compari store for any nation they con resisting it to the utmost of died after their capture. One Ja man retains some of his nason were the Allies after the quer. They have also shown the their power, both in themsel German, General Friemer, tural anarchism he is halfway last war. The loudest outeries way to collect payment for ves and in any whom they can who was captured by the Ne to becoming a Nazi. Har made by the Germans after what they have stolen. New influence. The Archbishop therlands Army. was brought court Johastone, Secretary, DeVersailles were directed against York Times. of Canterbury here in 1940.
partenent of Overseas Trade, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
the NAZIS FEAR INVASION man war a to more go on.

    AnarchismFifth ColumnGermanyInvasionItalyNazism

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