
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Of him to whom much is given, much shall be requir: ed. Those, whom God has favoured with superior faculties, and made ensinent for quickness of intuition and accuracy of distinctions, will certainly be regarded as culpable in his eye for defects and deviations which, iri souls less enlightened, may be guiltless.
Editor: JOS. THOMAS YEAR VIII LIMON, MAY 29th BOX 199 NO 375 1943 air, the more war.
on ANOTHER JAPAN PROPOSALS FOR PEACE WITH LET US REMEMBER THE NEEDIEST AMONG US CHINA LAMENTABLE Is there someone in our community who will take The Supreme Council con pied so long as the Pacific the initiative as the Founder or Foundress of a Center of mected with the Pacific war continues. China and Charity in order to assure a daily morsel for the hundred AIR TRAGEDY War have been informed, Japan to name an internaaccording to a Washington tional Committee, each ap neediest among our citizenry?
advice, that Japan is dispo pointing an equal number While banquetting off sumptuous articles and flowsed to conclude a separate of members, to reorganizaing wines, and indulging in dancing and other superfluities Costa Rica has the great Peace with China based on ze Manchukuo, as a joint of life, let us remember that hunger and want are the lot misfortune of experiencing the same terms as were su Chino. Japanese colony, af of many of the less fortunate among us. We should recolanother lamentable tragedy ggested in November last ter the close of the war. Ja in connection with her air year, and which are.
pan to grant China a crelect the emotional narrative of the Rich man and Lazarus, China to withdraw her a dit of one thousand million nd give a little more attention to those who are unable transportation service.
Yesterday eight days ago tions and to remain liance with the United Nayens.
to make a nest for themselves. We cannot reasonably shelneu From the same source the one of the planes attached to er all the misfortunes of this life under the guise of the the service operated by the tral. Japan to return to very interesting information TACA Company the 45 China all the occupied ter has also been secured that owing of Wild Oats. If we did where would be the fulritories, thereby left San Carlos for San Jo restoring Japan has formulated plans Iment of the moral lesson we are the creatures of the 1937 status quo, but re for the invasion of the Uni se durin gthe earlier hours ircumstances.
of the day. Around mid day serving the right to control ted States of America betand use all the railroads it is said to have disppeared and ports at present occu and October of the present ween the months of June On the ocean of human destiny, all are apt to encoun and despite the constant and year.
er tespestuous ills storms and adverse current are apt intensive searchings carto lift the roaring billows and dash them against our frames. ried on daily since then, When we witness our brethren being surrounded and asboth by land and from the ITALY ON THE DECLINE machine has not sailed by these streams of adversities, it behoves us to give been located neither has any released that the Italian army evidenced in Germany on acThe information has been that much inquietude is being a thought to the fact that any one can be shaken by such thing been discovered to in is notably on the decline as count of the Anglo American dicate what has become of a consequence of tempests and become the victims of poverty and woe.
the conti propaganda to effect the eliit. Unit of the North Ameri nuous Allied bombarsments mination of Italy from the We urge the establishment of a Community Dole, or can Air Force have since which ge. more and Charity Center or however otherwise it may be called, and Thursday morning joined violent against in their pound Allied air raids have desin the search.
ing of Italian objetives in the troyed, it is stated, Italian that it be systematically operated in the interest of the It is feared that, in addi Mediterranean and the railroad lines, dock yards, neediest of our fellow creatures. We are confident many tion to the pilot, Pablo To mainland.
ports, radio station, fortifica.
The news has also been re tions an daviation bases in philanthropists and other charitably disposed persons will rres Valbuena, a 24 year old ceived from reliable souces rapid succession.
extend appreciable support to enable its dispensing the native of Barcelona, Spain, greatest good.
the three other occupants, AN AFTERMATH Will some one take the initiative?
Messrs. Foley of the Rub The sufrage for our women, note the presentation of a ber Reserve Corporation, folk this seems an after project which solicits the neEdwin McKibbin, sales agent math of the recent political cessary amendments to the of the TACA Co. and a Cos happenings in the Capital, in political constitution of the tarrican of Pital de San Car which it was stater an un Republic to permit our wo usua ly large number of the men los, have all perished.
excercising suffrage members of the gentler sex rights.
participated. Their activities, The proposal has been refer Our sympathy is tendered apparently, so impressed red to the Standing Committhe families and relatives of some of the deputies in the tee in charge of such matters the unfortunate traveller as National Congress that we for study and report.
also the TACA Company.
WAR COSTS BRITAIN Since the above went in print we received the advice 14 MILLION POUNDS DAILY member of one the The war is costing the Brit proaching months of June, search parties had contacted ish government the huge sun July and August, the ChancelMr. Foley, who was endea of fourteen million five hund lor of the Exchequer stated vouring to find his way, alone red thousand pounds sterling the expense sof War Departout of the mountainous each day.
ment amounted each day to gion where the tragedy When making a recent te Lbs. 14. 500. 000 and that the OCquest before the House of one thousand milliou pounds curred. Mr. Foley stated the Commons, London, for a sup voted on the 6th of January pilot and two other passen plementary credit of one thou last would probably be exgers had perished. He attribu sand million pounds to meet hausted by the end of the ted the cause of the terrible war expenses during the ap current month.
happening to a violent attack Defensores de la heróica Malta. La isla que se enorgullece of whirl wind which caught de haber resistido millares de ataques aéreos enemigos.
BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT them when at a height of 10, 000 feet.
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We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh Merchandise here you will find the newest assortment radio broadcast from Ber lin states that a leavy earthshsock occured yesterday in the southeast of Germany causing much damage in the vicinity of Stuggart. The districts of Alsace, Baden and Wertemang were also effected dcional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblio LA in Clothing and general Furnishings at the lowest Prices.


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