
SATURDAY, MAY 29th, 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE CARD OF THANKS Limón Trading Company Having had to await the confirmation of death by the Marine Department of the United States of American it is now possible to use this medium in expressing my deep appreciation and thanks to the many dear friends and sympathizers who extended their Condolence by means of Cards, Letters, Telegrams and otherwise to me on the announcement of the death of my loving Brother RALPH WHITE who gave his life for Democracy wbile serving in The Merchant Marine in the South Pacifie Compra a los MEJORES PRECIOS RO ya MRS. EDITH CUTHBERT The vote of the people is the law of the land. and the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service. West of the city Market.
Raicilla de Ipecacuana HULE Cacao, Cocos y Copra THE WG a CHOCOLACTO jes VA REV. DR. BURGESS PREACHES AT METHODIST CHURCH We shared the great oppor genteman is not merely tunity of being among the theologian cognizant with the congregation in the Methodist various standpoints of ChisChurch on Sunday evening, tianity, but posseses a unique NO LO OL VIDE the 33rd. instant, when the knowledge of the iner spirit.
Rev. Dr. Paul Burgess was the He delivered a sound message preacher.
on Christian Missions in LaIn our view, the Reverend tin America, particularly that PAGAMOS LOS MEJORES PRECIOS in his own Field araong the InER dians of the Repuolic of Guaslu ES RICO EN VITAMINAS temala. His utterances regard FACIL DE PREPARAR ing his experiences were ra ther penetrating and, at times, UN ALIMENTO 100 DE touched the humourous veia.
ALTO VALOR NUTRIQuite an appreciable amount TIVO of infomation associated with DEATH OF EDSEL the establishment of ProtesGAMEZ LUMBER YARD XU PARA NIÑOS ADULTOS tant worship in Guatemala FORD 4th Street toward the Northern Machine Shops was also released by this Mis.
EXIJALO EN TODOS LOS sionary, 10 EN TO rece FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE NEGOCIOS The service was initialel by Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to the Rev. Holo:es, and his reading of the first scriptuie Edsel Ford, son of the inGAMEZ LUMBER YARD lesson was from the 122nd tenrationally known Henry SO Psalm. Dr. Burgess read the Ford founder of one of the We never have a dissatisfied Customer 5th. chapter of St. Paul world greatest industrial Epistle to the Romans for the companies died at Oestroit PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET second. se to the United States of America, We are told that the much last Wednesday at the age esteemed wife of the guest of forty nine years. In addi WANTED WANTER WANTED Delivered a stirring discourse to tion to his wife and two chil the Young People at the after dren, his aged father and mo Black and White Puppy FRIO CALIENTE. ES DELICIOSO noon Sunday School. ther, are said to have been The Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Bur with him at the time of his with long hair, that will not grow very big.
gess returned to the Capital death.
Please bring to the FOR INFANTS AND last Monday, preparatong to starting on their urn the AMERICAN CONSULATE, Limon City RICH IN VITAMINS day before vesterday, by aerial EASY TO PREPARE SALOMON CHIN transportation, for Guatemala, to resume their missionary Estrada SOLD IN ALL BUSINESS work. May they continue LIMON SCHOLASTIC WORTHY STUDENT HOUSES long, in the protection and LA IBERIA In the Spanish section of from this Vicariate, whose warmth of Him whose mission this issue swe carry a very marked intelligence and inthey are conducting.
Abarrotes y Licores gratifying news item taken tense piety renders him a from one of the San Jose magnificent student and an LA FRANCE LIBRE Dailies.
honour to our Province.
Precios Económicos Referring to the splendid It is the profound wish Frente la Compañía Eléctrica, Limón progress being made in con of the Atlantic Voice that nection with the raising of this worthy youth who left SOUVENIRS DE COSTA RICA PERSONAL funds for the construction us some years ago to preof a new and more accompare himslef for his chosen Cámaras Fotográficas, Películas, Joyas de Fantasia, Resistencias, Ropa para Niños, Adornos de Casa We have been afforded the ry, the writer states modating Catholic Semina avocation may be spared to that undertake his labours in Propietaria: ANITA DE NANNE information that doña Chita, among the many young this his home province for COMPRO ESTAÑONES VACIOS de Cañas, the distinguished men now pursuing their stu the spiritual welfare of his wife of our much regarded dies for the priesthood On parle Francais English Spoken in fellow creatures, and to be citizen, don Alfredo Cañas, the college, is one of colour a beacon for the guidance successfully passed through a of others.
delicate optical operation in AUTORI PREPARING FOR GREAT OFFENSIVE IN the Capital. heimur We tender her our deepest PACIFIC HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA sympathy and will fervently pray that she be blessed with LIMON CITY Writing from Pearl Harbour blows on the enemy.
a speedy and complete recoon the 21st. instant, the Co Evidence of these prepara very.
Special Attention and Price for Families.
rrespondent of the Associated tions, the reporter laims, are Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath Press states everything indi evidenced by the activities in THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
cate the United States of the Islands of Attu and Am pected that the coming target CANTINE WELL ASSORTED mérica is making prepara chitka of the Aleutian. goup of the forces HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION of the United ions for an intensive offer and in connection with the Nations will be Rabaul, Jave in the Pacific with le the strategic bases in the Russell pan most formidable base in ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor LEW ov inflicting decisive and Salomon regions. It is ex the south Pacific.
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