
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, MAY 29th. 1943 carry an be or THE NORTII AMERICAN PUBLIC AND FOURTH JOSE ACHION Ng MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS PRESIDENTIAL TERM Comerciante detallista WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER ECONOMY. Everything in maSHOP Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, chinery made or repaired, from Located in front former By Raymond Gram Swing Artículos de Ferretería y Eléc a Pin to a Crane. See us. We Motive Power Club in 3rd.
tricos; todo se encuentra en assortment of Beds, Avenue is the new parlour of One of the Freedoms this matter is not final. It este establecimiento.
Springs and other useful things the only Oriental Barber Shop merica does not enjoy is does not nominate a presiat all times. Building No. 891 in this city. All sanitary Freedom from the Calen idential candidate, and has PRECIOS DE SITUACION North Fifth Avenue.
arrangements. Barber C. THOMPSON, Proprietor.
dar. day on that Calen. no control whatever over years of practice in all cla: dar, though still a considehis election, which is ves: ca and made it seem safe THE RESETTER WITH IM of the Hair Cutting Art. tr rable time ahead, has be ted in the people. All that to indulge in embittered PROVEMENTS. clean up to will convince the most gun to press on American Congress can do is to affect Factionalism. If the omnious Mate Barber Parlour Centrally fastidious.
minds and disturb them dee the political atmosphere. It date in the Calendar were located on Commerce Avenue LIONEL MONDOLE ply. It is a day in June next can purify it with harmony in June of this year, instead almost opposite Teatro ArrasProprietor.
year. On that day the Demo or polute it with discord. of next, it is conceivablety. Pleasant, reliable courteous cratic Party must nominate Those in Congress who are that the Administration Service. THOMAS PARCHMENT a candidate for the Presi endeavouring to create a dis would thrown out, Hair Specialist.
Enylish Tweeds Ser dency. Most Americans. cord, undoubtedly believe though that is by no means can still be had at would be happy to oblitera the President is not essen certain, for the country is ATLANTIC BAR AND Reasonable Prices at te consideration of that day tial to the war effort. The as a whole, much more deefrom their thoughts. But it Republicans, for instance, ply touched by the war RESTAURANT JACK ORANE Sucs.
is an imperious day. No matare certain one of their num than by Party Politics. The THE PEOPLE HOUSE ter if the world greatest ber could run it as well, politicians are hyper sensi grade native and foreign LiThe very best and highest Limon war is in progress and that and make a better Peace. tive to events which giva hundreds of thousands Conservative HARLEM Demoſthem BAR of The AND power deprive quors always stocked No adul NEW belcrats, who are yoting with them of it. Not so the pu: Service the best inthe City. prepared American lives are to teration Our Short Order RESTAURANT. The Best drinks lost. no matter that the e the Republicans against ad blic who record, at election by Crawford and conomic life of the nation ministrative agencies, Grant, Genuine native and forare times, a simple answer to a 4th Avenue and 7th. Street.
is going through tortures bound to be more respectful simple question. If asked to CLEMENT ROBERTS eign liquors stocked Our Cusiof readjustment. and it of the President, since he is day to vote on Leadership, ne service the most up to date.
Proprietor AND CRAWFORD GRANT, would make for a more their titular leader. What they would probably rate wholesome and united effort has set them CABINET AND UNDERTAK Proprietors.
against a the war far ahead of any ING SHOP. Specializes in mal.
to forget that approaching Fourth Term is the conscien other consideration and pre ing and repairing furniture and ARCHITECT AND BUILDER day it cannot be ignored. tious resolve that there fer not to risk changing the wood Years of practical knowledge, And as it every other branch of steadily draws shall not be another period. President.
work. Coffins always stocked. efficient, neat, accurate. These wearer it confronts the na of new Dealism foisted on year from now the yee us before going elsewhere. my bighest ambition Any design tion with a dilema. whetſ the country solely because fashions of thought may Pricus moderate. 4th Street, Irwood turned out with gratimer to be true to the war or of a war emergency. These be just as different from to antrance to Gamez Lumber tying results. Office and shop to inherent American prin foes of the President have day, as today are from Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, sth. Avenue, North ciples.
thought it out to their own last year when Singapore Manager.
To be true to the war, it satisfaction and are eager had just been lost. By nexil would reelect President to rid the war and the pea year, the manpower crisis Roosevelt for Fourth ce of its present Americas probably will have been Term. To be true to Ameri leader. They cannot be con mastered.
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE can principles, it would not vinced that either the war Food administration, dis WHAT IS THAT?
add a Fourth Term to the or the peace will suffertribution and production already impaired Rule much. But they are utterly probably will be in hand.
against permitting a Presi sure America will suffer ir What is more, people will That is your Store, where ou will find all you need dent more than two Terms. reparably from a Fourth have become accustomed in the latest styles and Those against Fourth Term of Rooseveltian Radi to shartages and incorveVERY niences, and be over their CHEAP Term are registering their calism.
profound determination not What the country think present fears for the fututo yield to the considera is anyone is estimate. Far re, as regards food. In a It is very comfortable to reach because it is in the tions of the war, and to do fetched as it may appear, year they will have had the LIMON MARKET every thing they can so the Russian winter victories growing casualty lists, the President cannot be re have worked to weaken the which means the war will elected for a further term. President, for they have les grip American homes sternWhat Congress does in sened the danger to Ameri ly and will have clarified American values. The bur than President Roosevelt.
den of taxation will havs But it will not constitute become heavy. The war will deep and true speech sim have exacted increased sa ply to be against the Presicrifices. What these expe dent. So it is by no means riences will have done to levital. e that when the American thinking, is not American public is confronforeseen in particular; butted with the dilema of choo in general, it will not have sing the President again, or made petty politics popular, denying for all time and anyone hoping to ob Fourth Term to any Presitain a national mandate dent, that they will count PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR will have to speak deeply the war the lesser, responsi and truly. It is quite possibility, and throw out the ble to speak deeply and Administration. Columbia truly for someone other News Service. ONE THOUSAND CZECHS FOR ONE NAZI Thursday last registered the cxile, reports that during the first anniversary of the as twelve months following the sassination of Reinhard Hey event 2, 242 Czech citizens drich, the leader of the Ges were executed by the Gertapo, while exercising autho mans, one thousand being in rity in Czechoslovakia. retaliation for the killing of The Czech government, in Heydrich a a Limón Trading Company a Dried Ipecac Roof RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuís and Copra NOTICE Address all your Engineering Requirements to Para todos sus trabajos de Ingeniería dirijase a ROIG WE PAY THE BEST PRICES BOX 523. Teléfonog 5319, 3201, or 2929 SAN JOSE REMEMBER Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos ULTIMEDIA Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for th pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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