
the Rubber Reserve Co.
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14 res THE NEED MOR CULTURAL ADVANCEMONTY The Editor. ced as time passes. Standing The Atlantic Voice as we 110 are on the very threshold of a new era im Dear Mr. Editorwhich we expect our people am soliciting space in should be able to take their your weekly to ar a few places both in this God blesTHE CACAO FARMER FRIEND constructive ideas, whicnised and hospitable Costa Ri have no doubt, will tend tv ca and elsewhere, we discoWE ALWAYS BUY CACAO open the eyes of some of ver they really could not go our people and give them abroad to mix with, forsuch light and culture that ward peoples on account they may, if they so release, of their want of culture, it take a new view of things is well, Mr. Editor, to lay and seek better roads and open the truth even if it strength for their well be hurts.
As one travels on Those of us, West Indians, trains or attend pionios, or who came to these shores, dance halls, or even when some ten, some twenty and in the presence of decent a others as long ago as fifty cultured persons, ladies and fears ago; some indepen children, the same lack of CINE MUNDIAL dently, others contracted decency and culture con for work on the many pror fronts us. One, at times, jects of the United Fruit feels absolutely ashamed to LIMON Company, arrived with van be classed a West Indian ying cultures. Many had a Negro, perforee.
received their education in Headed and launched by 1792 colleges, many in seconda the move thoughtful ones, 98 ry schools, the large majo it is noted that a movement FROM THE FIRING LINES rity in elementary, center has been started at Siquir some even with no edu rres, and the government Allied forces have achiev ched against it with results cation at all. As time move approached to grant the fored further and distinctive suc regarded as The Chungking Military much ed gradually onward, some mation of an auxiliary policesses in the heavier Command regard the dissoluseemed to have acquired ce force, not alone in that Mediterranean than thet suffered by Colog tion of world control of Com the idea of being domiciled township but in all the Aarea as a consequence munims by Soviet Russia as in a semi civilized country, tlantic Zone, to have consistent and intensi The Nazis have been dealth an aid to the stregth of the for as they penetrated the controlling laws applied fied air raids on the Italian more blows on the Russian United Nations and a contri hinterland and mixed with with greater rigidity and defences on the native element, who ha strictness, and above the Islands of fronts Aided by tanks, artille buting factor to permanent.
ve no knowledge with the without favour or partiality ría. Trategic positions on the Soviet army launched a decisi all Sardinia, Sicily and Pantellery and airplanes, a powerful world peace.
English language, they un in order that all who offend The conferences in Wasloosened their restraints whether the young or the mainland have also been sub ve attack against them in hington between President and, being unrestricted by old, in the manner we ha ected to disastrous raids. the Caucasian area, where Roosevelt and Premier Chur a strict and severe govern ve disclosed, should be ac: ment, developed tendencies corded the punishment th y eight enemy aircraft were desse. It is expected that the Rus a brief statement to the press Three hundred and forty the fighting continues inten chill have terminated, and in.
for evil and immorality. deserve.
One of the principal pasti We appeal to the Chur troyed during the past ten sians will launch a final it was said that a full accord mes and diversions, both in ches to join in the crusade, days in this area, exclusive, attack against the weakened had been reached with private and publicly, for by pronouncing against the.
of those destroyed at this particular group, is the evil and suggesting ways their bases. An appreciable positions of the Germans in pect to future activities in all frequent use of vile obscene and Novorossisk. The enemy suf the war regions. Military cir means whereby we number of enemy ships were language of the lowest and may secure the most degrading type. The hing of stablis also sunk during the same fered heavy losses in the cles believe the United Na. pe centres for the attacks launched simultaneus tions will launch a general riod.
use of such language is so cultural and educational rooted in these persons that advancement of ly in the Kuban, Donetz and offensive in a short while. 13 th riIt is reported that under or Taganrog areas.
it may be likened to a can sing generation. God ders from Mussolini, the сі TER cerous growth which saps knows if things are left vil population of Sicily and the very vitals of both the to drift as they now are Sardinia are being removed Neither parents nor children are content if the Hairold and the young. This fue doing, it will not be long to the mainland. Rumours are cut was not done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the quent use of obscene words ere one accustomed to decity Market.
and gestures carries other cency will not be able to afloat, in London, that the degrading actions and cus find a resting place in this breaking of the Italian optoms with its and, due to the Atlantic Zone.
position is imminent and that MAQUINA DE. SE S IN GER lack of sufficient and pro We need centi;es to instil a number of labour strikes ha per school and religious edu! real, serious culture as well cation, and more than all, as a strict application, occurred in important en perfectas condiciones, se vende.
the restraints of decent, the part of the governing arms factories. In short, it is christian, homes, where pa authorities, of the laws. asserted that Italy is suffer: Informes en la Administración de vents are of moral calibre, We are in urgent need of ſing from panic due to the ex the drift gets more pronoun better centres, where exam pected Allied invasion. An un ples of real and serious cul. LA VOZ ATLANTICA TENEMENT APARTture may be instilled in the confirmed report says Presise in those in whom it is dent Roosevelt and Premier now lacking or to whom Churchill had sent an ultima MENTS AS KENNELS it is und nown. eWare tum to Mussolini to abandon CONSTRUCTS FOUR MILLION DOLLAR It is bad enought to be pes also appea. ng to AERODROME IN ENGLAND tered by dogs on the public highly respecul govern Germany industrial thoroughfares, but, quice apa:1 ment authorities, ho ever from a question of health. it display an untiring in orest tres continue to be the ob. Somewhere in England, the, ed it in the name of Geral is terpering grievously on the in all which tends to imiro pects of intensifed bombings. aerodrome constructed by the Andrews the late Commun rights of others when OC ve the general status of ouz Dormund again suffered terri governinent of the United der in Chief of the cupants of adjoining apartri. pecele, to give this matter bly when, some nights ago.
States of Amerz was com Amrican forces in England ments usilize more than their the early and full attention The cost of this mosi mo pleted and recently inaugurat more than two thousand tons ed. General Jacob Dovers, the de rented space for purposes it needs.
of of odern bases is said kennels. The barking of these To be continued.
of explosive bombs were laun new North American Genera to have million been four members of the canine specie, One Interested lisimo, officiated and christen dollars day and night, presents an aggravating situation, espe Nor permitimos Hamar su atención, a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the book cially when those whose lide su recibo que dice: af receipt which reads: which reads. com berty is being encroached This bill must be paid at our office before upon, dare not approach the Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th, or the month owners of the animals in an effort to secure an ameliorade los primeros 10 días de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do na: tion of the nuisance.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, u stop which We hope, that by this mede tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
Glium of complaint, our Highly regarded Health and Sanitary Chief will effect a campaign destined to put an end to the unreasonable, uncharitable practice.
ve on our the country.
0242 cenDO COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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