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PAGE 12 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, MAY 29th. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN means of to wa crac un the WA that we should be supplea with reaisst determined armed sabo inventweight and to women un for them a high record of ho.
TROOPS SABOTAGE We are hearing a lot of in The magnitude of Britain Six men from Trinidad, BSTThe Nazis have always rearesting things about America supplies to the American for bados and British Guiana graduated on May 15 from the Calised the menace of the chur Negro troops. There are alı ces. on a revearse Lend Lease LONDON May. The Ger ches, and have attempted dy over 500, 000 of them a basis, as announced by to radian Army officers training the mans are faced with an almost stop the mouths of both mre are being inducted dai Chancellor of the Exchequer in centre at Byockville, Ontario Prootal breakdown of their ef testants and Catholics by everylation of the United States is: Ten percent cf the total popu his budget speech, is staggering all the men had previous tra forts to protect the French rs il possible even to British Norwegian and American ining in the British Army in ways carrying troops and sup cergy have been deprived the Negro race; it is aimed personnel directly the British West Indies before lies from sabotage, either by the offices, sent to concentrahandling have a fair ten percent repre Lend Lease machinery and sup coming to Canada. They ale: French railroad workers or by tion cemps, in many cases sentation in the Forces.
Lieut. Anduze and Lieut, members of the various French death. In Yugo Slavia the MetroTake for instance, the 162n Large though the help from Patrick Castagne, Ist. Batunderground movements, the United States is, said Sir talion, Trinidad Volunteers; ac politan of Zagreb was flogged Engineer Squadron of the 2n cording to reports reaching the and expelled from his Ses; the Calvalry Division Kingsley Wood, it is no greater 2nd. Leut. John Lang British Ministry of Economic Bishop of San Jaluka was tor.
crew of fillers as they ar then the help we ourselves are ham and Lieut. Frederick Warfare.
tured and drowned, and in six called. This all negro affording to our Allies without Green, British Guiana Militia; Locomotives and freight cars districts of Croatia where there Lieut. Reuben Augustus Sealy, heve ben destroyed in all parts had been 850 Orthodox priets forefront of the battle. dig is trsined to work ahead of th charge.
artillery and the tanks in the To the layman this as a situa Barbados Volunteers, 2nd of France and delays in railroad rct one remained. The Orthodox tion undreamed of a couple of Lieut. Robert Lindsay of traffic are frecuent, and newly and Roman Catholic ging ditches, clearing obstacie Windward Island Regiment.
Church years ago, when the Congress appointed civilian guards who have so often been in opposition and swinging bridges over other of the United States, voted Wigre supposed to protect the in Yugo Slav a that it is comwise impassable terrain to th: billion to Britain and Greece the attack may roll forward for the defence of the cous impression in Washington railroads against sabotage have forting to learn that the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Zagreb Moreover, they are all full and the principle of Lend Lease He stressed not only the range proved totally inadequate.
and quantity of the suppies, but Most sectors of the track have led a delegation of Roman Catrained fighting men themselve: was born.
the complete lack of red been guarded by civilians who tholic Bishops to protest against An American soldier looking tape Or take the first all neg!
involved and the concessions have been pressed into the jobs, the brutality of these acts.
over the figures for airfields, unit in the Army Airfor piade to fulfil since so few volunteers were barracks, hospitals, Red Nor hgs the Roman Catholicces requireCross the 332nd.
ments that exceeded Fighting forthcoming. They are for the Church been British spared by premises and food pqovided for the group which recently most part elderly men, standards.
the Nazis.
arrive In Poland. every effort at a review piloting the forces in Britain by its Ow simple but teling illustra youths and young men having has been made to destroy it 40 Warhawks.
the British government recently Then tion, he said, concerns itself already been conscripted for and tear it out observed The American by the roots. have also recently heard of the sol.
dier in Britain is virtually other work. The guards are on Confessions in Polish are for first squadron of coloured flier: with heating. British standards an duty only at night.
bidden, which es equivalent to to leave for combat duty over anopted son of John Bull. It require heating of barracks, etc.
is a eredit to British industry, io a temperature of 60 degree.
Two guards are assigned to general prohibition as the peo seas. Of them it was said ir Upon our representation cover 600 meters of track, but ple don speak any other lanthat the American Congress Th agriculture and finance and the this was inadequate for the since they are armed only with guage. The celebration of ma entire membership of this Hou authors of Lend Lease that after sticks, they are unable to act rriage is forbiden to nen under se wishes them well and hope: agreed nearly three years of war John forces, it was instantly Bull could thus play host, sufficient fuel to heat ow der of father and armourer, too, to the Native quarters to a minimum of 65 civilian railroad of Poznan there are only two vast American armies.
inhabiWe know of a flying negro British ships carried them in degrees. Similar instances could guards were first introduced by churches for 180. 000 be multiplied indefinitely.
the Germans in Norway, then tants. Of eight hundred priests surgeon at the Army Field of hundred of thousands across The American troops, by way in Belgium and subsequently many have been killed and the lamed Tuskegee University; the Atlantic and the Pacific.
of a little reciprocal aid in re.
in several other countries in rest deported irriprisoned.
Howard Univertisy has also The US soldier in Britain can SO enthusiast: cluding France. They have pro One transport abone took 144 been designated as an Army scarcely live a day without the verse, joined Britain Save Fuel ved extremely unsucoessful, ac priests to Dachau. In Warsaw training centre The Agricul intrusion of Lease goods and services; pota campaign that some units saved cording to all reports reaching 400 priests are in prison, the tural an Technical College os much as per cent, of fuel.
theological faculty has been North Carolina Wes recently to peeler or Spitfire, intelligensupplied The German suthorities in closed, and the rector and pro selected too by the War Depart.
Co school or boot repairs, the In aggregate over Belgium have recently 3, 000, 000 been fessors of the Seminary arresment to provide for the train.
British Treasury pays. Twenty tons of goods have been handed compelled to arrange that Ited ing, testing, classification and million square feet of storage members of a special corps of assignment of 500 specialists.
over to the Americans on his space have been provided by side of the Atlantic. Thus the Occupation Army shall in UNITED KINGDOM Now the world famed Ame.
the War Office alone. In 1943 hetween 200, 000 250. 000 tons not only heve well over 1, 200. the future acgompany all trains TROOPS IN rican Marine Corps has dropped AFRICA 000 tons og shipping space been transporting Wehrmacht troops, 167 year tradition by opening In 1943 between 200. 000 tons These its ranks to Negroes. There are nf food will be supplied. Tea, saved, but it is costing America materials and supplies.
soldiers have orders to fire sugar, syrup, chocolate, cereals, less than 210 a day for pur.
chase to maintain the without wisrning on any person 76 of the troops in Gene already 2, 000 and the number fresh vegetables, jam and mar.
to 10, 000 army in Britain.
who approaches the train. One rel Montgomery Eihgth Army is to be increased This was such malade, flour, pickles, come out an innovation can imagine that few jobs could are from the United Kingdom.
of British stocks to supplement AFRICA REAL TEST by more nerve racking Their victorious sweep forward that one negro private of Mariin a the imported American basic rations Generous in their praise for rietermined and organized sabo hostile acuntry surrounded by across the desert, through Libya nes proudly dispřaying his coloand Tripolitania, and into Tu urful, twotoned, blue uniform It was for the Office of Britain reciprocal aid, teurs.
nisia, has been largely made vas arrested for impersonaLand Lease Administration in officials are not least impressed with arms turned out by United tion. If a story sounds too tall January and February this year by the speed and complete lack Kingdom factories. proporin America they say ell it to the of unnecessary formality to convince Congress that with Between 20 and 30 millio tons tion have come both from Ca the marines. This seems to United Nations pooling of sup which it is delivered. single of food and raw material are nada and the United States, but have been the pay off.
each President plies under Lend Lease is hit simple form in American phra. brought to this country Roosevelt himself fing the enemy hard enough to seology was devised for year by the Merchant Navy?
nade it clear that their Desert just fy extension of the system requisitions on British supplies Approximately 100, 000 tons of Victory was largely one of DO YOU KNOW THAT While press and public, to a and these constitute the only shipping a year are required to British arms.
large extent, took the extensión complete ledger of Britain transport a division of 20, 000 Casualties to the Eighth Army First hospital train built by of the set for granted, the Hou Lend Lease to America. Delimen 1, 000 miles overseas with se Foreign Affairs Committee very, even of a 2, 000 1b. bomb arms, equipment and stores, and since the start of the drive from Britsh workers for the United at. States Army Medical Departput Mr. Stettinius and his co wanted at a fewia hours notice to keep it supplied and re infor E! Alamein are estimated United Kingdom 87. Domi ment has been formally handed lleagues through a toothcomb at a Fortress base, or of a cou ced nion and Indian 12. and over? It accommodates nearly investigation.
ple of fast motor launches the French 300 patients and has a pharmaNO RED TAPE rushed down to Africa by and airmen sweep United Kingdom troops in the icy car and operating theatre.
The success of the British the Admirantly at Gen. Eisen skies in Spitfires, no one counts the cost but the Axis.
First Army Northern Tunisia story was due very largely to hower urgent request, is comPit props taken from Scottish We could not be here and amount to 90 of the total.
an American military spokes pleted before the simple official we could not have mounted the The two armies, the Eighth forests weighing, 1, 199, 918 tons ran, Major George Spiegelberg routine at headquarters is com who flew to Washington from pleted.
operation in North Africa if we and the First, are now holding were forwarded to collieries in Britain at the last moment Lend. by far the major part of the Britain during the last twelve to The North African campaign had not had reciprocal in the months? This is more than half testify of his day by day expe. has been the biggest test to Lease, said Major Gen. Tunisian front, helped commanding north by United States total forces the tonnage imported rience of requisitioning British date of mutual aid by lease and Lee.
French (from overseas during pre war supplies for the forces. lend. There, where Tommy At Army Services of Supply in the and in the centre by years His evidence made tremen. kingstari vegntog proindricarioteck Heikna Europeanzarphelatrea Nacional de Bibliotecas del Nortire Africavemorcega Rica.
ΟΥ of reciprocal Lend cally in


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