
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE as contemplative, as they never attend either to the There are many whose lives cannot be called active, for they neither do good ror evil; neither can they be regarded as Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 conduct of those among whom they live, or to the works of nature, NO 376 YEAR VIII LIMON, JU VE 5TH. 1943 rise in the morning, look around them till They night, in careless stupidity, then go to bed, sleep and rise CHINESE SCORE THE BRITISH MONARCH again the following morning.
BIG VICTORY at this time, more Reports from Chungking propi OUR FOOD SITUATION MORE ALARMING disclose that the Japanese tious for the usual spectacu have suffered serous losses lar ceremonials. These were, As is well known, the large majority of our citizenry in recent engagements with however, markedly absent this occasions, for depend on the supplies obtainable in the city market for the Chinese.
apart satisfying their needs. They are, however, sad to say, con The forces of from receiving a number General Chiang Kai Shek captured of high functionaries of the fronted, at present, with an alarming situation, due to the it the strategic city of Yuyang State and the Diplomatc scarcity of native grown vegetables and other articles com kwan, 48 kilometros south Corps in Buckingham Palamonly designated Ground Provision. During the week in of Ichang, and inflicting ce, the King is said to have ccurse it was noted, on one occasion, that only one stall 1, 000 casualties among the spent the greater part of the in the entire market had a meagre quantity of Vam enemy troops. They then day occupied in State du ties.
which was being offered after the rate of thirty centimos pursued the Japs. to the vithe pound.
cinity of Changyang where Comparatively short though it is expected another vicThis Weekly has repeatedly called the attention of his reign has been, His Ma!
try will shortly be registecur cultivators and others to the crisis which was fast apº jesty and his distinguished red.
Queen Consort, Elizabeth, proaching. We are now faced with the grim reality.
New advances by Chinese On Wednesday last, the have, by their outstanding Having neglected to cultivate an adequate amount of troops have ben reported in 2nd, instant, the peoples of unselfishness and true de food stuff to even take care of our own requirements, we the Hupeh sector the Yang the British Commonwealth mocratic characteristics, ga cannot, with any pride, say we are helping the war protse battle front. Gains are of Nations paid special tri ned the lasting affection of also reported in the north bute gramme of our democratic Allies. How shameful it would to their Sovereign, their people. Whatever hap of Hunan. Chinese and King George VI, in honour pens in these troublesome be if any of the United Nations should call on us for edibles, llied air units have been ac of the anniversary of his and tempestuous days amas a war contribution. What would we have to offer? NOtive over the aviation camps birth. Though the happy ong the nations, it is felt the THING, neither for Love nor Money.
of the Japs near Yingchan; levent actually occurred on British monarchy will re Matters cannot be allowed to continue in this Shady.
they were all destroyed. The, the 14th. day of the month main a living force and con tree manner. Those in authority should be awakened to a enemy is said to have lost of Decmber the anniversa tinue to be a controlling fac 80. 000 men during these realization of the critical situation and a proper and intens ry is officially celebrated in tor in the affairs of the cimost recent engagements. the month of June on ac Vilized nation throughout sified food production programme inaugurated. Methods One Japanese destroyer count of the weather being the universe.
must be developed to stimulate production and provide the and six auxiliary vessels wecultivators with the much needed protection from the Weel re sunk by North American we Ants plague. Ample attention should also be given the submarines in Far Eastern waters during the past few LA FAMA two legged plunderers, who so often reap that which they days.
had not sowa.
According to Tokio, Japa Frente a la Unidad Sanitaria (Limón)
Fish caught in our near by waters is selling, we note, nese air units raided the aeat one colon and twenty five centimos a pound, while the rodrome of Chittagong, In ESTA VENDIENDO EL JABON sellers of wood charcoal have banded themselves in an undia, last Saturday, and desheralded syndicate which has resulted in the price of the troyed twenty British plan es at the cost of only one of fuel being fixed at a minimum price of four colones and theirs. The base installations fifty centimos a sack, whose contents measure five tins.
were also said to have been 0. 60 CADA UNO Some action is urgently needed to remedy the very burned. The announcemen unsatisfactory situation.
from New Delhi, however, ROGELIO TASIES stated that the enemy planNazis was a prelude to their have inflicted a series of teres were intercepted before threatened spring offensive. rible blows on the Nazis.
they arrived at their objecti AERIAL ACTIVITIES IN WAR ZONES combined naval and ge Anti Nazi movements ve, and eight of them were rial attack by Allied units se increasing so rapidly in Yugo destroyed.
Between the 31st. May and verely castigated Italy yester slavia that the enemy forces During the month just end damage in the Mediterranean the following day, Allied led, 13. 000 tons of explosive area in the same time.
are reported to hace abandonGeneral activities on bombing planes launched and other bombs were dropOn the first couple days Russian fronts are the ed more than 000 sq. wisaid to lometros of territory.
thirty six tons of bombs ove: ped by Allied air units on im of the present month Soviet the nemy base at Lae in portant positions in Italy a air units conducted a strong New Guinea. During a dra lone. The principal targets in sweep on three important Ger BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT matic phase of the fight cluded Nápoles and Foggia man positions in Russia which ensued, a single Allo as also the Island of Sardira, Bryansk, Poloisk and Beahitied machine fought sixteen Sicily and Pantelleria. Enemy sa. causing terrible exploJapanese fighters and shot interests suffered heavily. The sions and great conflagradown five before geting quantity of bomb discharged tions. large arms deposit, Black Beans, Ib. 40 Red Beans, Ib. 50 Toilet Paper away. Enemy aerodromes mower strategic positions in north of Polotsk, was comple1. 10 Starch, ib. 45 Kerosene, bot 50 Bosco, jar. 00 Kendarj, in the Celebes and Germany, during the ane pe tely destroyed.
Island Palm Soap 60 Sweet Oil, bot 50 Ambion Islands, as well as riot totalled 13. 500 which Five hundred Nazi Planes Lard, 1b. 80 Klim, tin 25 at Gasmata in New Britani, was a marked increase over launched five attacks last Prunes, Ib 00 Oats, ib. 80 and Mandang in New uithose of the previous month. Wednesday on the strategic Tobaco Ib. 50 Sapolio. 00 nea were also subjected to It has been stated that position of Kursk. The raids disastrous raids.
plans have been made for were all repelled by the So We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh Having completed their oe five hundred raids to be ef viets na violent and spectaMerchandise cupation of Attu the Northfected over German territory, lar battle during which 130 Americans have initiated each one to be of much greo onemy and 30 Russian machLA PROVEEDORA their aerial assault against ter intensity than thar arines were lost. It is thought, the Island of Kisks which Dormond, the heavies: to among military circles in Lon LIMON lies about 800 miles off Ja date. Two hundred North don, that this effort of the panese territory.
merican units also did much ISLAND PALM are LA PROVEEDORA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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