
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JUNE 5TH 1943 MAY PROCESSION BY SODALITY, GLEANINGS FROM MATINA Reception and Installing Master. The franchise of Very significant was the procession, as it proceeded Procession in honour of the from the Hall of the Parish The components of the worshippers, who entered membership was conferred Blessed Virgin. which was to the Cathedral where the Matina Burial Association, dur ng the singing of one of on Mr. Mannings. The Ins conducted last Sunday after religious Rites were perform Inclusive, extended cheers the Church hymns.
tallation ceremony embranoon, under the auspices of ed and included the recep to their guests as well as to The Rev. Forde, Pas ced Mr. Chas Copeland, Mrs.
the Sodality of the Children tion of seven candidates with themselves, on the occasion tor of the Church, effecti First Vice President; of Mary associated with our their insignia of Green and of the observance of their vely measured up to the sig James, Recording SecreCathedral. The participants, seven members with their cor annual Thanksgiving Servinificance of the service. He tary, and Mrs. Reid, Cha in their attire of admirable responding Blue.
expressed his approbation plain. The usual after insta white and bearing fanciful The principal officers of the In a very representative in the mindfulness of thellation speeches were prothe bouquets, presented an im Sodality are Miss Felice Reid, manner, the members of the personnel of the Society in pounded, followed by of pressive scene.
Prefect; Miss Adelina Camp Order of Good Samaritans having chosen righteousness President expressions The Director of the Society, bell, Secretary, and Mrs. Mir, and Daughters of Samaria and acknowledged God as congratulations to Mr. Olar the Rev. Fr. John graced the riam Lewis, Instructress. of the district augmented their rightful Shepherd. At ke and the thanks of the Asthe colourful procession, the termination of the im sociation to all who had headed by th eadirable Stan pressive service, the Hall contributed så marvellously LA FRANCE LIBRE dard of the Association ca: was resumed and the social to the significant success.
rried by Messrs. Brown feature commanded further The celebration was climax Frente la Compañía Eléctrica, Limón and Edwin Tate, from the attention.
ed by the serving of deliSOUVENIRS DE COSTA RICA Hall of the local unit of the Mr. Ismael Murray. the cious refreshment; the serU. Association to the President, tastefully deli vice table was graced by Camarys Fotográficas, Películas, Joyas de Fantasia, Baptist Church. The sacred verd the preamble and intro Mr. James.
Resistencias, Ropa para Niños, Adornos de Casa edifice was harmonizingly duced Mr. Henry Clarke as Propietaria: ANITA DE NANNE prepared to welcome the COMPRO ESTANONES VACIOS On parle Francais English Spoken INTERNATIONAL The vote of the people is the law of the land. and SHORTS the people vete Dixon Barber Shop for better service. MR. FRANK PINNOCK SUCCUMBS TO HIS FATE West of the city Market.
Consequent on re deaths this mortal spherı had rea of two hurdred and eigis Dutch ched its end.
penal settlements during the EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, The body was removed past five months, according LIMON good from the morgue last Sato the information which When in this city from the Line Towns and Coasts come turday morning to the city reached London the Judges to the above named Restaurant. the service you have residence of mourning, then of the Courts throughout Hol long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders Tew ce to the Cathedral where and have threatened to susOPEN DAY AND NIGHT the funeral service, befitrend further conv ntions un We buy Costa Rica Lottery ting one who, born of Ca less conditions, in the settleOCTAVIUS THOMPSON tholic parents, had ever es (Better known as Edwin)
ments, are improvea. Th pcused the Faith, was im have also, it is said ordered Proprietor. Box 52 pressively conducted by the Rev. Fr. John. At the close the closing of one settlement of the ceremony the cortege diction of the Dutch autioTHE LOSS OF THE BOCAS DEL TORO or placing it unde: tie jurismoved onward, accompani ties.
The well known launch. Bc cue of the unfortunate traveled by a host of mourners cas del Toro. which operated lers, who were afterwards con In the flower of his man and sympathizers in solemn The celebrated Dionne quid between the ports of Cclón veyed by another launch to Al hood, My. Frank Pinnock tribute to the departed so altuplets completed the ninth ond Bocas del Toro in the mirante.
buccumbed to his fate in the one whose life career local Hospital. during the was of an appreciable stan: the 28th. ultimo. They are uəəəs pospasm 106 pwduod regrettable, we share in the While the incident is most anniversary of their birth on neigh bouring Republic of evening of Friday the 28th. dard. The remains of the the joys of the those who have ultimo.
said to have spent the davlly with grave danger to deceased were placed The deceased was one of rest in the same with their parents and seven lives of the many Lassengers been delivered from the perils vault in the sous of our very widely which repose those of his other brothers and sisters and crew; but Providence in of the deep. The wreckage of tervened and delivered them the Bocas del Toro not onknown and much esteemed brother Eric.
agriculturist, Mr. David Pin The heartfelt condolence Consequent on the hear from a watery grave. The mis ly represents a serious loss of nock of Rio Seco in the Es of the ATLANTIC VOICE xplosions caused by Allied hop occurred, we are told, oft property, but will, we have air raids in the near vicinity. Coco Plum Point, two miles no doubt, present an oppretrella region. In the hope of and its collaborators are ex prolonging the life of his tended friend David and the the foundation of the famed off shore, at 30 am Tues ciable set back to the comson, Mr. Pinnock secured other sorrowing ones. May. Cathedral of Milan, Italy, is dey the 25th May after the mercial, agricultural and pashim the best possible modi the soul of the young depan paid to be sinking. The se vessel had sailed from the senger service between the cal treatment, bututwas nat ted rest in peace, perpetua, ed edifice is noted for wharf at 5th Street, Colón, two important points as it no means, we are to be, as his al otted span on architectural beauty, it dates at 10. 30 a. the previous will be from the fourteenth century.
told, an easy matter to obtain The Master of the vessel is another vessel of that capacisaid to have sounded the dis ty and durability to undertake tress signal while the ninety the work. The unfortunate LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY eight passengers, in addition launch made innumerable to the crew, were piled into Isalls at this port and renderFABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS he two life boats. An appre ed valuable service to hun.
ciable number of persons, who dreds of our travelling citireside nthe coastal vicinity, zenry.
LIMON SOAP FACTORY materially assisted in the resat cay PRODUCTORA DE JABONES DE CALIDAD (Fundada en 1910)
Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS GARRON e HIJOS CATE HOLNESS Corner 2nd Avenue and 7th. Street directly in front the Football Ground This New Eating and Refreshing Spot is now at the Public Service COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
LIMON APARTADO 417 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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