
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JUNE 5TH 194 Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra THE NEEDS OF PANDORA By Special Correspondent Taking a circumspective the local has also caused the view of Pandora and the su suspension of the live stock rrounding districts and giv trade which was carried on ing due consideration to the with the Talamanca regions.
numerous agricultural and Cattle and hogs would, from other activities, the number time to time, be taken co of persons who gather on Pandora for shipment to LiPAY THE BEST PRICES FOR train days as also the large mon; this has ceased. On quantities of vegtable and the other hand, the disconother edibles displayed for tinuance of the services of sale on the platform, one the government and Unitcannot but regard the entied Fruit Co Dispensary re section as prosperous. cars have caused serious pu The majority of the traders blic inconvenience.
journey from Penshurst and Having regard to these un quickly dispose of their favourable conditions, the goods.
suffering community of Pan It is very regrettable that dora once again, by this me the Railroad Co. shouladium, solicit the goodness have discontinued the opera of the Management of the tion of the local to Pan Failway for a return of the dora, a distance of only five freight and passenger com miles, It this service were bination, if even a one coach resumed, we are certain a service, once a week, betlarger amount of business ween Penshurst and Pando would acrue in passengers ra. Spero meliora.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES and freight. The tram car, which is being operated in place of the train, is totally REMEMBER inadequate COSTA RICA SODA. on many oc casions it is so crammed that the poor passengers WATER FACTORY just breathe in each others faces. The discontuance of Fábrica de Hielo y APPROACHING RELI FRANCH NAVAL UNITS AT ALEXANDRIA JOIN PERSONAL GIOUS ENDEAVOURS ALLIED NATIONS Refrescos We extend a hearty wel.
BAPTISTS. The City Official confirmation has mile Godfrey, who is in cor come to Miss Grace Lambert.
Church will celebrate her been given the earlier report mand of the squadron, to ha She was one of the unfortuLimón annual Children Day on that the French naval units made the decision.
nate passengers on the illSunday the 12th. instant. It which have been at anchor in It is expected that the fated Bocas del Toro. and FLORIDA ICE AND has been stated 1hat the ser the habour of Alexandria from Selian conference may ai is the guest of our much revices will be augmented by the fall of France, have vo influence Admiral Georges garded citizens Mr. and Mrs.
FARM CO a Young People Program luntarily joined the Allied Na bert to place his ships at G. Jolly and family. My me at three o clock in the tions. The units consist, it is Island of Martinique alo: lovperience on the wreckage of LA FLORIDA afternon of the same day. said, of one battle ship, four side those of the United that launch will never be for cruisers, three anti torpedo tions, MADERAS gotten remarked Miss LamMATINA. As a conse boats, one submarine and se. Naval experts have expre FABRICA DE HOLO Lert.
quence of the heavy rains veral auxiliary vessels. ed the opinion that the unie MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS having washed out the Mool The recent meeting of Ge of French squadron has thers Day concert which rerals Giraud and De Gaulle terially strengthened the WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER ECONOMY. Everything in mashould have been presented in Argelia is believed to have sition of the Allied Powers SHOP ehinery made or repaired, from in the Baptist Church here influenced Vice Admira! the Mediterranean Located in front former a Pin to a Crane. See us. We Motive Power Club in 3rd.
early last month, it is now 211111 assortment of Beds, Avenue is the new parlour of slated for Monday night the Springs and other useful things at all times. Building No. 89 the only Oriental Barber Shop 14th. instant.
North Fifth Avenue. in this city. All sanitary THOMPSON, Proprietor.
arrangements. Barber with METHODIST The Sun Address all your Eng.
Para todos sus trabajos years of practice in all classes THE RESETTER WITH IMof the Hair Cutting Art. triat day School, associated with ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a PROVEMENTS. clean up to will convince the most the city Church will cele date Barber Parlour Centrally fastidious.
brate its anniversary on Sun located on Commerce Avenue LIONEL MIONDOLE day and Monday, the 27th.
almost opposite Teatro ArrasProprietor. BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 and 28th, instant. It has ty Pleasant, reliable courteous SAN JOSE service. THOMAS PARCHMENT been annuonced that divine Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos Dair Specialist.
English Tweeds Sergs worship will characsterize can still be had at the observance on the Sun preparation by our Metho. standing Jamaicans. TH ATLANTIC BAR AND Reasonable Prices at day, and the entertaining dist friends, a Rally which will doubtless include a JACK ORANE Sucs.
RESTAURANT features take fect on the fo will have for its mai nfeatu mination from each parit THE PEOPLE HOUSE lowing night.
re a competitive representa in the Is and. The data The very best and highest Limon We learn there is also in tion of some of the most out the function kill be release grade native and foreign Liquors always stocked No adul NEW HARLEM BAR AND teration Our Short Order RESTAURANT. The Best drinks Service the best inthe City, prepared by Crawford and 4th Avenue and 7th. Street. Grant, Genuine native and forCLEMENT ROBERTS ne service the most up to date.
ING SHOP. Specializes in mak.
ing and repairing furniture and ARCHITECT AND BUILDER every other branch of wood Years of practical knowledge, work. Coffins always stocked. efficient, neat, accurate. These Yee as before going elsewhere. my bighest ambition Any design Pricus moderate. 4th Street, in wood turned out with gratimntrance to Gamez Lumberlying results. Office and shop Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, 15th. Avenue, North UNIA.
וח carry an NOTICE ROIG El dolor de cabeza se se quita con que corrige el mal.
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