
SATURDAY, JUNE 5TK. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 21 FIRE AGAGE AT THE AZFVERO Jr. PHOTO STUDIO Corner the Cathedral and Girls Spanish School, Limon.
ago, nour Cathedral, sur Ramon Mora, Abel and It has been reported that rounded by a number of Hilario Cruz, Fermin Amafire has again caused much highly distinguished perso dor and Hector Pastor. The damage at the section at Mon nages, don Alfredo Salaza. reception with all its asso te Verde known as Cultivathe very genial delivery, ciated grandeur. the de tion. The unfortunate con clerk at the city post offi licious drinks, the toothso flagration took place during ce, and the very attractive me delicacies, flavoury spe the evening of the 24th. ulMiss Sicilia Johnson Forbes eches and dancing took com timo and added distress to a were solemnly united in the mand in the very accommo number of persons who had bond of matrimony by the dating apartments of don already been experiencing dif Rev. Fr. John.
Ramon Mora and his esteem ficulties in connection with The Bride attire effec ed wife. Lebert orchestra the material things of life.
ted deep admiration; while expanded the happy event The fire is said to have oriwe have no doubt the Gro until the wee hours of the ginated in a kitehen which om wide popularity was following morning. In the adjoined several residential the drawing card for the fulness of our sincerity we structures. all were rapidly crowded sacred edifice. add our congrats to Mr. and reduced to ashes. The majoThe sponsors were the MTS. ATfredo Salazar and rity of the occupants are sup Mesdames Luz de Amador wish the ma long union of posed to have lost all their and de Pastor, the Mis complete happines and pros personal effects as well as ap ses Salomon, Zamora, perity.
preciable amounts of cash.
Specializes in Professional Photographs, Cedulas, Passports, Post Cards, Enlargements, and the developing and printing of Films.
Post Office Box No. Limon.
IN FONDEST TRIBUTE THE CARIBBEAN PACKING COMPANY In loving Tribute to our dear friend and coworker WILLIAM PRYCE, who departed this life on Sunday the 30th. May 1943.
He s3s born in 1908 and worked in the Merchandise Department of the Costa Rica Banana Company during a period of ten years and ten months. He was a trusted employee, and served with honour to himself and enjoyed the confidence of his employers.
We the staff mourn his sudden demise, as he was a true friend to one and all. We loved him well. May his soul find everlasting rest.
The Grim Reaper has re pany in this city until his moved from this sphere and health failling, the had to CINE MUNDIAL ther who was, during a leng transfer his residence to San thened period, closely identi Jose, where his very sad pas LIMON fied with our communal life, sing took place en Tuesday and who had won wide of the week in course. Inter spread regard and high esment of nis remains were ef teem ämong all classes, fected during the forenoon NORTH AMERICA WONDERFUI. WAR Mr. Jack De Pass served of the iollowing day.
RECENT DEATHS the United Fruit Company To his afflicted widow, PRODUCTION for a long number of years sons, daughter and other re We have been afforded as Chief of their fruit expor latives the ATLANTIC VOIIn a sensational discourse faster than they are being the regrettable information tation department. On reti CE tenders its profoundest delivered recently in South sunk by enemy action.
that the folowing persons, Trement, he assumed the di sympathy May his soul find Carolina, the Director of the who were associated with health failing, he had to Peace perpetual.
war mobilization of the Unitthis Zone, died recently in Costa Rica Soda Water Com ed States of America releas BASEBALL AT MATINA the San Juan de Dios Hospied the very interesting infor tal, San Jose.
Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the mation that, despite the sneers We have been told that a pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon of the Nazi High Command, team of Baseballers will iecve Alexander Borken, who Barber Shop West of the city Market.
панітні the nation had on the 31st: this city to invade the Matina formerly resided at Old Har day of last month completed Diamond tomorrow, bour (Puerto Viejo) and HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA Sunday, the construction of 100. 000 6th.
had reached the age of sixty FRENTE AL MAR. CIUDAD DE LIMON war planes years. His death occurred News from the battle field on the 22nd. ultimo.
ERNEST LEWIS. Propietario The Director also stated indicates that our Selection that during the five months will have to be well printed if Roland Davis, a JamaiAtencion y precio especial para familias.
of the present year one hunthey desire to escape a chas can formerly of Matina, and Cuartos frescos y confortables con Baño dred naval units had been EL MEJOR COMEDOR DEL PUERTO tirement from the formidable 65 years old. He entered the CANTINA BIEN SURTIDA constructed, apart from the Matina Hine.
instit:an on the 14th. of thousands of launches intend Mr. Rod. Johnson is to rra the past month and died on ATENCION ESMERADA ed for the disembarkation of nage the city selection. the 28th. idem.
troops, as also more than one thousand cargo ships and Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the hock nearly one hundred oil tankde su recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: ers during the twelve months This bill must be paid at our office before ending on the 31st. of the past Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th, of the month month.
de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not He further announced that Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, a step which during the course of the prede tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
sent year the strength of the nation ships of war would be duplicated, while their ship yards are turning out merchant vessels four times)
UUS COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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