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PAGE 12 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JUNE 5TH 194 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN a a one the comcoma emGALLANT BRITISH LATIN AMERICA AT PANTELLARIA ISOLATED JUNIFIED COMMANDERS THE BOMBS NEVER INFANTRY WAR CEASE LONDON, June. The epic heartily welcome personality The bombs dropped by None of the Central Ameri iesistance of the island of Mal has appeared in the Pacific Of seventeen British Infantry can Republics can be called on Dortmund and Du ta is thrown into sharp relief theater by the name of Mac regiments which have been an military power. But they by the news that the Italian is. Nimsey. Or so the forces say, loads of explosive ever delive seldorf constitute the heavie nounced as taking part in the not too small to fight the Axis: iscated by the Allied forces, Mr. Poseph Drisce are land of Pantellaria has been according to our correspondented by air in the history of wa Tunisian campaign, large COSTA RICA, for Mac Nimexample: fare. In cach case they amour proportion have distinguished had a standing army of it is pointed out 82 by London sey is not a man; he is a dis to more than five times ti themselves in the past by de officers and 242 enlisted me!
commentators. Pantelleria lies tillation of three men, Mac explosive that London receive feating enemy cavalry. This is before the war. Even the streng approximately as far from the Arthur. Nimitz and Halsey. He a significant example of the on its worst night of bombing Allied occupied bases as Malta is not a commander; he is a new sen and other est, CUBA, had an srmy of onRuhr citie persistance of old British mili 1y 13. 500 men with 30. 000 refrom Sicily. When Italy enter spirit of unity in command have again been hit hard. tary traditions into modern serves, and it is questionable ad the war, however, Malta be achieved among the three top lis evident that the Allies regar Warfare, since the outstanding whether all of these countries came an isolated outpost in the ranking officers charged with the whole Ruhr area as a sing feature of the African campa together could have put more Central Mediterranean, one the direction of the vast yet ings has been great factory which must the skill and than 50 modern fighting plares thousand miles away from Gi closely interrelated battle fronts ystematically the Aleureduced, sec Fourage with which British in in the air before December braltar and the same distance which sweep from fantry units have constantly 1942.
from Alexandria.
tion by section. For German Pantellaría, tians through New Guinea to defeated the German its loss would be irreparable.
panzers But this did nos deter them. on the other hand, still has the western Australia.
is the heart of Hitler indus and cavalry of today. Thus, the COSTA RICA, CUBA, the Do protection of the Axis bases on Lancashire Fusiliers and the MINICAN REPUBLIC. HAITI, trial power.
the island of Sicily, only Perhaps the only remarkable King Own Yorkshire Light NICARAGUA, We are only beginning hundred miles away, with Ita thing about him is that he has Infantry fron Northern Eng SALVADOR and PANAMA are 19 and Sardinia in the back been so long in appearing. Mac guess what this process of des land and the Hampshire what musi truction means to the Germa re at war with the Axis. Together ground. In 1940 Malta had to Nimsey repr giment from Southern En with the other Central Ameriely for air cover on three be one essential principle in people. Since Jan. twenty gland all took part in favorable can nations which have broken solving the problem of unity seven major German cities hay action at the Battle of Minden, diplomatic relations with OBSOLETE GLADIATOR of command. The size of modbeen bombed, many of then Eng when British infantry charged Axis, they are all contributing FIGHTERS crn fronts and the complexity repeatedly. Reports from and defeated enemy cavalry, to the common war effort.
of modern weapons and services land tell us that nothing tha The Scottish, Argyll, and Souhas happened in the war ha Militarily, they have helped which had been left there by compel a specialization even up thern Highlanders gave so lowered the morale of pri histo to increase hemisphere defenses mistake, operated by six pilots to the top which can be oversoners held there as this ai Ty the legend of the thin red to record strength. New naval with no fighter experience at come only by personal co opera ssault on the German home line at Balaclava in collaboration 1854, and air bases guarding key all. For nearly three months, tion and The front. Londoners under fire ir when they met and defeated the strategic points have been built. these planes defended Malta British in Africa recognized charge of the crack Russian cavalry, standing in lines with merican Republics are Economically the Central Against the concentrated this when they maintained their 1940 never ceased to believe that the would drive force contri.
strength of the Italian air force separate army and air open flanks instead of the Luftwaffe off. German ci.
formbut put the buting to the war effort to the only eighty miles away. Moreo organize tions, vilians in 1943 know there is ing the traditional squares. The best of their sbility.
ver, the island has the densest ground general and air Black Watch. to this day. COSTA RICA is growing foodporulation in the whole of Eu mander into the same tent. But no hope of relief.
wears its famous red hackle or there This damage is not inflictec vulture plume in memory ofed forces; primarily those to feed the United Nations erm lope. Vest Malta has not only beyond such expedients in held out for three years agains remains the problem of achiev. without loss on our side. This the occasion in 1795, when they the Panama Canal Zone.
have year the British alone This all attacks, but it has nowing, not simply unified themselves chaged and dispers is to conserve shipping space.
become powerful forward mand but unified commanders. lot more than 750 bombers and their crews over Germany and ed the cavalry. The Buffs. Normally, most of Costa Rica base for an air offensive against The war has repeatedly Western Europe. Mass bombing interrewho have the proud distinction exports consisted of bananas, Italy. It will be interesting to phasized the intimate of being the third Regiment of coffee and cocoa. The food prosee how ong Pantellaria, un lation of all services and arms: is grim business for both sides.
the Line of the British Army der far less unfavourable congramme is providing additional it is now emphasizing the need But in the end it will save the were originally the London Vo income for Costa Rican individual far ditions, succeeds in holding out for cost of many battles.
commanders lunteer Force, which went to Holland to fight in the Dutch Central American ecconomy.
equipped by background, mers are helping to stabiliseegain the Allied attack.
perience and ability to direct STILL ROUGH THE PATH War of Independence against all at once.
HAITI is expanding her sisa Spain. They earned the nick production to help replace the SAYINGS On his first appearance in name of resurrectionists. beloss of libre sources for ropes the House of Commons as cruse they got on to their feet and cordage in the Far MORE BOMBING LIES East Prime Minister, on May 13th, and fought on after being rid. Last year Haití exported more are no idle hands. Every per In this small island there 1940, Mr. Churchill uttered den over by cavalry. The Gor than 24. 000. 000 pounds of si son capable of working has that sober but electrifying don Highlanders made history sal, twice her pre war annual willingly responded to our discutery against LONDON, June. The nazi phrase that has become a part at Waterloo. When the Scots the export bombing of history have nothing to rections. willingly responded to raids of the Royal Air Greys cavalry charged the GUATEMALA is stepping up the call to prodhce and to fight Force offer but blood, toil, tears and French, cavalry the Gordons production of quinine to replace in order to bring the day of sounds somewhat hollow, writes sweat. broke their ranks and ran sources lost to Japan when the or common victory nearer. the Swedish newspaper Nya Even he can hardly have réawith the Greys holding on to Dutch East Indies were occu Mr. Ernest Bevin, Minister of Dagligt Allehanda. The Ger lised how true his words were the stirrups of the British ca ried. One of the largest quinine Labolr and National Service, to prove. These three years valry. Other regiments among plantations in the Western Heman way of splitting hair about heve meant suffering and lathose who have helped to sweep misphere is located in northwho started the serial bombbour for the world and for the axis out of Africa include western Guatemala on the Me fore us all the time is to make tered towns of Poland speak parallel in our annals. It The great aim to keep be is is unconvincing. The shat this nation, such as find the famoud Yorkshire and Len xican frontier. It was formerly the life of the people of has cashire. who, at that time sta operated by Germans, and be nation a more genuine and Chris this for themselves. When the Ger been a grim business, faced detioned in India, carried out two fore the war its existence and tian fellowship. The Arch mens tak about the so ralled with a quiet courage and expeditions into Arabia in value were practically unk bishop of Canterbury. barbarcus British attempt to termination of which we may 1809 and 1821 to put down sla nown. American engineers are drop bombs on Italy and Ger well be proud.
not The struggle is over.
very. The Royal Welch Fu exploring the mountainous high. many and knock both of them lands for minerals and have with considerable amounts siliers were conqueros of St.
Blood and sweat must still of our of the war the article conalready found deposits rich manganese, chrome nickel flow before victory is achieved.
Lucía; by order the com tinues enough to develop for ship copper and tungsten. one is compelled to He is no true lover of his coun.
mander. in chief, the regiment to American war indus Similarly, though not at war ask Was the blitz against Brit try who indulges in premature ment colors were hoisted there tries, with the Axis, VENEZUELA ain really anything different? rejoincings or slackens his own for an hour before the Union HONDURAS has turned her and ECUADOR are supplying Annihilation tactics Were Jack upon the surrender of the merchant marine over to the the United Nations with a va German invention and Vernich And yet surely a sober thankisland. The Northamptonshire War Shipping Adminis riety of products, balsam wood tung (Annihilation) was for fulness is our proper attitude tration to carry essential sup and kapok for life rafts back to day. We look Regiment is remembered as upon commonest a long time the the last British regiment actual plies and war materials to the life. preservers, rubber word in the German war comgreat effort and great achieveAllied nations. Some of the petroleum. Venezuela is the been ly to carry its colors into ac boats that took part in the in world third largest producer have in every muniques. The attacks by the ment. The outlook has transformed. The end is sure, tion at Laings Nek in 1881.
vasion of North Africa the is almost in sight, though were of petroleum. Ecuador main Finally, it is not without sig Honduran. In addition, Hon contribution has been to been directed against targets per.
path is rough and uphill.
nificance that the Queen Ro duras is reviving its rubber in mit the United States to fortify important to the enemy war As we see how we have been yal West Kent Regiment dustry and is shipping 47. 000 and defend the Galápagos Is effort as has been shown led we. guarded Napoleon at St. Hele. pounds of natural rubber et to lands which guard the south. innumerable reconnaissance pho not only for our human leaderna and provided the guard at the United Nations each month, west approach to the Panamátographs.
ship, but also to the great guidhis funeral, CUBA is supplying the Allies Canal from the Pacific.
ing Hand of Almighty God.
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