
SATURDAY, JUNE 12TH. 1943LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 11133 ny. FREE GERMANY CELEBRATE FIRST CONGRESS IN MEXICO The Atlantic Voice tical organization which sed month.
TRE AVENZO Ir. PHOTO STUDIO learns that a number of Ger has been designated Free Taking it for granted Corner the Cathedral and Girls mans resident in the Repu Germany. Their first Con that their conduct was reblic of Mexico recently for gress took place on the 7th. garded as good enough to Spanish School, Limon.
med themselves into a poli and 8th of the recently pas have earned them their liTHE STUDIO OF NOVELTIES, berty in that Republic, it is Specializes in Professional Photographs, Ctdulas obvious it took nearly four CARD OF THANKS Passports, Post Cards, Enlargements, and the long years for them to beco developing and printing of Films me convinced of the wrongs THE MEMBERS FTHE FRANKLIN TAMILY LIMON Prst Office Box No. their fellow nationals were extend their most sincere appreciation and gratefu thanks to their many friends, well wishers and the and are committing against public in general who made such honest enquiries humanity and civilization, ITALY THIRD ANNIVERSARY IN RAGING re the rumour that Jaek Fdanklin was among the crew and to publicly demonstra of the ill fated motor car, which brought such painful te their opposition to NaCONFLICT death an destruction to so many youngmen on Sun zism. Frankly, their action day, the 30th ultimo.
On the tenth of the pre have realised the fruitlesssavours of a wait and see We take this opportunity to ask the bereaved sent month, the passing of ness of his ambition from ones to accept our FULLEST SYMPATHY for their poliey; and now that they time brought us the third the evacuation of Dunkirk, grievous loss, while we are thankful to God that Jack are fully convined that one anniversary of Italy en when the British proved the was at Zent, that very day, with his mother.
of Hitler feet is out of try in the word raging con Nazi Luftwaffe was no the stirrup of his great war niet on the side of Germa match for their naval and Farm, Cuba, Zent Line.
steed their only recourse is aerial strength.
FATHER MOTHER. SISTER and JACK to seek shelter before it be When Italy declared war This third anniversary too late under some demo against Germany in World finds the Italian Dreamer cratic roof.
War Nº 1, Mussolini then in a most uncomfortable sta PERSONAL As the leopard cannot proudly proelaimed histe of mind. as he sees his successfully change his country was intervening in African Empire fully occu Among those who came was mothered, during her pots we are not inclined to the name of international pied by the Allied Nations, in on Tuesday passenger illness by Mrs. Daysley. whole heartedly appreciate right. When, however, he his Islands of the Meditertrain from San Jose were this Free Germany move placed Italy three years aranean being subjected to Mesdames Doris Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hurt ment at so late an hour of go alongside Germany, the the full butt of Allied aerial Daysley. Mrs. Gray has of Siquirres were week end the conflict. The activities predatory nation whose on and naval bombardments suffieiently recovered from visitors to our city. They af Nazi submarines in so ly law is to crush and des and his people displaying in the delicate surgical treat came on a visit to their mewhat close waters could poil those weaker than her creasing discontent with e ment she had to undergo to mother, our good citizen, not have been so successful self, he was but obeying the xisting conditions.
he able to return for reeu Mys. Sarah Rieketta. with out near by aid we o dictates of Berlin with the peration at her home. She pine.
hope of participating in the RETURN OF MR. AND rich spoils, not only of MRS, EVANS France but also of those of the long envied British Is Completing their Chriss les. The entire universe now tian Mission and a short re knows that the aims of the creational trip to the capi: THE CACAO FARMER FRIEND Fascist Leader have all go tal and other points, the ne wry and his entry into Rev. and Mrs. Evang WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO the urprovoked struggle has have returned to the become a castastrophe for Mark Rectory Italy.
The services tomorrow Had the Fascist Dictator wil be condated by the Rec been possessed of normaltor. We extend them a sin reasoning powers, he would leere weleome.
WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR Neither parents nor children are content if the Hairs cut was not done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
Rubber Reserve Co.
CINE MUNDIAL Welcome to New Director of Tomas Guardia School. LIMON Resulting from the very will not be longers nir regrettable resignation, due new Educator be the recito ill health, of don Juan pient of Limon characteris HITLER STEAKS THROUGH MARSHAL PETAIN Sautista Peralta, the great tic good will and embracing Paris radio broadcast of forming his own government thing. By his consent he did y esteemed Director of the affection. By reason of our the fourth instant discloses for the e. vess purpose of su more than surrender that part Tomas Guardia School in mixed citizenry don Tristan that marshal Petain, the Civil rrending to Titler, he procee of the Allied bombings and this city, we now have the will doubtless experience Chief of that which is left of ded wit hthe otiations wit wihch were under his control pleasure of extending a wel strange customs at the outFrance, ha categoried the Bri hout any reservation regar a d implicidly disassiciated come to the new Director, but these will be easily tish and North Amel an ae ding the French fleet. Admit himself from the determination ral bombardments over Serting, that the over running of France remaining resources.
don Tristan Prenes who surmounted. We wish him many, Italy, and the enemy oc the country by the Nazis could The present remarks are fur has been transferred from every, possible success in cupied countrieas unjustifica not have been avaided, the Marsh ther admissin of his sympathy another section of the Coun his new field of labour and ble warfare. This is, we think, al wilingness to hand over fr Nazi Fascism.
try Educational Depot tender him the City hearti the voice of Hitler speaking the naval units for use against to continue the fight with ment to direct the Boys: the British is quite est Welcome.
through the aged Soldier another The Marshal is also stated School. We are confidentit to have said that the people of France should continue toerer Nor permitimos Hamar su atención a la nata al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back cise patience and disciplin for de su recibo que dice: of receip! witici cea dacia the country future will not be always dark. He is correct Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro This bill must be paid at our office before in this, but he should have the 10th of the month de los primeros 10 días de cada mes given cognizance to the fact Be so geod as to comply with this request and do not that the resurrection of the Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a stop which French Republic and the re es de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
tablishment of her civilization will only be realized by means of the Allied bombing and their general war activities, Marshal Petain shuld also rerember that when he was COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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