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PAGE 12 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JUNE 12TH. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN ORE CLC no of asan is over norwere KILLING THE BOAT REFUGEES IN BRITAIM BIRTHRATE IN ENGLAND THE ROYAL SUSSEX ROUND THE CLOCK About 78, 000 refugees had AND WALES THE TRON REGIMENT BOMBING We possess the terribly ef. heen admitted into Great Bu fective weapon Quartely returns of the Re. It was to the Royal Sussex The importance of daylight of submarine toin by (September 1939; this war, which at the gistrar General for England and Regiment, known in the British bombing raids is not, as is often moment is figure does not include children hting Britain even harder than who accompanied their parents. ber of live births between Oc Iron Regiment. that General parison with night bombers.
Wales show that the total num Army by its nickname the supposed, their accuracy in com the air War hits us to day. The total number of refugees tober and December, 1942, was von Arnim, in of the axis Their virtue lies just as much (Goebel in Das Reich. April now in Great Britain amounts to about 150, 000. Between October 160, 679, which is the 7th, 1943)
highest forces in Tunis, gave himself in the fact that a daylight attack Germany is concentrating im 1, 1938, and December 31, 1942, for any December Quarter since up on May May 12th. The dra preceding immediately a night mense efforts on her submarine Covernment grants for alicn re 655, 075, which is nearly 68, 000 with the commander of the fa prives the 1926. Total births in 1942 were mitic story of Arnim meeting attack on the same target, de.
anti aircraft building programme and. She fugees in Britain amounted to knows that the growing weight 1, 210, 000. This sum does not more than 1941, and the highest mous English regiment was re other ground defences of time yearly total since 1928. In 1942 inted in a recent cable message to rest and reorganise. Raids on of British and American arma include expenditure by the Miment production must cross the nistry of Health on accommoda the birthrate (births registered to the Times. London, from a target for two nights running, scas before its impact can tion and support, of which be per thousand of mid 1939 popu. their correspondent in Cairo. even though, much heavier than felt Intion) was 15. Live births When the nazi general, toge is possible in daylight, to give in continental Europe separate record is kept. Contri.
Hence her tremendous efforts to butions from private sources exceeded civilian and nonci ther with his staff, apprached the defense a respite. Without vilian deaths by 175, 168.
mass produce boats on The the British positions, under the that respite it is bound to de the since 1933 are estimated at 9, Kaiser plan. It is estimated 500, 000. The total number iate of stillbirths is the lowert protection of the white flag, in teriorate. This is the real tactic that the man hours required to refugees, evacuees, internces recorded. 35 por 1, 000 births. order to surrender themselves, of round the clock bombing.
he immediately recognised the It is not just a slogan. Daylight build a submarine have been and prisoners of war maintain cap badges wron by the British raids can greatly increase the cut to one third by rigid stan ned in British Territory and Pa BRITISH BROADCASTS dardization, lestine, but axclusive of soldiers waiting to receive him effectiveness of the night raids the The number of boats that follow immediately on the TO EUROPE Dominions, amounts to 682. 710.
suys the correspondent. They in Wire Royal Sussex men, born same target.
commission to day is said to be The total number of Jewish im.
The aprcaching five hudred. Which migrants into Palestine between British In fact, night bombing is not Broadcasting in the south of England. As the general Corporation sends out neared hit and miss implies well over one hundred April 1, 1939 broad German the the innaccurate and September always at sea. They are being is about 38, 000, of which the casts in 27 languages, produc British comander, Lieutenant afair that it is sometimes built faster than they are being ereat majority are from Central ing 140 bulletins every day. Colonel Glennie, his first words: sumed to be. Block busters are destroyed production is said and Eastern Europe. The East The programmes ar broadcast were fought against your far too costly in manpower and to be at the rate of one boat African colonies maintain simultaneously on long, medium regiment in the last war. The material, and the risk of carryper day additional population of 90, 964 and short wave lengths. Except British officer responded withing them to the target is far too THE UNITED NATTON which includen Italian prisoners for a break of one and three the reminder that it was the great for them to be thrown Germans themselves who had away light heartedly. dumANSWER. With two powerful and Polish refugees. This num quarter hours, this service conarms Navy and Air Force given the Sussex boys their ho my run is first made over the ber twice the tinues around the clock.
The United Nations are combat mal white population. India Any big news story put out rourable nickname. This hap target to align the sights and ing the boat menace. As the has provided aecomodation and by the is known to rened in the first battle of correct the drift. machine mya campaign has intensified so have support for over 400, 000 refu most people in Western Europe, Yprés, when the regiments po circle three or four times before the bomb aimer is satisfied the of Indian excluding Germany, counter measures against gees. The bulk are within sitions in the front line for the final run the marauders. The Navy and origin but include also threehours of the time it is put being defended by a greatly de and ready many Sussex when he releases the bombs.
the Air Force alike have deve from the Balkans, Malta and cut, and no big news story put cimated group of the Without this careful aiming, loped their cffensive and de.
cut fails to have currency men against a strong attack by reconnaissance photofensive techniques, throughout Germany within a superior numbers of Huns. The stimulated week. The 500 by the Anti boat Warfare newspapers British troops stubbornly refu saphs wold not show the great Committee set up in known to be operating in oc sed to yield an inch of ground, destruction they do.
London never return from training cruilate in 1942. From the point in ses owing of the assiduous mine: cupied Europe depend mainly and thus enabled the whole line the heart of Germany where laying activties of the Royal Air and guidance. The power of the phase, earning in this manner or the for their fact, to be stabilised at the critical SAYINGS the first component part is maForce.
de, to the wide oceans transmitters has been he appellation Iron Regiment The Royal Air Force earnwhere In waters where they operate: magnified to counteract the from the Prussian élite troops, estly look forward to the day the boat operates, it is ma Coastal Command, which now German jamming of these bro who recognised that the English when they will be able to fly ced by attack from the Navy has more aircraft than the enadcasts and the Air Force. The Minister of In possessed just those qualities side by side with their Ametire at the outbreak of formation, House of Commons. which they themselves had so rican comrades to attack Tokyo ONSLAUGHT BY AIR. The air the war, pursues its relentless admired since the times of the and other cities of Japan, and atack on the boat is in five attack on boats at sea. Its convoy escort, the Navy has Soldier King and Frederick the strip this cruel and greedly nastages: patrols cover an area of some another valuable anti submarine Great.
tion of their power to molest Component parts: Augsberg, five milion miles. Aircraft of weapon. These. the new the civilised world. THE Nuremberg and Copenhagen, all the Command have flown 75. Battler is. carry PRIME MINISTER.
three homes of Diesel engine 000 miles. more than half way both Seafire and swordiah pla. NAZIS AFRAID OF works, have been heavily at to the sun.
nes, and are therefore equiped tacked Everything will begin NEGROES Duseldorf factories In the Bay of Biscay, through both for the defence of convoys move when the invasion units where subsections and torpedoes which the majority of the and for atack on boats.
are made have been severly boats must pass on their way As there are apparently no of the Allies stand on the Condamaged.
to the Atlantic shipping routes, JOINT ACHIEVEMENT. The longer enough Jew left in Ger tinent of Europe. The German Building yards: By day and it is estimated that one in every actual results of the relentles many to whom the Nazi racial satélites will declare themselves be applied, by night atacks on theory may the one after the other. Dr. BEthe great three is attacked.
harrying of boats by the Germans are busy finding new NES, PRESIDENT OF THE building and asembly yards THE NAVY PART IN DEF Navies and Air Forces of the have been pressed home. Ham ENCE objects of their policy of race CZECHOSLOVAK REPUBLIC.
AND ATTACK. The United Nations are not made discrimination According to burg, Bremen, Wilhelmshaven, part of the Navy in boat war known. But the success of the Swedish Sources all the negroes When the struggle has been Kiel and Vegesack, have suf fare is inevitably more silent Allied landings in North Africa in German territory have been won we must fortify our citadel fered devasting raids and it is and less spectacular than that gives a clue to the way wherein ordered to register. Under a de of liberty and democracy with known that production has been of the It is a role which the menace is being overcome.
severely affected in all five combines defence with ottack, The Coastal Command of the cree issued by Heinrich Himm such defences that no aggressor places. In all it is lor, Nazi Gestapo Chief, local shall dare again to try to vio.
calculated but which daily grows more of. Royal Air Force afforded such authorities must register all late it. Mr. ATTLEE, that air attack has reduced fensive as new and secret devi. protection ot the convoys that building German submarines by ces are brought into action. between the United Tiegroes, mulatos, and quadroons Kingdom The coal situation is serious, about one third.
Great Britain is known to and Gibraltar not a single ship and report the results immedia3. Pens and Stores: Lorient and have more than five hundred of the great armada was attack tely to the office of the Chief we cannot afford to lose a ton.
of Reich security We are at a critical period when St Nazaire the French frontline anti submarine war led. After the ships left Gibral.
avoidable absenteeism is a criAtlantic coast are Germany ships. This figure does not in tar the boats in the Medite her ability to feed herself and me. Mr. ARTHUR HORNER.
principal boat bases boat clude American and Canadian rranean converged. Thirteen nove troops, thanks to Navy stores and petrol are kept at units, and its strength has been were destroyed off French protection, to all parts of the We have to combat the most Rennes. Both Lorient and St.
to a large measure North Africa by the Royal Navy world with only a fractional shameless acault that has ever Nazaire have been the target through the efforts of Canadian and the Royal Air Force in one loss 1, 348 of a total of 3, 000. been launched against the posifor one thousand ton raids. Ren shipbuilding yards. All in all, week alone.
tion which God occupies in our nes has been attacked both by the Alies are mass producing In the war againts boats In the first year of the war Mosquitoes and American heavy anti submarine vessels faster Great Britain and the United cach operational boat at work national life and in the lives of each one of us. QUEEN bombers.
than Germany is mass produc Nations have become progressi. Ircounted for average WILHELMINA. Crews in training: The ma ing boats.
vely stronger. Great Britain, riniteen Allied ships; in the jority of the submarine crews In new pocket carriers, which guarding the seas alone for ne second year, for an average of third year, for an average of are trained in the Baltic. Many are converted merchantmen for arly two years, has proved twelve Allied ships;and in the seven and a half Allied ships.
one to on built up an of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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