
DI ATLANTIC VOICE awas Nothing has more retarded the advancement of learning than the disposition of vulgar minds to ridicule and vilify that which they cannot comprehend. All industry Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 must be excited by hope; and as the student often proposes YEAR VIII LIMON, JU 19TH. 1943 NO 378 no other reward to himself than praise, he is easily discouraged by cor tempt and insult.
BRITISH SOVEREIGY ON THE RUSSIAN BATTLE FRONTS VISIT NORTH AFRICA Russian operations along, tely destroyed the summer the Central front, during the plans of Hitler, During the THE SIQUIRRES DRIVE AGAINST week in seven weeks in which the aeHis Majesty King George ecrl er das of the IMPIOUS HABITS VI of the British Common course, are said to have ob rial activities attained their wealth of Nations was, on tained advances in the Orel maxium intensity, German Wednesday, reported to ha sector, while the enemy posi aerodromes, rail roads, muni ve arrived in North Arica tions in the regions of Svesk, tion deposits and roodways last Saturday for the purpo Bolgorod and the west of Ros were ruined.
Through these columns we, a few weeks ago, became se of inspecting the Allied tov were incessantly raided With the Allied victory in acquainted with the initiative of several residents of the forces, particularly the ae during a period of two days. Africa and their contrul of ral divisions prior to their Violent fighting has been the Mediterranean, it is betownship of Siquirres, whose regard for virtue rather than entering on their offensive in progress in various sectors lieved the Germans will not vice, prompted them to approach the authorities of Law and against the European Conti stretching from Kuban in the be in a position to launch ano Order with a view of banishing or surpressing the impious nent.
Cacasian region to Lenin. ther intensive offensive His Majesty is also stated grade, with the Russians main gainst the Russians.
habits rampant among a large number of their fellow resito have taken the opportu toining the offensive in all dents.
nity of personally decoratº parts.
Many of the evils which have stirred Siquirres have ing General Dwight Eisenho Foreign military experts wer with the Grand Cross have declared that the devas been with us in this city for a long period, but the indul.
of the Order of the Bath, tating attacks of the Soviet gence is now so widely spread it has become a public scare.
accorded him some time pre cir force over the Nazi lines viously.
of and rearguard have compleWherever the profanity and vulgarism abound, persons decency and respectability dare not approach.
The Billingsgate expressions are generally uttered in ACTIVITIES IN MEDITERRANEAN REGION the English language, but even those who have no original claim thereto fuly understand the indecent utterances.
Heving firmly established According to a Rome adtheir control in the North vice, the Allied Powers These profligates usually congregate in the Coffee Shops, are frican territories, the Allied supposed to be concentrating Drinking Saloons, Restaurants, along the thoroughfares Commund, as was anticipat cne million men, five thouand other public places, and being aware that the policeed, have dilected ottertion sand tanks and fifty per cent toward the Italian per nsular. of the units of the British men are unfamiliar with the language, indulge in their The important island tese of fleet for their decisive assault scandalous, loathsome conduct with impunity.
Pantalleria was first attac cn Southern Europe, We wholeheartedly agree with the Siquirres Crusade. ked, and occupied; this Turkey have severed dithe island of Lampedusa, af plomatic relations with the and earnestly recommend that the suppressive measures be ter a twenty four hours at Vichy government and Large extended to our city. The need is urgent. We cannot make followed by the surrender of bodies of British and North any real cultural advancement, as a community, while such tack by Allied naval trd ae American troops are reported Genl. Sir John Cunningham rial units The third to be concentrated along her soy Commander in Chief of the conduct openly abounds; it is therefore necessary that retoken wos Linose and the thern frontier.
British forces in the East. pressive measures of a decidedly effective character be tourth Lampionu. More than placed in force with the least possible delay.
twenty thousand Italians were taken prisoers.
The military and neval LIC. DON FRANCISCO FONSECA VISITS CITY THE PASSING OF DON JUAN BTA. PERALTA bases on the Island of Sicily have also been having Right easing it was for us, passenger train, and was shor With the profoundest of the Capital for special meditheir share of bombings with to have had the visit of Lic. ly after engaged on what regrets we announce the close cal treatment. Notwithstandterrible results. The Island don Francisco Fonseca Ch. seemed an official mission of the life of one who wasing, however, the efforts made is now cònpletely isolated by one of our Province Repre with our highly esteemed Go ciosely associated with the on his behalf, his condition All ed naval units.
until sentatives before the National vernor, don Abel Robles, and educational activities of our grew gradually worse The inhabitants on the Is Congress.
our widely regarded supple ty and who, during the entire the very sad end came lands of the Dodecaneso Don Francisco came from mentary Deputy, Attorney period of his sojourn omong Tuesday last in the city of group are said to be experienc the Capital on last Tuesday Daniel Zeledón.
us, evinced the greatest in Cartago, Interment was efterest in all which tended to fected the following day.
ing so serious an economic si aid our advancement, partituation that those on Caslo his sorrowing widow, tellrosso are preparing to eva GERMANY STILL BEING BOMBED culery that of younger doña Rosa Obando de Peralpeople, in all respects.
to, his children and other re cuate it. This island lies but a short distance off the Tur Allied air units continue ter of Oberhausen, located His health failing a short latives the Atlantic Voice kish coast.
to shower their bombs of des ten kilometros northwest of time ago, don Juan Bautista tenders its deepest condohis lence. May the soul of Pro peace manifestations truction over Germany and Essen, as well as other points Peralta had to give up in are assuming such propor Nazi occupied territories, with in the re jion of the Ruhr also important position of Direc lamented departed tions in the south of Italy results said to be growing suffered Between 400 and tor of the Tomás Guardia peace perpetual that it is feared a ger. eral more and more disastrous to 500 timbing mechine; por School nthis city and go to uprising may result. The Ger the enemy.
tecipated and discharged more mars have transferred the During the week in course, than 1, 000 to of bombs headqua ters of their aerial the mportant Ger nan bases over their objectives.
force: from Sicily to the main of Kiel and Bremen were ine, vestly important city BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT Trond of Italy.
hord hit. On the night of the of Crogne was, for the 14th. the large industrial cen! 16th 11 ge, the object of an aerial clock on the ght of Wednesday last. Other ters of the Rhine were also Black Beans, lb. 40 Red Beans, Ib. 50 LA FAMA well as Nazi oc Toilet Paper 10 Starch, lb. 50 cupied positions in Belgium Kerosene, bot 50 Bosco, jar. 00 and Holland. The damage Isiand Palm Soap 50 Frente a la Unidad Sanitaria (Limón) 60 Sweet Oil, bot caused are said to have been Lard, ib. 80 Klim, tin 25 enormous. One thousand AlPrunes, Ib 00 Sapolio. 00 ESTA VENDIENDO EL JABON lied planes took part.
The Axis combine are stat We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh ed to have lost 100 planes Merchandise during the attack on Kiel and Bremen, 105 at WilhelmshaA 60 CADA UNO ven and the Japanese 75 in LA PROVEEDORA aerial encounter with North American units LIMON ROGELIO TASIES Guadalcanal. The Americans lost only six.
on our our re!
LA PROVEEDORA cenvisited, as ISLAND PALM an over Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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