
1943 means THE REVENGE OF FRANCE STARTED IN AFRICA SEFKS HAND OF LADY IN MARRIAGE The third anniversary as tacks on the Axis rear. minds on complete victory, RESPECTABLE, HEALTHY, WEALTHY, sociated with the fall of Pa land is an added assurance so we may march down the CHRISTIAN WIDOWER ris passed recently; but it of the crumbling of the Ger Champs Elysees to the Arc was, in all respects, differ man dream for world dor de Triumphe. There we will wishes to marry a Lady: one who must be a devoted ent to the two previous oc nation. True patriotic Fren render a salute to the Trico casions, for almost on Christian and intelligent, be eable to take personal the chmen will never forget the lor, on ce again floatingp rocare of the domestic duties of her home and do seweve of the commemorative standard of Joan of Arc, udly, peacefully, and fore ing for herself and such men wear as may be con month, Free Flenchmen ini. the humble maid of Orleans. ver over a Freed French sistent for her to make. Her age is to be within thirty tiated their revenge in Tu In a formal ceremony while people, who will re establish five and forty five years. One with a little nisia. There, the tables we equipment was being sup their own government in ac preferred.
re turned on the German me plied the French army, Ge cordance with their own con chanized units which had ro neral Eisenhower said. ceptions of right, liberty Please communicate to Eastwood lled over France three years Let us set our hearts and and justice.
Farm, Cuba, Zent Line previously.
General Giraud was able, we are told, to place from The vote of the people is the law of the land and 50, 000 to 75, 000 men, at a NOTICH TO PRIVATE SCHOOL TEACHERS the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service. time, on the front battle li West of the city Market.
nes. It was a force of French men who are reported to ha chers The Private School Tea hout this Zone, will suspend Association deeply operations at the hour of two ve captured the strategic mourn the sad passing into in the afternoon of Wednes.
THE AFTERNOON FOOTBALL GAME OF point of Pont du Fahs on the Great Unknown of the day the 23rd instant and en13TH. INSTANT the road to Tunis. French high spirit of don Juan Bau gage in three minutes of Si men also flew with other tista Peralta.
Allied aviators in their atlent Meditation, in tribute to They fought, too, alongside true bene actor to and the Don Juan, having been a him who was so good anan.
In an attempt to swap punches with the Barcelo the men of the North Amer: Father of our System, it is JOS. THOMAS.
Private President English nians of this City, the Sindicato Harina of San can Republic who took Be resolved that all the schools School Teachers Association.
Jose failed by Three Points below the Five regis fighting British into Tunis.
zerts, the of our Association, througtered by our Boys. The Match was dedicated to the French fighting units, under Governor of our Province and he was represented the command of General le Clere, journeyed from Equa LA FRANCE LIBRE by his First Secretary, don Claudio Mora torial Africa across the Lin Frente la Compañía Eléctrica, Limón byan desert and jojned in SOUVENIRS DE COSTA RICA the battle of Tunisia.
French casualties in this war Revistas en inglés y español. Novelas Famosas, All was not very conge ers being scored by Enrique fare totalled, it has been aventuras, terroríficas, etc.
nial in so far as the players Esquivel. The final half Cámart Fotográficas, Peliculas, Joyas de Fantasia, were concerned. The almost gave the visitors two goals. ted a much greater loss on stated, 000, but they inflic Resistencias, Ropa para Niños, Adornos de Casa torrential showers, eviden One was earned on their ced for nearly two hourz dur own merit, while the other 25, 000 Nazi and Italian sol Propietaria: ANITA DE NANNE their enemy and no less than COMPRO ESTANONES VACIOS ring the morning of the sa was unintentionally regis On parle Francais English Spoken It is me day, very unpleasantly tered by one of the Bercelo diers festa into their hands.
impaired the playground. nians. Jose added another dity with which the French Small stagnant lakes were for his side which increased armies are being equipped ANOTHER FAMILY OFF FOR SAN JOSE and their to Five.
added perplexity of the tall The Military Band was in pons for the approaching grass gave the ground a pas attendance and rendered se battles to regain the Mother Among those who left this rican Agency Exhibits of the ture:like pearance.
veral enchanting selections.
city for San Jose on Sunday productions and manufacThough our side domina At the close of the game, a the 13th. instant were Mr. tures of our Latin Republics.
APPROACHING SUNted the play throughout all very colourful procession, and Mrs. Egbert Polson and Their removal to San Jose the stages, the sward was in led by the Band, moved up DAY SCHOOL ANNI their little girl. They expect has left a vent in our fraterthe Avenue until the Ameri no condition to afford any to permanently reside in the nal, religious and other cirdemonstration of the technican Bar was reached, where VERSARY Capital, where Mr. Polson is cles. We wish them every ques of the grand game, high class refreshment which would have given a associated with the Com possible success in their new service was extended the On Sunday and Monday mercial Museum the Costa sphere, better line up on the play players and thre invited gus July 4th. and 5th. the anni Rica Branch of the Pan Ame ing abilities of the visitor ests.
versary services in connection with the Methodist Syn The exercise was, however, day School will be held in carried out on a very high the city church. three RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO sportsmanlike formula, Ev. JOSE ACHION Ng o clock afternoon program EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, erything went as smooth as me has been announced for LIMON the proverbial Cucumber. Comerciante detallista the Sunday, in addition to When in this Cicy from the Line Towns and Coasts come The first half terminated Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, the 11 a. and 30 to the above named Restaurant. the service you have with four goals in favour of Artículos de Ferretería y Eléc services.
long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool our Boys against nil for The main entertaining fea drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders.
the Flour Workers. Jose tricos: todo se encuentra en tures will be presented este establecimiento.
Jackson starred by earning OPEN DAY AND NIGHT the Monday evening We buy Costa Rica Lottery three of the points, the othmencing at seven o clock.
OCTAVIUS THOMPSON PRECIOS DE SIIJACION All will be accorded a jo(Better known as Edwin)
yous welcome Proprietor. Box 52 20 a on com SER ON THE SICK LIST THE CARIBBEAN PACKING COMPANY THE CACAO FARMER FRIEND WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO We much regret having to cial medical treatment, Mrs.
mention the illness of Mrs. Foote left a few days ago for Gertrude Foote, the esteem San Jose.
ed wife of Mr. Arthur Foote, The ATLANTIC VOICE wi navigator and mechanic of shes her a very early recoone of the local Companies. very.
With the view of securing spe!
WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR Rubber Reserve Co.
GAMEZ LUMBER YARD 4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to GAME LUMBER YARD We never have a dissatisfied Customer CINE MUNDIAL LIMON PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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