
SATURDAY, JUNE 19TH. 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE CHOCOLACTO Banco Nacional de Costa Rica PERSONAL BRIEFS MR. JOSEPH WEBB CROSSES THE Mr. Ivanho Aiken, who GREAT DIVIDE DRESSMAKER AND MILLINER was associated with the MiTHE 1943 NEW CREATION SPECIALIZES litary Band of this city and IN NEATNESS has been granted an exten ded leave of abcense, left On Tuesday the 8th. of the of the death of Mr. Joseph Keeping abreast the latest models and up to date me by last Monday passenger present month the sad news Nathaniel Webb of Liver thods of fittings for Ladies and Children. Minute at: train for San Jose. We are pool, on the Zent Branch tention also given the making of Men Shirts and told he has accepted an ap: Line, was received nthis ci other wears.
pointment as Trumpeter ES RICO EN VITAMINAS ty with great regret as a con PRICES TO MEET THE SITUATION at one of the leading amuse FACIL DE PREPARAR sequence of his wide popula(Near Cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson)
ment centers in the Capital.
rity. His death is said to We wish Miss Vinetta Gordon. Jamaica Town our esteemed have been a shock to the re UN ALIMENTO 100 DE young musician a most suc ALTO VALOR NUTRIsidents of Liverpool, where cessful career in his ne he had resided for a long peTIVO field.
riod of years and was one of THE DE GAULLE GIRAUD DISPUTE PARA NIÑOS ADULTOS the prosperous agriculturists Mr. Calen Thompson, the of the locality. Mr. Webb was General De Gaulle re. raud. It is hoped the dispute very efficient machinist and EXIJALO EN TODOS LOS a native of Water Works proprietor of the City Wor in the parish of Westmorel Icently reported resignation will be settled as soon as NEGOCIOS of his position of co presi the Committee meets, when kshop of quality and econoand in the Island of Jamaica dent of the National Com General De Gaulle will he my, was a business visitor to On the day following his mittee for the liberation of named Minister of War and San Jose during the course death, his remains were laid France is stated to be due to Giraud retain his position as of the week.
in their final resting place in his inability to share the rs Commander in Chief of the the local cemetery, after the sponsibility with General Gi Army.
The township of Guapiobservance of a religious cere les is having the presence of mony in the Hall of the Unitwo of our widely regarded versal Negro Improvement As citizens, Mrs. Ruth Gour sociation and at the CAFE HOLNESS grave zong, and her daughter. by Mr. James Fowles of this Corner 2nd. Avenue ard 7th. Street Mrs. McRae. They went XTRAVAUTUISSE city directly in front the Football Ground.
up to the Pyramid of the FRIO CAUENTE ES DELICIOSO The deceased is survived by Province last Sunday, in or his widow, Estalla Ronald der that Mrs. Gourzong may This New Eating and Refreshing Spot Webb; his mother, Ann Elienjoy a deserving period of FOR INFANTS AND zabeth Turner; a sister, and is now at the Public Service rest. We are confident their ADULTS other relatives in Jamaica. To host and hostess, Mr. and RICH IN VITAMINS oll, the Atlantic Voice ten COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD Mrs. Leon Weinstock, will EASY TO PREPARE ders its heartfelt condolence AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREextended them their charac May the soul of the departed ME ON OUR BILLBOARD teristic charming and cou SOLD IN ALL BUSINESS be ever at rest.
rteous tre climate of GuaHOUSES pioles. ல HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA LICITACION Nº 192 LIMON CITY Special Attention and Price for Families.
Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
CANTINE WELL ASSORTED VENTA DE PROPIEDADES LICITACION SIN BASE HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION El Banco Nacional de Costa Rica recibirá ofertas de compra por escrito ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor hasta el 25 de Junio de 1943, sobre la siguiente propiedad: Satisfaction, the desire of the masses, is to be had at Provincia de Limón Dixon Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
PROGRAMME Earthshocks are reported to have occurred last SunDescripción: Finca situada millas al Noreste de Siquirres, sobre la linea fé day in Honshu and Hokkai rrea del Ramal de Indiana, 110 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Mide según el ReThe hour and a half could do, two of the principal isgistro de la Propiedad 100 hectáreas. Terreno plano y fértil y con buenas aguas, not be termed otherwise land of the Japanese archiactualmente de charral, con algunas plantas de cacao y coco.
than well spent by those pelago. The cities of Tokio, Construcciones: campamento de 20 9. 45 que comprende tres vivien tu who were in attendance, at Osaka, Kioto and Kobo ar das y una casa de habitación de dos pisos de madera y techo de hierro que mide the three o clock afternoon located on Honshu. Though 12 9 Mts. Linea de tranvía de rieles de 10 libras en una extensión de 700 entertaining programme, the shocks were described metros.
on Children held muchos equipos de fútbol que En esta finca existen dos casas de pe cnes que pertenecen a vecinos. at the City Baptist Church as intense, nothing has been Linderos: Norte: Hacienda: Constancia de Jorge Curling.
on the 13th. instant.
released regarding loss of Sur: Hacienda Constantino Suc de Gregor.
In addition to the expoun lives or property damage.
Este: Hacienda Bran Stoff de United Fruit Co.
ding of eloquence, the Tots Rome also reported shocks Oeste: Rio Reventazón, en medio La Rosa de Cairo de Miguel Mon.
made many thrilling dis in Italy during the followplays. The renditions we ing day. AVALUO 000. 00 also exceedingly charming, particularly the solo by Miss RETURNED TO HER Para tomar parte en la licitación de esta propiedad deberá hacerse un deMaizie Hendricks on a back pósito de 60. 00 junto con la oferta escrita.
ground of very difficult mu CITY RESIDENCE CONDICIONES: sical composition, and thel Very satisfactory it is for recitation by Miss Barbara us to be able to mention Jackson. In his well known that Mrs. Reggie Rouse, who a) Las ofertas de compra deberán ser enviada; en sobre cerrado al Departaappreciative language, the had been apatient in mento Agrícola del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, con la siguiente indicación: one PROPUESTA DE COMPRA of DE LA FINCA Rey. Forde, Pastor. Licitación 192.
of the sick institutions in the Church, seasoned the oc San Jose, has sufficiently im b) La forma de pago es la siguien te, 10 por cionto al contado y el resto en casion, and extended his las condiciones de largo plazo.
proved to be able to return deep seated thanks to the c) Toda propuesta de compra debe rá ser acompañada del depósito que into her residence in this city.
participants and audience.
dica y que el interesado perderá si la finca le fuere adjudicada y no se presenMr. and Mrs. Rouse are loud in their praise regardtara a formalizar la operación en el término de 15 días.
ing the efectiveness of the d) La escritura se hará conforme a los datos del Registro de la Propiedad SALOMON CHIN attending surgeon and the pero esta Institución no se hace responsable por diferencia en medidas o linEstrada deros.
general medical and nursing staff of the hospital.
e) El ovalúo indicado no significa base para las ofertas que pueden ser ma LA IBERIA God and the very skilful yoras o menores que aquellas sumas.
medicos have prolonged my f) El Banco se reserva el derecho de aceptar la propuesta que más convenga a sus intereses o de rechazar todas.
Abarrotes life. declared Mrs. Rouse.
Licores It is hoped the day is not g) Las ofertas se recibirán hasta el 25 de Junio de 1943. Para más informes Precios Económicos far distant when she will dirijase al Departamento Agrícola del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica.
regain a full measure her former sound health.
NEMAMAN ge of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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