
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY JUNE 19TH, 1943 NOTICE ROIG Limón Trading Company INTERNATIONAL THF MOSES OF FRANCE SHORTS It is not too early, we, combine were trampling al think, to pin the most va and sundry. The true position luable medal on the lapel of of Josep Stalin was not wel Address all your EngMaria Ivanova, a twenty General Charles de Gaulle, the known.
of Para todos sus trabajos Many were the ineering Requirements fo de Ingeniería dirija se a two year old Russian avia fighting leader of the Free opinion that the Soviet Unior trix, has been awarded the French Forces the man being one of the isms Patriotic War Order (First who had the vision, the stani might have decided to swel Class) in reward for thena, the greater faith in the the ranks made up of the BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 one hundred and twenty bull dog tenacity of the Brit others. The great North SAN JOSE five dangerous flights she ac ish Commonwealth of Na merican Republic was doing complished during a period tions and in the unalterable everything possible short 203 Precios Módicos o Charges Reasonable of seventy days on one of determination of Winston Ic declaration of war agains the battle fronts. She suf Churchill, Britain man of Germany and Italy, Aione, fered serious injuries on her the hour, to fight to the last Ģreat Britain faced the strug last flight while dombing an for the Empire survival, the gle.
hen was that the im.
49 Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the enemy ammunition deposit. resurrection of France and pulse of bounding hope was at pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon the preservation of our civi injected into the heart of Ge Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
lization, neral de Gaulle and, support General de Gaulle defieded by his small circle of true all the accusations and threats and loyal nationals, he vini WELCOME The exiled Belgian gove of his countrymen who were tiated his crusade against the ernment report that the Ger in power under the control of common enemy. This coura.
man authorities have depo, the Nazi regime. He hod, in geous decision has material We offer the most sincere ed a very important and res Ited 53, 000 Jews from Bel welcome to Mr. Alex. Curl ponsible position with fact, been executad alive byly ossisted in smashing the ing, one of the well known North American Goverment in Germany, Poland and the he continues to fight for the African Gate. Those of France thegium to concentration camps the Vichy government, yet hinge off the Axis No th and popular sons of Mrs. authorities, He is spending occupied parts of Russia. AMaud Curling of San José. a short vacation with his fa large number of Jewish chi!
redemption of his nation. who, as time moved on, inter Friend Alex. left Costa Ri mily, relatives and numero dren are also reported to France had fallen, the Axised with the United Nation ca some time ago for the friends in the Capital. We have been sent to unknown RECENT DEATH derived, we believe, their re Canal Zone where he secur wish him a joyous time, parts.
piration from the move, The following who was started and steered by Gene once associated with this ral de Gaulle. He has held the Zone is reported to have torch aloft, and its light of died in the San Juan de freedom burns instensely. He Dios Hospital, San Jose. has but recently succeeded in Sidney Cummings Brown, the formation of a united Free a former resident in this ci French nation on the African ty, and a son of John Cum Continent. Thus reinforced mings and Beatrice Brown, the struggle for the destrucHe entered the institution tion of Nazi fascism and the on the 16th. April last an: resurrection of France will be PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR died on the 7th. instant. He pursued in the company of was thirty two years old. the Allied Powers.
RUSSIANS DESTROY 000 ODD ENEMY PLANES IN SIX WEEKS According to Moscow, So past six weeks is fixed at viet aviation and anti air 3, 369. The Russian losses craft defences destroyed were. 153 during th 548 German airplanes du week ending 13th. instan ring the week which closed and 893 during the si last Saturday. The total des weeks period.
troyed in the course of the Don say you need a hair cut. say you need a Di xon Hair cut, from Dixon Barber Shop West of the city Market.
MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER ECONOMY. Everything in maSHOP chinery made or repaired, from Located in front former a Pin to a Crane. See us. We Motive Power Club in 3rd.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES carry an assortment of Beds, Avenue is the new parlour of Springs and other useful things the only Oriental Barber Shop at all times. Building No. 89 in this city. All sanitary North Fifth Avenue.
REMEMBER arrangements. Barber with THOMPSON, Proprietor.
years practice in all classes THE RESETTER WITH IMof the Hair Cutting Art. trial PROVEMENTS. clean up to will convince the most date Barber Parlour Centrally fastidious.
bcated on Commerce Avenue LIONEL MONDOLL almost opposite Teatro ArrasProprietor, FROM MANCHIONEAL ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous service. THOMAS PARCHMENT Cair Specialist Enylish Tweeds SergOn the 31st of the recent sincere sympathy. May her ly passed month, death can still be had at re soul find peace eternal, WATER FACTORY moved from our coastal fami ATLANTIC BAR AND Reasonable Prices at ly circle one of its much resThe News Reporter.
pected members, in the RESTAURANT perTHE PEOPLE HOUSE son of Mrs. Margaret Ander PAID TRIBUTE TO The very best and highest Fábrica de Hielo y Limon son, the beloved wife of our grade native and foreign Liwell known Mr. Thomas An THEIR DEAD quors always stocked No adul NEW HARLEM BAR AND Refrescos derson feration Our Short Order RESTAURANT. The Best drinks Crawford and In tribute to her late hus Service the best inthe City. prepared by The deceased Limón was a dear band, don Salomon Esna, 4th Avenue and 7th. Street. Grant, Genuine native and forand amicable character wil eign liquors stocked Our Cusion the occasion of the CLEMENT ROBERTS se: ne service the most up to date.
ling at all times to listen to cond anniversary of his Proprietor CRAWFORD AND GRANT, FLORIDA ICE AND the woes of her fellow crea death, his widow, doña Jua CABINET AND UNDERTAK. Proprietors.
tures and to administer what nita, who now resides in the ING SHOP. Specializes in mak.
ever relief might be possible, Capital, accompanied by ing and repairing furniture and ARCHITECT AND BUILDER FARM CO She entered itno the Great some of her children, care every other branch of wood Years of practical knowledge, Unknown nthe 77th year here and laid several bea work. Coffins always stoeked, efficient, neat, accurate.
These LA FLORIDA of her age. Those who mourn utiful wreaths on the tomb Yee as before going elsewhere. my highest ambition Any design her irreparable loss are her of the deceased in the Camp Prices moderate. 4th. Street, in wood turned out with gratiMADERAS widower, two daughters and One Cemetery. They retur antrance to Gamez Lumber lying results. office and shop FABRICA DE HIELO other relatives, to whom thened to San Jose last week. Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Eth. Avenue, North Atlantic Voice tenders its end.
Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuis and Copra COSTA RICA SODA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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