
SATURDAY, JUNE 19TH. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE me we must inevitably suffer ITS SECOND ANNIVERSARY TRE AVENZA Jr. PHOTO STUDIO and die. die deaths of the soul and mind as well as the Corner the Cathedral and Girls This letter, written on the 1st. of June 1941, might body, If there by any messa ge which the coming genera Spanish School Limon.
never have been read, but for the death of the Sion should have from miTUIE STUDIO OF NOVELTIES, writer, Flight Sergeant James Dunlop, Royal ne, let it be a message from us who have fought and Canadian Air Force, who crashed to death died to make future generaSpecializes in Professional Photographs, Cedulas 0:1 the 11th. October 1941 tions of human beings possi Passports, Post Cards, Enlargements, and the ble. Let the message be this developing and printing of Films Dear Mother and Father be a God, He did not intend We have cleared the si Prst Office Box No. LIMON have no reason to belie. that His creatures should te and laid the foundations, ve or feel that this letter live amid hate and distrust You build.
will ever be read since it here on earth, as a prepara Well folk, had better FAMILIES OF SAN PABLO VICTIMS WILL will only be opened if and tion to entering His King araw this to a close. This when am killed, or, at ledom.
will not have been pleasant SOON BE RECOMPENSED ast, listed among those who Since my early childhood. reading, yet want no tears failed to return. have no have tried to steer my own on my behalf. have done feeling of impending fate. life along the path that led my duty, completed my liIn line with the report in Assets for verification. know that my duty, not only to the achievement of my fe work. If there by any your last Saturday Spanish We are almost on the eve to my country and humanity ambiton. to be a brain honours or reward due me, section, the legal department of the first anniversary of the but to myself, lies ahead. surgeon. There is no hupe let them be these two of the National Bank of Secu sad event and though no fi know, too, that in carrying for that now, but as explaiOne, that you regard rity, San Jose, has released nancial recompense can make out my duty must rum ned to you once, my death worthy of being your son: the information that the mat amend for the lives of those great risks. It is because 01 may make it possible for two, that there come to pass ter of Indemnities in favour who perished, those who lost the risks, rather than ars some other lad to do the at last. Good Earth.
of the surviving families of their bread winners and have, certainty, that write this work envisioned for my Goodbye and God bless you, the victims of the San in consequence, been expe letter.
self. Dropping bombs seems Your loving son Pablo. torpedoed last July, riencing added economic dif First, want you to real like a far cry from medicihas successfully passed thro ficulties, will be glad for the ze and even try to be prene, yet found it was my JAMIE ugh the superior arbitration receipt of the long waited com ud that you have given a duty, for once, to be cruel section of the nstitution and pensation, which we hope will man to the cause of human to be kind. hate killing Ed. Note James was the findings submitted to the be robust.
liberty. Please do not make and suffering. If am to be the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Custodians of the Totalitarian the error of mourning me excused, it must be on the Alexander Dunlop of Niaon account of my youth. ground that killed the few gara Falls, New York. He That youthfulness is only ap to save the many. Nazism was twenty three years of LOST parent to you, because you has and would continue to age when he wrote this let LOST LOST are considerably older than destroy truth and indepen ter while serving with the most parents with a sonmy dent thought without which colours in England.
Between Northern Railway Crossing age. Young as am. have and Jamaica Town.
countries among free peo ples, and have grown BUNCH OF FIVE KEYS ON RING mannood loving the liberty CARD OF THANKS liberal reward will be given the one who might have enjoyed. True, all has have found them, Please deliver to the Editor of not been easy for me in life, nor was freedom so wide Mr. Thomas Anderson, this Weekly.
spread as it night have Mrs. Adrian Bailey and been for others. Still, pro Miss Lillian Anderson, gress was being made along correct lines. That progress adopt this medium to express their heartfelt AN IMPORTANT REMINDER must never be stopped by gratefulness to the friends of Manchioneal and anyone or anything elsewhere, especially to Mr. and Mrs. Francis: All persons and organiza of the present month of June. men must learn to live at Hutson, for their helpfulness and demonstrated tions, who are claimants in After that date, all unpaid peace with their fellowsympatny during the period of illness as well as on the death of their beloved Wife and Mother che estate of the John amounts will be controlled by men and to grant all, regard Keit Bank, which is being the Civil Court, to whom the less of station of birth, creadministered und er the Bank claims would have to be sub ed or colour, the same rights ruptey Laws of the Republic, mitted.
and privileges which they should bear in mind the im We suggest that those clai themselves desire to enjoy.
On May 31st. 1943 be portant fact that according to mants who may not personal Class distinctions must the latest legal disposition, ly desire to receive the small wiped out. Surely, if there the period during which pay amount involved in the three ment of the final dicidend of percent payment, take same three per cent will be made, and donate it to one or other will expire on the 30th. day of our charitable institutions.
HAY Fin de un Submarino co to All MARGARET ANDERSON FLERE DEATH OF MISS BERYL BERNARD Picture the overwhelming burst tions of the cultured, well in of grief of a mother who has tentioned, ambitious, intellitened to the bedside of a belov. gent and deeply esteemed ed daughter who was reporod yung citizen.
ill only to find the tomb al Miss Beryl was the apple most closing over her earthly of the cas of her parents.
She was bou here, and grew Such was the lat of our to the age of et Sixteen good citizen Mrs. Christina in spotless innocens Complet Bernard, Directress of the ing her elementary edc ation, Children of Mary School, con in the Government Girls nected with the Cathedral Pa School as well as in the En rish, and Vice President of glish Day School of our Ca the English Private School tholic Parish, under the tuiTeachers Association Receiv tion other mother, she went, ing an emergency call, she only five months ago, to the left Limon on Tuesday of the Normal School to pursue furweek in course for the Norther studies, and there her mal School in Heredia where brilliant and promising career it was said her daughter Be has ended.
ryl, a student, lay seriously We are informed that the Lamentably, the telegram highest tribute, befitting Miss bearing the news of Miss Ber Beryl character, was exnard death was sent to the tended at the interment Parish Priest a few hours after which took place during the Mrs. Bernard had started on morning of Wednesday the her sad journey 16th. We tender proOn the news gaining cir foundest sympathy to her culation in the city, it threw bereaved parents and other a dense cloud of sadness eve relatives. May her soul at rywhere, especially among ever at rest.
those with tender recollecour Una nave norteamericana que escoltaba un convoy aliado en el Atlántico, se acerca a un submarino nazi que fué obligado a salir a la superficie con bombas de profundidad y completamente desmantelado con el fuego de la artilleria antes de sepultarlo en el fondo del océano.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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