p. 12


were man are THE SETTLES AXIS MARITIME LOSSES GERMANY THREE STARS OF NAZI LOSSES IN RUSSI ACCOUNTS DEFICIENCIES BRITAIN The Admira ty has statea It lacks but three Essen, the hardest hit town that from the Battle of El Ala The Reich is today in a conThree of Britain best fight now, of two years since sein all Germany, suffered its mein to the recent capture of dition similar to that into which ing men, renowned veterans of many rushed into an advent most devastating blow of the Cape Bon Peninsula, British she came in the third year of two werd wars, are supporting which was to require only whole war from the naval forces sunk or damaged a the previous war, to go on to General Eisenhower in North weeks, Germany is paying on the night of Thursday, May known total of 313 enemy sur collagps from lack of military Africa. The names of the three one of the greatest blunde.
27. For 50 minutes, 10 conse face Wessels in the Mediter erves, from lack of labor, British officers, whom Gene. in history. Dr. Ley Labor cutive waves of bom ranean. The number of boats from declining war production ral Eisenhower has described reau Front, in Berlin, and lar, bers swamped the Krupp city sunk during the period is not The insvitable defi as the three stars of Britain insurance companies in Concentration is the the included, nor is the number or ciencies will spell her defeat in are: many were in agreement, at key word in enabling the Brit ships sunk damaged General Sir Harold Rupert first of this year, that; ur this war. One half of Germaby ish Bomber Command to mines. Fifty six of the enemy ny skilled workers are in her Alexander, deputy. comman that time. Germany kilic achieve an intensity of bomb. ships destroyed were armies. Nowhere in Europe cander in chief and commander of rermanently disabled and pri ing far beyond the wildest ships of various types, and the Germany find their equa Nor the British, American and soners in the Russian business imaginings of the Luftwaffe remaining 257 supply mally in Germany there are French ground forces, totaled 800. 000. Since ther commanders. The late. Essenshine. submarines car. 24, 000, 000 classed as workers, Admiral Sir Andrew Cun there have been the huge los raid once again demonstrated ried out 228 of the successful one third women. Today there ningham, Bart, commander of ses at Stalingrad, in the Khas that the RAF can now: drop on a attacks, surface ships 76, and are 30. 000. 000, more than one. the Allied sea forces, includ kov and Donets fighting, ant German town a tonnage five aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm half women of the men, six ing the waters of the Lavant these carry the figure of times as great as the Luftwaf. 29 millions represent dragooning and the Red Sea.
losses in Russia to re heaviest against any Brit. One hundred and fifty two poor stuff. Compare those soft Air Chief Marshal Sir Ar than 000. 000, These figu ish city, and in a fraction of supply ships and 33 warships women with the thousands of thur Tedder, commander cf co not, of course. include the time. The RAF heaviest were seen to sink. The injury sturdy Russian Women dig the United Nations Air Forces, loss in Africa, nor do they in raid yet on Germany was more Clieted up some ships list ging coal, in telling guerrilla Cunningham and Tedder are clude the great losses in Ru than 2, 000 tons on Dortmund, ed damar vel was so severe warfare, in fighting airplanes. Scots while Alexander is an sia of Italian, Rumanian, Hun.
on May 23, 1943, in one hour. that it is more than probable in labor, on which all war is trishman, born at Castle Cale garian and other German at The Luftwaffe strongest asina a subster tial proportion of based. Russia has distinctly. the don, Tyrone County, Ulster. ellites, They Were expens sault wns less than 450 tons subsptly ank. of better of it.
General Alexander motto is: dables. Germany 1941 of ion London on April 16, 1941, tamoged ships which reached Nothing, of any sort, has bit Attack, attack and attack fensiv included the who in light hours, Iar cur, it is certain tha: ma Germany harder in this war again, even when you are on Russian line from Lening Compare also the more than ny were made useless for ine than the bombings of the Moch the defensive.
south, 600 miles. More th 500 tons on Duisburg on May my service for many months. n2 and Eder dams, of the Ruhr, Admiraj Cunningham is not. 500. 000 square miles were 12, 1943, in 45 minutes. with of her war consecrated plantsed for his willingness to cdio cupied. The second offensi the 200 tons on Coventry on the did not repeat the wherever located. For the first anything he asks of his men.
1942, was on as vast a scaie!
Nov. 14. 1940, in 11 hours: and mistake made by the Luftwaffe time in more than a century and On one occasion, when there with far less result, the 000 tons on Essen on when, after the London fire a quarter, with the exception was a shortage of stokers, he Since then the vast battle. March 5, 1943, in 40 minutes, blitz, it failed to return with of the sight invasion of East was found below decks, hard seen victory and reverse with the 400 on London on a load of heavy bombs with Prussia by Russia in 1941, the at work shoveling coal. He both. Germany is still hu May 10, 1941, in five hours which it might have complete. German people being knows the Mediterranean like dreds of miles from the oil In 90 nights of attacks on Lonly overwhelmed the civil de taught on their own soil what the the palm of his hand, for the Caucasus which she great: don the Luftwaffe dropped fenses. To Lubeck and to subs wer can mean. Those bombing a large part of his career hasly wants despite her syntheties, 500 tons. In May, 1943, the equent fargets, the raids. many of them have had lain in its waters. England and Rumanian products, a la surpassed that figure took bombs of all calibers. the value of the loss of a di has not forgotten his laconic far more important, as far as in five nights. Since th: begin This was the beginning. The vision or more.
niessage to his men just before ever from the greatest of all ning of 1943, the monthly ton next step was to concentrate a the battle off Cape Matapan: her objectives, the vital thing hage dropped on Germany has sufficiently big force over a DO YOU KNOW THAT We are going to have some the crushing of Russia armies averaged 000 and the rate is well defended target to satufun All guns will be in ac There are now about 000. 000 rising persistently.
rats the defenses and make sure Employees of 000 tun.
Germans and Russians in con.
Timing is everything The that the planes carrying in mercial and industrial undertak Ai Marshal Tedder is an au tact. Speculation as to what is recent big attack on Duisburg cendiaries found the target and ſings in the Countr of London thority on air support of to take place is of little value.
was timed to start at a. lit the way. The latter job de are contributing to the Red ground operations. He was the at present. Russia is aparently and end at 2:45 a. The first veloped into a special path. Cross Penny Week Fund at first Allied commander to crack trying to reach the Kerch strait aircraft was over the target at finder force guided by highly the rate of nearly 5. 000 a the dreaded Luftwaffe on any to expel the Germans from a. precisely. Concentrat skilled navigators.
week? Total Red Cross savingsbartie front. His pilots smashed that aproach to the Caucasus.
ing hundreds of planes fre. Cologne was the sucessful in Britain have so far realised the Nazis out of the sky at El and to take Novorossisk on quently 500 or more over test of the saturation tactica. more than 20. 000. 000?
Alamein. Tall and lithe, with the Black Sea. It may signify the target in less than an hour, There 1, 047 aircraft dropped Japan is short of teïephones? the figure of a soldier, Tedder only an offensive defense. Ger calls for extra skill from the more than 1, 500 tons in 20 Radio Tokyo announces The is friendly and companionable many may repel her, have anopilots. Reports suggest that the minutes. It is interesting to Ministry of Communication has person. He delights in gather ther shot at the Caucasus. She planes, jostle like race horses compare this with the first begun a movement for the con ing pilots and air crews about is also heavily massed at Orel before a tape. could have raid by night on land tribution of telephones by the him for informal talks may make another try for Mos haken hands with the bomb by the Sylt sea public. In one month 000 they return from combat duty. cow. She may sit tight, try to aimer in a Lancaster as it pas plane base, on March 19, 1940 instruments were contributed. He is also an accomplished ar hold what she has. It is any sed us, said the gunner of when 50 Whitleys and Hamp Reports of sabotage in France tist, and sketched a fine like body guess.
another plane recently. Air dens dropped just over 20 tons for only one fortnight show: ness of Mr. Churchill when craft sometimes return damag. in six hours.
trains wrecked; 11 bomb at they travelled together in THIS IS OUR HIGH ed by collisions.
Since Cologne. saturation and tacks made on German pre transport plane during ChurThe effect on defenses of pathfinding have reached a mises, including on Paris ho chill recent visit to North CALLING the initial onslaught is devas high pitch of efficiency. Major tels occupied by Nazis; 177 Africa, tating. They cannot concentrate, and concentrated operations. railway coaches, locomotives, und by the end of the attack the word raid is hardly ade 28 lorries, 400 tons of straw and SAYINGS There is loud knocking at are usually out of action. The quate nowoccupy between 30 600 litres of petrol all desthe gates of Europe, and the effect on the fire service, and 60 minutes 45 minutes troyed keepers of the prison house etc. is equally paralysing. being the average for a 500 In two years, the British desWe want to see some of the are trembling.
The fires canot be controlled. tonner, or 30 tons a minute.
men and The men and troyer Winchester has ideals which great the machines Germany has a bitter con The RAF attacks are made scorted 500 merchant ships, women have cherished through for basting the way in are and volation in the fact that it was possibe by the development of steained than more 60. 000 out the world come true at sembled.
ths Luftwaffe which first ini. the four engined bomber, ca miles and spent 807 hours at last. Our trials of the last four tiated the into the pable of big tonnages years have laid the foundations We know the task before us recrets of the fire raising tech speed and long range. whereas for a better future. Field will be costly in precious lives nique. On December 29, 1940, the Luftwaffe twin engine, Marshal Smuts.
We know it will be hard the the Luftwaffe started 500 przdium bombers, with a small us:d 400 machines on There are, to day. something may be lengthy. But the Unit Pires in the city of London by carrying capacity could never occasions in March 1943, to like 000 fires a day occurred Nations are prepared an dropping thousands of incen have achieved concentration take 000 tons to Essen ing in factories. There is an determined.
diaries in a three hour raid. plus weight on the which also involved flight enormous wastage of effort and The lesson was not wasted. The ventry, 300 planes to drop 400 three times as long as the Luft material caused by these, the There is among us a quicken pupil demonstrated what itplanes to drop 200 tons on Co. waffe to London. In its raids majority of which happen being of the pulse and a readines had learned when, on March ventrſ, 300 planes to drop 400 on London the Luftwaffe ope cause of the carelessness of in for extra effort and endura to 29, 1942, the A, fire blitz tons on London on May 10. rated a shuttle service which aividuals. Sir Stafford Cripns. It is our high calling to brin!
ed Lubeck, dropping 340 tons 1941, and 450 planes to drop greatly increased the time reliberty to the captives and vi in three hours and waping out 450 tons on London on April cuired for the operation. Though services to a serious extent. it let the oppressed go free.
40 per cent of the city. The 16, 1941.
continuous bombardment of never succeeded in knocking The world destiny is shap.
effect was all the greater sincs On the other hand, the that type did embarrass the fire them out.
ing before our eyes com.
a high sea?
au a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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