
more The necessities of our condition require a thousand offices of tenderness, wich mere regard for the species will never dit tate. Every man has grievances which only the solicitude al ditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 friendship will discover and remedy; and which would remain EAR VIII LIMON, JUNE 26TH. 1943 NO 379 unheeded were they only surveyed by the eye of general bene volence.
COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OFFERS TWO SCHOLARSHIPS EDITORIAL The anouncenint has been winners to an extention of to those who have graduated ade that the Administrative their right to realize studies from the sixth grade and are RUBBER. RUBBER. RUBBER ersonnel of the Commercial in typewriting.
not more than eighteen y ears hool of this city have open The Course will be at the of age. Applications are recei The need for Rubber, and still more Rubber, is most urgent.
ia Course by which two disposal of all who have ef vable up to and including the danlarships can be obtained. fectively passed their prime 30th day of the present The demand for commercial and war purposes is far greater he award will entitle the ry education. In other words month, and must be in the than the present supply, as a consequence mainly of ihe handwriting of the applicant loss of the Far Eastern producing areas.
and addressed to the Director The ATLANTIC ALLIED AIR RAIDS CAUSE MASS of the School.
VOICE carries advertisements from those among us who It has also been mentioned are prepared to purchase all available quantities.
EVACUATION that a test will be effected From the San José office of the Rubber Deve! opnent on the 9th of July proximo, Consequent on the cons London officially anno nthe presence of a special Corporation. a department specially established by the Go.
unt air raids by Allied units unces that no less than fi Commission, in order to detervernment of the United States of America, comes an appea!
min: the best accomplishver the important indus ve hundred and fifty raids for intensified activities in the cultivation of the plan and ment. The result of the exaial region of the Ruhr in have been carried over the mination will be published in the explotation of the product along proper lines. And this ermany, and the terrible more important centers of the columns of this Week is os for the purpose of merely bettering our financial situa ffects being produced, no this industrial zone.
tion, but as an effective aid to the war efforts of the United ces emanating from Ber: Nations, and the speeding of the final victory. The Corporat state that than tion local office has been established for the specific purpose aree million of the inhabiants have had to seek safe NOTICE of extending whatever assissance may be required inconnec7 in other parts of the coun tion with the important matter; and the Management Address all your Eng Para todos sus trahajos willingly afford producers and prospective suppliers with ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a all the instructions, essential, regarding the most effective ROIG method of extracting the liquid and for the intensification MEMORIAL RADIO of production BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 SAN JOSE We urge all who are in a position to do so, to assist in PROGRAMME Charges Reasonable Precios Módicas the exploitation of the product, which will not not only materially enhance their personal financial interests and that of many the Republic, but fortify our continental defence and con.
of all which threatens ence in connection with he first anniversary of the SARY OF KILLING OF MEN ON THE democracy and civilization. San Pablo catastrohe, we have been asked to SAN PABLO ANTS PEST BEING CONSIDERER BY nform our large circle of steemed readers that few more days and fut, Although extremely pecial memorial program the first anniversary of the sad, the untimely deaths CONGRESS ge will be given over the torpedoing of the San of the twenty. three have Our Atlantic Zone suffers a major co operation betcadio Station, The Voice Pablo. while it was along not been without the corres the Victor, in Colon inside one of our piers, will ponding good. they pe Igreatly from the Ant pla ween the State Agricultural he hepublic of Panamá, on be with us. In addition to rished to procure protection gue; so terrible has been their Department, the various Muactivities destructive that nicipalities and the individuals unday, the 4th. July proxi the material loss occasio for thousands. Harping on many of our small cultivators concerned.
10, at p. Costa Rica ned, twenty. three precious our distance from the prin have been forced to almost The elimination of these me.
lives were sacrificed. Had cipal seats of the Total tacease cultivating. It is, there Ants, categoried as one of our The Programme is being these resorted to arms in rian activities, many belie fore, with profound interest we planters bitterest enemies, is rranged by Messrs. the open conflict against the ved no destructive actions receive the information re of more than passing interest Iinott and Percival de common enemy, and had could reach us in fact ma garding the project which has and the longer they are allow of ail and will be composed there lost their lives, there ny did not even give serious been submitted for the atten ed to pursue their work tion of our National Con destruction, the greater will its majority, of Costarri. would not, have been so consideration to the desire gress starvation confront our work en talent, such as Clarice great a sorrow for their of the enemy, to demolish The Meosure calls, it is ing people hambers, Evelyn Keith, deaths; rather, we would our civilization.
said, for effective modifica It is sincerely hoped expeIaria Charles, Lester Cole, have classified them among The more we think of the tions in the laws dealing with dient action will be taken by nd others.
the heroes who are being increased protection being the matter of ridding lands all concerned, and we heartily o are bei afforded our shores the It is the wish of those ta constantly claimed on the since of such plagues, and emphasis congrotulate and thank presented ing part in the Programme checkered battle fields, in the terrible event on the e has been placed on the fact Congressmen who that the destruction of the in the measure. express their great sym defence of right, justice and vening of July the 2nd.
thy to the relatives and civilization.
1942, the deeper is sect pests depend, mainly, on riends of the departed vic Truly has it been said our departed brethren who ms on this the first anni! that the terrible acts of this se lives have been the means lives have been the means ersary of their deaths. life teach us to be watchLA FAMA of removing a large percen tage of fear from our minds, By their deaths several dan (Frente a la Unidad Sanitaria)
JOSEFINA DRESSMAKING PARLOUR gerous characters have been taken from among the RECIBIO LIMON democratic peoples. Indirec tly, we have faced the con LIJA EN TODOS LOS NUMEROS Beside the Universal Barber Shop flict and, directly our blood (J. BROTHERTON)
has been spilled. We shall AC0. 15 EL PLIEGO ever cherish fond memory Ladies. Dresses, Children Dresses and other Novelties made according to The Latest Styles.
of those who died while in ROGELIO TASIES the pursuit of their honest labours.
unctions which be in evi FRIDAY NEXT, JULY 2ND. FIRST ANNIVER tribute to the ultimate destruction a our Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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