
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JUNE 26TH. 1943 a hitam ALBERT BROWN MURDERS HIS PARAMOUR BAPTIST CHRISTIAN EN CARD OF THANKS DEAVOUR TO CONVENE JUNTA CANTONAL DE ABASTOS Mr. and. Mrs. Christopher Bernard MEMORIAL SERVICE and their Children BOLETIN OFICIAL DE PRECIOS adopt this measure to express their deep saeterl Numbered among the vicJunio 10 de 1943.
heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the outstanding tims of the ill fated San number of friends and well wishers, who sent their Pablo. torpedoed on the 2nd.
sympathy by means of Cards, Letters, Telegrams and Herna July 1942, was Mr.
other tokens in this their darkest period, as a conseCARNE (Res. Leslie Clarke who was a very quence of the death in the Normal School, Heredia, of their devoted member and official Posta con hueso 70 libra LOVING DAUGHTER AND SISTER of the Baptist Denomination Postes corriente 00 and several of its auxiliaries.
BERYL Lomos y lomitos, PRECIO LIBRE.
In commemoration of his memory it has been released June 14th. 1943.
that the Christian Endeavour MANTEQUILLA 64. 00 libra Society, of which he was Se cretary, will convene a spe FROM CIMARRONES AND RIO HONDO cial service in the city Church CARBON: on the evening of Thursday These two neighbouring treatment at one of the hos July th Ist. proximo.
Por cada saco con latas de and very friendly districts pitals in San José. It is the galones cada una. 00 are still keqping abreast hope of all that she will The officers and members of the time of events, though soon regain her the Society adopt this me lium good LECHE: each passing day finds to extend a hearty invitation us health to the general public to atgreater pinched by the witend the service, Por botella que expenda direcdespread economic string en The Newsbug tamente el PRODUCTOR 35 cy, particularly as it refers to the ever increasing priPor botella que expenda el pulDRESSMAKER AND MII LINER ces for artieles of every day pero en su establecimiento 40 THE 1943 NEW CREATION necessity. SPECIALIZES Por botella que se expenda a IN NEATNESS We have the pleasure to domicilio 40 report that Mrs. Charles Ma Keeping abreast the latest models and up to date me son, the wife of the Cate: thods of fittings for Ladies and Children. Minute at and ABEL ROBLES, chist of the St. Peter Anglijtention also given the making of Men Shirts other wears.
Presidente Junta Cant. Abastos.
can Church, has returned to PRICES TO MEET THE SITUATICN her residence at Cimarrones (Near Cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson)
after having undergone Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the Miss Vinetta Gordon Jamaica Town pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon veny successful surgical Barber Shop West of the city Market, MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR SAN PABLO VICTIMS From the province of her and made mince meat Augmenting the earlier symed last July, the Rev. Ja tatives on the evening of July pathetic demonstration Changuinola, in the neigh of her body. Many reasons the Anglican Parish, on by mes Evans has announced that 3nd. will be held in the the a special service to the me St. Mark Church on Friday bouring Republic of Pana have been advanced as the background of the very im mory of those who were the morning, the second of the ma, we have been given the cause of the brutal attack; pressive State Service conduct Ivictims of the Axis represen Topproaching month.
very unsavory information be what it might nothing that Albert Brown has mur could have justified the ta dered his paramour, Josep. king of the life of a human hine Dillion, in a most cold being.
blooded manner. Both par: We extend our sympathy ties are natives of this counto the parents and other re try and were residing in latives of the unfortunate that locality.
murdered woman. It is men The murderer is said to tioned that the culprit has have stabbed his victim been apprehanded by the with an ice pick and while authorities of the place whe she was in an agonized con re the tragedy occurred.
Plan para el Sorteo del de Julio de 1943 HAY POLAZAS DOTALES QUE SE PAGAN SU DUENO AL CAEmisión de 26, 000 billetes numerados del 1001 a 27, 000 a razón de 15. 00 cada uno divididos en décimos, BO DE CIERTO NUMERO DE AÑOS.
a 50 el décimo.
Valor en premios. 245, 840. 00 colones Bharateey ott premio mayor de 75. 000. 00 75. 000. 000 HAY POLIZAS DE VIDA ORDINARIA, QUE SE PAGAN LA FA15. 000. 000 15. 000. 00 MILIA CUNDO MUERE EL ASEGURADO. 000. 00 10. 000. 00 500. 00 000. 00 200. 00 10. 000. 00 105 100. 00 10. 500, 00 10 aproximaciones al primer premio (5 anteriores y posteriores) de 200, 00 cada una 000. 00 10 aproximaciones al 29 premio (5 anteriores y posteriores) de 100, 00 cada una. 000. 00 99 aproximaciones a les tres primeras cifras del primer premio de 30. 00 cada una. 970. 00 999 Aproximaciones a las dos primeras cifras del segundo premio de 30. 00 cada una. 29. 970. 00 CONSULTENOS SIN COMPROMISO 25 terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del premio mayor de 100 cada una 500. 00 234 terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del premjo mayor de 50. 00 cs da una 11. 700. 00 2340 terminaciones a la última cifra del premio mayor de 30. 00 cada una.
70. 200. 00 ES EL MEJOR SEGURO EL SEGURO DE VIDA emios. 24 10 10 50 Nadie puede embargar una Póliza de Vida, por ningún motivo.
Banco Nacional de Seguros 3894 premios.
Valor 245. 840. 00 Este documento es propied es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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