
ATLANTIC VOICE LLEGED INADEQUATE TRANSPORTATION triotic guerril a warriors ha BETWEEN ALMIRANTE AND CHASE as a a When the victory has been won, another opportunity will open up before the peoples of the Western Hemisphere. Then will our ideals of democracy, peace, tolerance and good neightbourliness be an example, an insitor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 piration to the peoples over seas. We have faith that some day these ideals will become the guiding stars of nations everywhere on this globe. Then, and only then, can we AR LIMON, JULY 3RD. 1943 NO 380 be sure that the sacrifices of today have not been made in vain. Today, we say with pride and humility that we AMONG THE WEEK WAR ACTIVITIES are of the Western Hemisphere, knowing in our hearts that Americanism, in its deepest meaning, stands for the According to the repor: Headquarters in North Afri, of Am. Negroes, who had freedom, the welfare and the brotherhood of the plain itted by the United Statesca, the squadron comjosed arrived there and were un: peoples of the universe.
dergoing advanced training have either been, or migh: RAILWAY COMPANY RESUMES DAILY soon be, sent into action against the enemy. It is belie HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA ved the Darkies will PASSENGER SERVICE give sensational accounts of LIMON CITY JP ratifyingly we note the lanes and the shortage in seu themselves against the Axis Special Attention and Price for Families.
umption of the daily pas going vessels. The resumption watercraft. Their squadrom Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath ger service between our ter therefore, indicates, we feel, is named the Warhawks.
012 inal cities; for while it of that these disadvantages have CANTINE WELL ASSORTED detachment of Soviet ts our travelling public the disappeared and the CompaHIGH STANDARD ATTENTION pyment, once again, of any assured regular and suffi troops broke through the ch appreciated facility, it cient supplies of the necessa Nazi defences in the front ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor y be regarded as evidence ry fuel.
of Smolensk on the 1st. in Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, improved ocean transporta. We sincerely congratulate stant and occupied impor in conditions. The principal the genial Manager of the tant positions. Th eenemy son for the suspension of System in his endeavour to ac retreated and left more than service some time ago comodate our public as much one hundred dead on the bat JULY THE FOURTH. because of the penis 01 as lies in his power tle field, many prisoners wel Atlantic Ocean shipping re also captured.
From Yugoeslavia comes Tomorrow, July 4th. will be the one hundred and sixty the information that the seventh year since the declaration of the Independence of ve slaughtered the elite the great North American Republic. a declaration based guard of the Prinz Eugen on the Creator endowment of the Rights of Life, Liberty Nazi division, reducing their From Chase, in the Taoi complainants declare they effectiveness by fifty and the pursuit of Happiness to all men. Praiseworthily per inca region, comes the re are not afforded sufficient cent, and frustrating the of have these basic truths been upheld during the sixteen and rt that travellers between time to transact their busi fensive under preparation one half decades. Each passing day gives evidence of the nirante and that locality ness, and in the event of mis by the enemy.
experiencing great diftising the train an eught days The Nazi Command is renation love for freedom and liberty.
ties on account of inade stop over at Chase is the con ported to have withdrawn a The political bonds which were severed as a conseate transportation facilities. sequence.
fifth part of their air craft The Company is said to As we are assured that the from the Russian front quence of that irst never to be forgotten Fourth are again erate a once o week freight movement between both the result of the threatened being cemented by even stronger ties. The world two great passenger train, which places warrants twice invasion of the Continent.
yes Almirante each Friday week service, at least, we hope The Soviet military circles est Democracies are being bound by an unbreakable chain, ing effected the same day. given a sympathetic hearing lief for their troops. Nume and a foundation laid for the destruction of all the enemies Chase, the return trip the people solicitude will be recognize this as a great re of the fundamentals of the system born of right, justice and e time allowed, between and the necessary adjustment rous contingents are also. arrival and departure of made.
said to have been moved train, being so brief, the from the Third Reich to aid It may seem somewhat of a far cry from the United the defence of the Low Co States of Armerica to Central America, yet it was that cry untries and Balkan States. diratch states that the of freedom and its remarkable achievements that paved the INTENSIFIED ACTIVITIES IN PACIFIC Italian fleet had been remo way for Costa Rica separation from her political ties with ved to other bases less sub WAR ZONE Spain forty five years after the establishment of North jected to the terrible AlliAmerica Magna Charta. For that and the other many helps An official announcement severe bombardments last Saed Air bombings. This seems to indicate that Mussolini ieases the information that turday as also the military extended, we regard the North American Republic as the intensified Allied offensive positions on the island of To Roya) Italian Navy has back Father of our Independence.
underway in the Pacific var nimbar. The North American ed out of the battle and the The Nation. progress, during its comparatively short ne. North American troops Mairine Department reports defence of the country.
ve landed on the island of that air units had doubled Advices reaching Loºdon life, has been due, mainly, to its many able men.
andova, one of the New their attacks against the Aleu declare that the daily at zorgia group, in the center tian island of Kiska.
tacks by the Flying Forts given the universe some of the greatest men of the age in the Salomón archipelogo, Later advices state that and the nightly operations politics, religion, invention, science, and literature; and olent fighting is supposed to North American troops, under of the RAF un ts have virtu now, in warfare, it is out distancing its rivals. At no tiine, in progress with the ene the command of General Mc ally eliminated Wilhelm y force in occupation Arthur, had secured occupa haven as a naval base The have the States of the Union, according to record, experienThe attack is regarded as ction of the islands of Trowharves, arsenal and other ced difficulties in finding men capable of initiating and elude to the capture of the briand and Woodlark, off the structures have all been des) directing their movements of vital import. We have exampportant enemy air base at southeastern extremity of troyed.
unda, only five miles off New Guinea, les of this in the present day marvellous achievements of endova, which will enable New Delhi announces that Allied air units from North President Franklin Roosevelt, General Douglas Mc Are Allied forces to initiate on on the 30th, último Africa bombed the island of fensive against the base at units attacked and destroyed Sicily for twenty four conse thur, General Eisenhower, General Jacobs Dover and others.
abaul, destroy Japan de two groups of buildings which cutive hours a few days ago, Whose heartily we join in the commemoration of the nce lines in the South Pa housed Japanese in the vici and effected damages of an fie and cut their communi nity of Myohaung, fifty. five outstanding character. The Fourth. and hope the Stars and Stripes will ever float ation with the territories held kilómetros northeast of Akaloft.
important Italian base of them in the south of Chi yab. Twenty five enemy ves: Messina has also been rena.
sels were also reported sunk dered of almost no value to Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the The enemy bases at Lae and in the Irradwady river the enemy as the result of pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon alamaua were the objects of recent bombing. The viciv. Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
ty immediately surrounding Naples also suffered terribly.
JOSEFINA DRESSMAKING PARLOUR More than one thousand Italian officers and soldiers Address all your Eng.
Para todos sus trabajos killed in a recent enLIMON ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a counter with Greek guerrilla warriors.
Beside the Universal Barber Shop European centers declare (J. BROTHERTON)
the axis combine is display BOX 523 Teléfonog 5319, 3201, or 2929 ing much nervousness becau Ladies Dresses, Children Dresses and other SAN JOSE se of the belief the Invasion Novelties made according to The Latest Styles.
Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicas of Europe will take effect to day July 3rd.
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