
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JULY 3rd. 1943 and were 29 MRS. FERGUSON JONES OFF FOR PANAMA speel the evening of the Go THE PASSING OF MR. SIMEON REID NEWLY WEDS AT CAFE HOLNESS The icy hand of death laid tive contributor tq wholesome GUACIMO hold of Mr. Simeon Reid on social functions. his Coruer 2nd. Avenue ar 7th Street last the night of Wednesday the was tutor of one of the contes directly in front the Football Ground 18th. último, in the sixty tants, pianist and choir mas The family role of Guácimo fourth year of his life career. ter for the Singing Contest has been augmented by the This New Eating and Refreshing Spot He breathed his last at the staged by his Lodge on the marriage of Miss Cyrus, family residence in this city. 18th. May last.
the daughter of Deacon is now at the Public Service Mr. Reid was widely known, The deceased was a worthy Mrs. Robert Cyrus, tɔ Mr. Fe.
COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOMD FOOD particularly in and haiied lix Nathaniel Daniels, son of where he had resided for this province son of Jamaica AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREo from the parish of St. James. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, all of ME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
long number of years. He On the day following that of Guácimo.
possessed the charm of gen his death, his remains The marriage was solemniz tleness and all the zalient laid to rest, after a religious ed at the residence of the Satisfaction, the desire of the masses, is to pe id at qualities associated with the ceremony at the family resi bride parents on the 23rd.
Dixon Barber Shop West of the city Market.
brotherhood of man. He was dence had been conducted by Jof last month. The Rev.
a talented musician as well as Mr. Leslie Angus and conciud Forde, Pastor of the local a highly qualified jeweller. To ed at the grave by Major Church, tied the lover knet many of the religious denomi Lynch. The fraternal rites and effected the religious nations in this city he render were performed by Messrs. Rite. The sponsors were Mr.
ed outstanding services, and Vincent Gray, Ricketts. Albert Daniels and Miss Suas a fraternalist, he ranked Bolton and Breedy. The sana Allen of this city An highly, specially in the Inde floral offerings were nurne admirable reception took pendent Order of Odd Fellows, rous and beautiful. To the so place after the ceremony, Manchester Unity. He served rrowing widow, grand children Mr. and Mrs. Daniels have as Permanent Secrelary for and other relatives, the been extended the wholemany terms in the Loyal Beth tlantic Voice tenders its pro hearted good wishes of the seda Lodge, and was a. 50 pro found condolence. May the district and vicinity.
minently associated with the soul of the departed brother Well wisher former Star of Bethlehem find rest eternal.
Lodge He was also an effecTHE APPROACHING DRESSMAKER AND MILLINER THE 1943 NEW CREATION. SPECIALIZES DRAMA IN NEATNESS Keeping abreast the latest models and up to date me In connection with the cethods of fittings for Ladies and Children. Minute at lebration of the Fast of St.
tention also given the making of Men Shirts and John the Baptist, the Cathcother wears.
Sic Parish will present, an enthe PRICES TO MEET THE SITUATICN tertaing programme in (Near Coitage of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson)
Hall of the Children of Mary a Miss Vinetta Gordon. Jamaica Town School, tomorrow evening, 4th instant, with the drama entit Después de haber sido reparado el portaviones Illused Shapherd of His Flock. crious vuelve al servicio.
as the principal item.
Here is where can SALON RECENT DEATHS Responding to the cail un diality. She adopts this me rious Fourth under religious LA DEMOCRACIA connection with the illness of dium to express her deej) influence and anticipated e Among the persons who her mother, Mrs. Mary Fergu seated thanks to the many loquence. We urge a whole died in the San Juan de de Clarence Tadd.
son Jones of Panamá arrived who so greatly contributed to hearted co operation as a real Dios Hospital, San Jose, re Situado 100 varas al Oeste here the earlier part of the Ther comfort and also helped enjoyable time is assured. cently are the following. del Edificio Feoli, Calle year and effectively cared the her during the illness and Rafael Estrada Brenes, 23 San Martín.
sick until her death a month burial of her mother. She also years of age, who once resi. The Au ded in 28 Miles. He was the San José. Teléfono 4075 ed, and Mrs. Jones laaves to those whom she may not have AMONG OUR SICK son of Rafael Estrada Nava LICORES, CENAS, Etc.
day for San José to effect ae been able to extend the hand Regrettingly the hand of rro and Dolores brenes Na rial transportation for her of friendship and good will. afliction has been laid varro and was born in Tuhome on Monday next The Atlantic Voice WiMrs. Jones is a native of this shes her a safe flight and a tizens, among whom are.
some of our well regarded ci rrialba. He entered the ins COSTA RICA SODA titution.
Republic, and her stay hos happy meeting with her husbeen marked with much cor band and other loved ones.
Mr. Daysley, the catech and died on the 10th. idem WATER FACTORY ist, choirmaster and, in fact, Jorge Aitken Brown, 50 the right hand man to the years of age who resided in LA FRANCE LIBRE Rector of St. Mark Church, San Isidro del General and Frente da Compañía Eléctrica, Limón Mr. Ruben Samuels, also was the son of Jorge AitFábrica de Hielo y SOUVENIRS DE COSTA RICA an esteemed member of St. ken and Alice Brown. He en lark where he acts os Sutered the hospital on the Revistas en inglés y español. Novelas Famosas, perintendent of the Suriday 3r Refrescos of Jun and died on aventuras, terroríficas, etc.
School und an associate of the the 10th. idem.
Camares Fotográficos, Peliculas, Joyas de Fantasio, Vestry Committee Ramon Calderon Amador Limón Resistencias, Ropa para Niños, Adornos de Casa Mrs. Gladys Barrert, ore et late of Twenty eight Miles Propietaria: ANITA DE NANNE our certificated maternity nor and 18 years oli. He enter COMPRO ESTANONES VACIOS ses, and the better half ofed the institution on the 6th. FLORIDA ICE AND the On parle Francais English Spoken our very popular locomotive of May and died on engineer, Berty. She is 19th. June.
confined to her residence in Jose Urena Guerrero, for FARM CO the grip of malaria fever. merly of Limon, 43 years of LA FLON cerely hopes they will soon be tal on the 28th. May In the course of reviewing observe their anniversary to able to resume their respec: died on the 20th: June.
MADERAS the past year work, and os morrow and the following day. tive important activities.
James Blackwood ThoFABRICA DE HIELO a means of securing new ins It is understood that in ad mas, 60 years old, late of Ji piration for that which They dition to the usual devotional full programme of entertainmenez on the Old Line. He must undertake during the services, the children will cc ing items will be rendered on entered the institution on NICARAGUAN CITY new term, the children of the cupy the rostrum at threr Monday evening beginning at the 17 June and died on the Methodist Sunday School will clock in the afternoon seven o clock.
21st. idem.
SUFFERS FROM Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorse We beg to call your attention to our remork at the back HURRICANE de su recibo que dice: of receipt wiich reads: very strong hurricane Este recibo debe pagarse en This bill must be paid at our office before hit the city of Leon, located oficina dentro the 10th of the month fifty miles off Managua, the de los primeros 10 dias de cada mes capital of the Republic of Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Ny damaguan last Thur day.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, a step which Many persons are reported de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
killed and much property damage effected. On the news reaching President Somoza, he immediately dispatched a train with the ne cessary aid for the suffer ers.
on SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN TO ENTERTAINL. The Atlantic Voice sinage. He entered the hosnia COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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