
ora. 1945 Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Roof RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra THE VISITING CARTAGINES DEFEAT BARCELONIANS WITH SCORE OF FIVE GOALS TO THREE The Exercise was witnessed by an overwhelming number of Sport Fans and a joyous spirit PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR was in evidence. Our visitors must have left for home with the fondest reminiscence of our introit high standard of sports manship and general 991 hospitality 592 The marvellous works of gement and the fine was conature are carried on ac llected by Picho of the home 25 cording to the divine (plan, team. sensational bombar without regard to the wishes dment took place at the voof men; hence the falling sitors portal and one of of the raindrops from mid their own players bumped lo night of last Saturday until through the reservation, around the forenoon hour which gave our boys the cre of the next day, Sunday, dit. Retaliation came sharp the day of the match bet ly when in a spectacular atween the Barcelonians of tack, one of Cartago sharp this city and the formidable shooters earned the shot.
team from the ancient capi. The rest period was taken.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES tal Cartago. The rain fell On the resumption, Carta so torrentially that the play go effected several changes, ground was converted into a including their goalie. Our REMEMBER marsh. The boggy ground players, noticeably the goal presented a set back to the keeper, began to show weak players, but aforded the speness against the rigid attactators many sensations and cks of the visitors. The fight thrills. Many a well inten was, however, carried to tioned kick resulted in only their reservation, where Te the wetting of the kicker nor made a pass to center The Russian troops are launched against the enemy CAPITULATES shoe, with the ball remain forward who furthered it to reported by Moscow to be forces northwest of Moscow.
ning at ease in the stagnant left extreme, and by a daisy advancing in the Karella The enemy losses in both pool. The spills and sumer shot Picho gained our third front toward Finland, while sectors totalled more than veals the information that Washington advice resaults were nerve, wrecking goal. This was seemingly violent attacks have been 1, 000, the report stated.
By the demonstrations of the provoking shot, for at the North American Naval During the past week the Authorities had received a both teams, them this juncture the visitors et Nazis lost two hundred and petition from the native restrength rightly belongs to fected the trampling of the eleven of their air craft on sidents for the re opening of the visitors. On the other rules. They were given two ES RICO EN VITAMINAS the Russian battle fronts, hand they stuck to the old corners against the homes FACIL DE PREPARAR apart from thoase destroy French West Indian colony negotiations to enable the maxim that all is fair inter and one of the shots ed at their bases. The So of Martinique joining the yar; for while the feet of pierced Pepe guard. The UN ALIMENTO 100 DE viet losses amounted to se French Force any of their players were fourth soon followed, then ALTO VALOR NUTRIventy four machines. Ger by General Giraud and De commanded the ball, their hands seem the fifth.
TIVO man submarine also The homesters did all at ea assigned to check the ad Gaulle, and for the creation sunk in the Black Sea by vance of their opponents. In their command to stave off PARA NIÑOS ADULTOS Russian planes.
of a new government in the one of these perversive acts defeat, but it was so to be, island.
two players were observed and the end came with the The appeal is said to be holding Edwin Jackson whi visitors ahead with five NEGOCIOS le another took possession points against their three.
can still be har at miral Georges Robert, the of the ball.
The Military Band was in at Reasonable Prices at Governor of the Island in The first volley, was ef tendance and greatly enriJACK ORANE Sucs. view of the people straigfected by the guest team. ched the occasion. Arturo THE PEOPLE HOUSE thened condition due to then they fell into an infrin Clarke was Referee.
Limon shortage of goodstuffs.
RUSSIANS GAIN IN KARELLA SECTOR MARTINIQUE was EXIJALO EN TODOS LOS English Tweeds Sergs have been submitted by Ad CHOCOLACTO RIG MONSTROUS OFFENSIVE BY ALLIED AIR Don say you need a hair cut. say you need a Dixon Hair cut, from Dixon Barber Shop West of the UNITS MUSLISTRY city Market.
The Allied Cuartel Gene ser and four ships damagFRIO CALIENTE ES DELICIOSO ral reports that on Monday ed.
of the week in course units The aerial attacks against MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS of the Flying Forts covered important Italian positions FOR INFANTS AND WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER 200 kilometros to effect a have greatly increased, the ADULTS ECONOMY. Everything in maSHOP devastating attack on Cologbases of Palermo and Mes RICH IN VITAMINS chinery made or repaired, from Located in front former ne, while others from their sina have been practically We a Pin to a Crane. See us.
EASY TO PREPARE Motive Power Club ip 3rd.
North African base subjec destroyed, while Sicily wil carry an assortment of Beds, Avenue is the new parlour of ted San Giovanni and five not it is expected be able SOLD IN ALL BUSINESS Springs and other useful things the only Oriental Barber Shop Nazi aerodromes to a mons to long withstand the contiHOUSES at all times. Building No. 89 in this city. All sanitary trous offensive. Petroleum nuous assaults.
North Fifth Avenue arrangements. Barber with refineries were burned and THOMPSON, Proprietor, years of practice in all classes two ships sunk. Other bomCABINET AND UNDERTAKof the Hair Cutting Art. trial ING SHOP. Specializes in mak.
will convince the most nia, where eleven planes we ing and repairing furniture and fastidious.
re destroved in aerial comevery other branch of woodLIONEL MONDOLL abts.
work. Coffins always stocked.
The important Italian port and base of Liorna also gof mand state that the van Owchihkto near the Yang zc The Chinese military Com ly surrounding the district of see us before going elsewhere.
Prices moderate. 4th. Street, NEW HARLEM BAR AND fered heavily and one crui guard of their army are slow river about forty miles south antrance to Gamez Lumber RESTAURANT, The Best drinks of Shansi. In the attack, the Manager.
prepared by Crawford and Japanese are said to have Grant, Genuine native and forsuffered heavily and to have eign liquors stocked Our Cusi.
GAMEZ LUMBER YARD displayed symtoms of an earATLANTIC BAR AND ne service the most up to date.
4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops ly collapse. Several strategic CRAWFORD AND GRANT, RESTAURANT points were also captured by Proprietors FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE the Chinese including the out The very best and highest Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to skirts of Hwajung, the only grade native and foreign Li PREVARESETTER WITH IMPROVEMENTS. clent up to important district GAME LUMBER YARD situote quors always stocked No aduldate Barber Parlour Centrally south of the Yangize arid teration Our Short Order west of the Tungting Lake Service the best inthe City. almost opposite Teatro Arras.
located on Commerce Avenue We never have a dissatisfied Customer which was still being held by 4th Avenue and 7th. Street. ty. Pleasant, reliab. e courteous PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET the enemy. North American CLEMENT ROBERTS service. THOMAS PARCHMENT bombing planes were partici.
Proprietor Kair Specialist.
pating in the fight.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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