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sea aerofor crews.
JPG ting her faith in numbers as FOR FOE Focke Wulf 190s intercepted the main secret of success in When they told me about it po Lease Lend is the four Spitfires searening the air. This time she is ou!
a two way it in Lisbon didn believe it.
traffic For several months for enemy shipping in the for numerical predominance AT AN ARMORED FIGHT didn even tell my Editor Channel in fighters.
now. Britain has supplied the ING SCHOOL, in England, Ju about it because he would dog fight began Sergt. The only thing which United States with can ly. Reuter. Anglo Ameri have been sceptical, too; would of war of all kinds, but only from his companions.
weapons Gerald Emes was separated check the complete over can invasion armies have some have dismissed it all as a wild with the recent exchange of whelming of Germany in the sensational surprises for Notes defining the principles him. One hit his engine, any. duction by the enemy of Six German fighters chased air this year would be the pro Germans. When they blast But this worst crime of the of reciprocal aid have they their way forward from C02 Nazis the lowest, most des.
ther wounded him in the leg. greatly superior fighter of tinental bridgeheads they will picable plan in all their hisbeen definitely specified.
Twenty five miles off the that there is no sign yet, hut throw into action an array of liory of filth and cunning. is How has Lease Lend in re French coast his engine seized on he analogy of improve tanks and armored cars that now proved.
verse been working since Messerschmitt bristle wish secrets.
América came into the war up. As he floated down on his ments in the In front of me, is documenReciprocal aid between the parachute he saw his abandon 109, a new and improved Fw Facts point to this conch. tary proof that. Germany is the 190 may be expected soon. and the United King ed Spitfire plunge in o sion that, when the Allied paying disecased women in neu American production of ops air forces have pulverized the tral ports big money to spread dom, Australia, New Zealand and the Fighting French has Emes spent the next 192 rational types of aircrai: in first defences of Europe, Allied a horrible infection among sab ranged from squadrons of Spit nours eight days and eight March equalled the present armies will surge forward with lors.
fires to new fanbelts for army ber dinghy.
nights. adrift in his tiny rub first line strength of the Luft fire power and mobility that. In this way they hope to waffe. some 000 aircraft. will amaze the enemy. Tanks undermine lorries, from building the brain and And even when rescue came, The total of American, British, have new weapons, new dromes and naval bases to cho de rawn of England Merchant colate bars and bananas, and the Walrus, which picked aim and Russian production to day fences and new speeds. Navy. They had visions of a up, was unable to take (Off is probably nearly three times whole gallery of tanks whose dread disease spreading from convoy protection American troopships to petrol again because of a fractured that of Germany. Italy, and very names are secret will be through entire ships ship for American planes. It is rescylinder Japan with all the enslaved ranged beside them.
ponsible for the appearance of TAXIED 50 MILES The second front will be It was easy to find the woBritish barrage balloons on the GROWING INFERIORITY foght with new generation men they wanted. They gave American west coast and antiIt had to taxi 50 miles back of armored car. Engines, guns hem money more money aircraft guns on the Atlantic to land.
Naturally the enemy reaand armor have been harness than they had ever seen becoast and British corvettes on anti submarine duty in Ame Lying in hospital this, 22 lises his great and growing in ed in a variety of combina fore. Don let the English buy rican waters.
year old Canadian pilot said: feriority and is taking the tions to meet every type of the German My greatest trial was lack of only step open to him to try combat that Europe can pro you drinks. agents told them. You vide.
huy water.
and offset the Allied advan HELPS NAVY used up my malted milk tage. to concentrate on the them. Show them a good time.
New tactics have been perSpend money on them.
Be An example of how Lease tablets in a few days and the production of fighters for defected for armored battles on the Continen: Germani Tank friendly. And then.
crews Lend works both ways simul emergency tablets went on the fensive operations.
sixth day.
and have wheeled This, then, was Berlin infa output at present is probably swerved taneously is supplied by the Two of the nights were about 800 aircraft each under genuine fire from tanks mous plan. It is worse than anti submarine campaign off bombing churches and child rather rough, and once feliſ month. Of these about 800 and anti tank guns. In coopethe North American Atlantic out of my dinghy. never saw coast. There a number of corare operational types. This out ration with armored cars, anti dren, infinitely more horrible than putting hostages against aircraft tanks and supporting a ship the whole sime.
put is about the limit of Gervettes and smaller craft were turned over by the Admiralty went out with Emes came to decrease as bombing is inThe other Spitfires which man capabilities and is likely planes have forged a polished a wall and running a bayone instrument for combined operthrough them.
to be manned and operated by back safely after shooting tensified. It represents per: ations against Germany.
American crews, while along down at least one 190.
DELUSION haps 17. 000 tons of aircraft Captured German tanks have side them sail destroyers, corBut something misfired with played their part in the trainper month.
vettes and trawler manned the arrangements.
type by British sailors but under SAYINGS By switching over to fighters ing. Every conceivable of antitank obstacle has been It was a scheme that would and fighter bombers about United States command, and and reproduced 400 aircraft of the smaller mastered have misfired anyway. For the drawing food and other supNazis had under. estimated Alongside armored columns, size could be produced each plies from United States de do not believe there will month for the same connage, with equally secret weapons.
artillery crews have trained the British seaman. They did pots. Similarly Coas be an early peace treaty. The rot know that. a healthier tal Command planes and pilots cleaning up of Europe will thus increasing totai German production from 8090 In Britain today the coasts minded body of men has never TO fly over American waters in take some time and we have about 4, 400 aircraft per month.
are alive with invasion craft. sailed the seas.
company with planes. to look forward to a world Within the United Kingdom where the happenings of the major part in winning the io woods and shady lanes are The fighter stall plays the and innumerable fields and BEST KEPT SECRET and Northern Ireland the last three years are made focal air mastery so essential to shaking beneath armored OF THE WAR things that we are lease lend rever impossible. Mr. 47ing to our ally include not on thur Greenwood, military operations to day and forces as formidable as they the threat of German nurieri are secret (New York Times. ly planes and guns and cal superiority in fighters can One of the war best kept munition the output of We must be a people in not be ignored.
secrets lies behind the success number of British Ordnance, mission showing all the ferAt present the situation arof Britain Anti Aircraft de factories is being earmarked (vour of crusaders, all the sin for American forces. but gleness of purpose of pioneers. The Luftwaffe is now pears exceedingly favourable. all the available evidence. The fences.
over significant facts revealed Part of the secret, the exismaterials and labour to buua all the righteous indignation stretched and inferior on every that 80 per cent, of the Luft tence and exact nature of aerodromes, depots, canton of just avengers, all the speed front. The disposition of Ger waffe night fighters are in these weapons, has been sharments, whereon a quarter of a of men and women who rea man fighter strength reveals Germany and France in aned by thousands of Home million men are engaged. We lize how fearful is the tragedy this clearly. Fighter distribu attempt to repel Allied night Guard who are the regular are also repairing and supply that delay means to the mil tion is usually an excellent in iaids, and that some 45 per Igunners to man them. Many ing American ships that put lions of Hitler victims and to dication of where each side cent of the Luftwaffe day batieries have been in action into our ports and those of the cracking foundations of expects the major battles to fighters are in the West, How well the secret Cape own, Port Sudan, Kara European civilization. Sur meeet day raids.
kept can best be judged by the chi, Bombay, Sydney and Auck Samuel Hoare.
reactions of the German Air land.
FIGHTER DISTRIBUTION Of Germany bomber force Force. German pilots, returncraft charts his course by the nearly 200 aircraft (60 per ing home after raids on Brit13 MILITARY SECRETS curves of the stars.
Of its total of slightly more cent. appear to be spread out ain, reported with alarm and SHARED Anti submarine equipment. than 000 fighters, the Luft along the Russian front and lamazement on the power and Ноу.
All information concerniag waffe has the following ap only about 150 (742 per cent. concentration of the British Weapons of war, facilities aviation medicine, with studies proximate distribution: have been spared to face a terror flak.
and labour form the material of shock and night vision.
possible invasion in the West. TRIPLE WEAPON side of the United Kingdom This exchange of ideas, raw Fighters The substantial fighter force Better news still, and more aid to the United States. Less materials, weapons and even Day Night thre, can be roped in as fighter evidence of the surprise tangible, but of even greater of man power, this two way Russian front 60 bombers if required, and the sprung on the Luftwaffe, has importance, is the invaluable Lease Lend, is one of the Mediterranean area Germans, as we have cause to the sharp increase in our information which Britain has means by which the war effort and Balkans 250 90 know are extremely good at nightly toll of raiders.
gained in battle and passed on of the United Nations can be Northern France, moving air units from one area Improved tactics and closer to her ally. Military secrets speeded up and rendered in. etc.
350 200 to another.
which have been shared with finitely more effective, Requi Germany co operation with Fighter Com 220 400 Germany still has fair re mand welded guns, searchthe include: rements can be satisfied from serves of aircraft, although pro lights and night fighters into Radiolocation, developed in supplies on the spot; local, not Total 260 750 bably not of crews. Undoub a three in one weapon of illBritain far earlier than in the imported labour is used; and tedly the time for the major creasing efficiency. Whichever United States.
above all, thousands of tons of These figures are not offi air attack on the Reich is fast made the kill unimportant.
The astrograph, by which shipping space are being sav cial, but they are calculated approaching. And with it, the All that mattered was that the the navigating officer of an air ed.
after a most careful review of climax of the war.
kill was made.
ama are to was occur.
5616 440 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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