
ATLANTIC VOICE Editor: JOS. THOMAS YEAR VIII LIMON, JULY 10th. 1943 BOX 199 NO 381 LET US MARSHAL OUR FORCES We should be ever mindful of the dignity of labour and of its moral potentialities. With the grim necessities of life slipping from under our feet, it is time be up and doing. Of what use is it that we realize the great forces of Nature running to wasts, when we do not marr shal our forces to harness and utilize them?
On every hand we hear wailings regarding the evern increasing cost of our essential commodities. This is, in part, due to a lack of production.
If so many of our able bodied men did not huddle 105 together in billiard saloons, and other public places, and indulge almost all the day in the playing of chech kers, poiuting the atmosphere, the while, with their blasphemy and foul language, we doubt if we would be faced, in our city market and other business establishments, with two marble sized tomatoes for ten cents, one cho cho, weighing from two to three ounces, for fifteen cents, potatoes at forty cents a pound, string beans at fifty cents, yarra at thirty and forty cents, and mony other articles of first line necessity at abnormal prices.
Let us ask ourselves this question. Had brethren beyond the seas spent their time in idleness and unprofitable pastimes, if they had not been aroused by the law of demand and necessity, could they be able to so efficiently take care of their own needs and supply so large a percentage of ours? What a terrible state of affairs would we all be experiencing if they had so acted.
If we truly desire to lend our aid toward the winning of the world war and the protection of our own lives and civilization, it is urgent that we marshol our forces and be up and doing. No longer should we morely indulge in grawls and idle waitings. Let us display an earnest to help ourselves and others will assist.
to JAPAN SUFFER HEAVILY IN ANOTHER NAVAL ENGAGEMENT In what may be regarded South Pacific, the Japane of Kula to the north of the a desperate effort to check se fleet confronted units of Island of New Georgia and the victorious advance of the United States of Ameri ten, miles off the important the North Americans in the ca last Monday in the Gulf enemy base of Minda. The result of the fight was anoENORMOUS NAZI LOSSES IN NEW OFFENSIVE ther outstanding victory for IN RUSSIA the North Americans whose only loss was one cruiser During the first three. The fighting is described as sunk, apart from the destrodays of their offensive, laun of an exceedingly sanguina yer Strong torpedced prior ched last monday in the ry character over a front of to the main encounter, whisouthwest sector of the Rus 200 miles running from le eleven Jap. crusers and sian battle fronts, the Ger Orel to Belgorod. All the destroyers were šunk or bamans are reported to have efforts of the enemy dly damaged.
lost no less than 35. 000 break through the Soviet de This new blow brings, we men, more than 500 tanks fense lines have been frus. are told, Japan naval losses, and rearly 800 air planes. trated so far.
since the start of hostilities In an effort to regain soin the Pacific to total of me of their serious recentſ 344 or possibly 346 mits.
losses, the Nazi High ComIn reprisal, apparently, for mand is said to be their defeat, using Japanese air Darwin 450. 000 men, fourteen divi units atacked Porc sions of tanks and one of Australia during the day motorized infantry in the last Wednesday and inflicted, the reports ays, a certain In the sector of Belgorod amount of damage. Seven la sed south of Kursk the conflict of their machin were des between the motorized ele troyed and a similar number ments has been described lost by the defending force.
Intensive raios have been as the greatest Known in history.
effected against a number of enemy bases in the northern zone of the Salomon Islands.
MAQUINA DE COSER SINGER Much damage resulted.
North American naval en perfectas condiciones, se vende, units have been bombarding the Japanese positions of the Island of Kiska located betInformes en la Administración de ween the Islands of Attu and Amcchitka, recently captur LA VOZ ATLANTICA red by the North Americans in the Aleutian Group.
our GAMBRINUS quita engagements.
y refresca HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA LIMON CITY Special Attention and Price for Families Cool and comfortable Rooms with Bath THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
CANTINE WELL ASSORTED HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor ca SOUTHERN ITALY BOMBED DAILY BRITAIN NAVAL POWER OUTSTRIP vigorously attacked by the Germans during the last Allied Headquarters in planes lying at their bases.
THE ENEMY two days of the voyage, but North Africh report that After completing their mis!
According to a recent Lon riously damaged.
reached British ports witSouthern Italy and the Is sion the men reembarked lands of Sicily and Sardinia without suffering any don report, another attempt The convoy, made up of bout suffering any loss. The by German submarine Com a large number of ships loa success is said to have been continue to be the objects sualties.
manders to destroy a of intense bombardments With the reported concen Bri ded with troups, technicians due, mainly to the formida daily. The latter two expe tration of a million tons of tish Convoy was outstripped pilots, nurses, artillery, mu ble protection given by the rienced violent attacks dur war units and an with the enemy losing from nition and other supplies aerial units and the mighty unusual of escort of the British naval ing five consecutive days in quantity of material in north two to five of their under from the United States the week in course. Dama Africa and the devastating water craft and others se America and Canada, was vessels under the able guid ge of a farreaching charac activities of the aerial and ance of Commander ter was effected enemy aero naval forces in the Mediter ANGLO AMERICAN FORCES DESTROY 18, 000 Evans of His Majesty ship Peppel. a veteran dromes and other interests. ranean the fears of the ene who AXIS AR PLANES had earned great distincDuring the night of the my with respect to the apUnder date the 2nd, in the British, and North Ametion in the convoying of sup fourth instant British troops proaching European invatant Britain Ministry effected a landing on the Is, sion have again been arouof ricans totalled, the announ plies to Russia during the Aviation released the infor cement said, 906 land of Crete and destro. sed.
machi height of the Axis fight for mat on that since the start nes, exclusive of those lost the supremacy of the seas.
yed a number of enemy air of the war, the British and in Burma.
North American air forces and batteries bad destroyed NOTICE 18, 031 German, Italian and JOSEFINA DRESSMAKING PARLOUR Japanese air planes, not Address all your Eng. Para todos sus trabajos taking account of those des LIMON ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a troyed in Russia, which a. ROIG mount to many thousands, Beside the Universal Barber Shop as also, those accounted for (J. BROTHERTON) BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 by the French aviators!
SAN JOSE Ladies Dresses, Children Dresses and other and the Allied naval units.
Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos Novelties made according to The Latest Styles.
The losses suffered by HTHIIIII)
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    ItalyNazismSovietWorld War

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