
WATER FACTORY JAMES. Ellen (Mrs. centre under the designa Luis McRae, Treasurer. The tion of the Eagle Aces inaugural Dance is to be In loving and never fading memory of our darling Friendly Cļub. founded by held in the Hall of the St. Fábrica de Hielo y Mother who went to rest, today, one year past a number of our young citi Mark Parish on Saturday If ever a loved one existed, zens. The Club Motto is, night the 17 th. instant.
Refrescos 11 cver a sweet flower grew we learn, Perseverance is The Riverside Orchestra is if ever a soul filled a mission on earth, the price of Success. The slated to furnish the musiDarling Mother, twas you.
Limón Executive Officers for the val numbers.
ensuing term are Thou will ever be in our hearts Messrs. We wish the new cultuGeo. Babb, and Maitland, ral movement unbounded FLORIDA ICE AND Thou art not dead, Thy memory lingers still, Pres dent and Vice Presi success.
And some bright day, at the end of the way, FARM CO We shall hear thy sweet voice calling The vote of the people is the law of the land. and Charles (husband) William, Albyn, Blydom (Sons)
the people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service. LA FLUKIWA West of the city Market, Reproduced by request from Jamaica Gleaner.
ADERAS FABRICA LA FRANCE LIBRE Frente la Compañía Eléctrica, Limón SOUVENIRS DE COSTA RICA SIDELIGHTS OF THE Revistas en inglés y español. Novelas Famosas, WAR aventuras, terroríficas, etc.
Friday, the 2nd of the cur evening of that same day.
Cámaras Fotográficas, Peliculas, Joyas de Fantasía, It was been statel offi rent month, was the first Though the attendance was Resistencias, Ropa para Niños, Adornos de Casa cially, in London, that seve anniversary of the torpedo not what was expected, due Propietaria: ANITA DE NANNE ral districts of the Ruhr in ing of the San Pablo to the fact of the service COMPRO ESTANONES VACIOS Germany are suffering from, whe twenty odd of our citi being so hurridly arranged, On parle Francais English Spoken a shortage of water due to zens lost their lives, and on its commemorative feature the destruction of the Moh Major Lynch of the Salva is said to have been touchne dam by units of the Ro tion Army becoming aware ingly observed.
BAPTIST CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR HELD yal Air Force, Disastrous re that the proposed compe One solitary man, it is sta sults are feared.
morative service at St. ted, augmented the atten MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR LATE LESLIE Mark Church had been dance of women, who did The destruction of 536 unavoidably cancelled, due not fail in their fundamenCLARKE German tanks in the fust to the sudden illness of the tal characteristic last at day of Germany renowed Rector, he immediately ma the Cross and first at the Leslie Herman Clerke had the first anniversary of the offensive in southwest Rus de arrangements for the Sepulchre of Him who died faithfully and devotedly ser death of our dear friend and sia has attracted much at holding of a service on the on Calvary.
ved the Christian Endeavour brother Leslie Herman Clar tention in military circles.
Society associated with the ke, to express my deepest con It is supposed that the Rus CAFE HOLNESS Baptist Church in this city; dolence to his relatives and nu merous friends, as also to pay sians have succeeded in seCornier 2nd. Avenue ard 7th. Street so on Thursday evening, hornage to his immortal soul. curing a new high powered the first of the current month The name of directly in front the Football Ground.
Leslie Clarke weapon for use against the Endeavourers comme will always be remembered, tanks or are employing a This New Eating and Refreshing Spot morated the first anniversar especially by the members of tactic specially adapted for ry of his death on the San our church. He lived a noble is now at the Public Service the purpose.
Pablo. The service, being willing to do his part in all Christian life and was ever COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD held under the direction of which tended for humanity For refusing to accept AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREthe officers, was presided betterment. Those of us who the ideology and medical ME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
over by Miss Susana Allen. had the privilege of closely practices of the Nazis, seve Tributes were extended in so contacting him know the ral hundred Medicos in Hol xon Hair cat, from Dixon Barber Shop Don say you need a hair cut. say you need a Di.
West of the los by Mesdames Agatha depth of sincerity which was imbedded in him. We can truland have been interned in city Market.
Reird, Amy Gardner and ly express.
Miss Olivia Gourzong, Miss Lives of good men still remird German authorities in occu DRESSMAKER AND MILLINER Nannie Taylor and the Mesda us pation and all their proper mes Louisa Coward Euphe We can make pur lives sulty confiscated.
THE 1943 NEW CREATION SPECIALIZES (lime, mia Rankin and Sarah FairIN NEATNESS And on departing leave beclough expounded theirs in Keeping abreast latest models and up io date me hind us poetry. Mrs. McRae pre Footprints on the sands thods of fittings for Ladies and Children. Minute at: of We will ever remember that sided at the organ. lovely tention also given the making of Men Shirts and Time second night of July 1912 other wears floral wreath with very signi When the day of toil is done, when in the twinkling of an ficant wording greatly when the race of life is 1u3, eye our friend and brother die PRICES TO MEET THE SITUATICN hanced the (Near Cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson)
impressiveness Father grant thy wearied one, narted his life. Regarding the rest for evermore.
life of brother Leslie lesinan Miss Vinetta Gordon Jamaica Town of the service.
Mr. William Samuels pen Clarke, anyone who had iken Through the medium of the ned. Ia is with the greatest in close contact with him, cán Society the following writ regret was unable write safely say his was an exen.
ten tributes were received up something specialoui ne plary life. Now that we are GRAL. GIRAUD IN WASHINGTON from San Jose.
ver the less these few lines commemorating the first inMr. Thomas Allen wrote convey my condolence to the riversary of his death, it beTravelling by air trans the members of his Staff. It is my desire, on survivors of our worthy friend loves us to pray that he finds this who was with us a year ago rest in the arms of Jesús.
portation from Argel, North arrived last Wednesday in Africa, Genera Giraud and Washington and were recei ved in the White House by President Roosevelt during Nor permitamos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark of the back de su recibo que dice: the afternoon.
of receip! which reads: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro num, This bill must be paid at our office before Though the General visit is said to be of a stricthe 10th of the month de los primeros 10 días de cada mes tly military character, diplo Be so good as to with this request and do not matic circles are of the opiLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, u step which non that it demonstrates de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
the political assistance which the United States go vernment is according him in preference to General concentration camps by the en COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA. DE LIMON Intud, Costa Rica


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