
SATURDAY, JULY 10th. 1943.
ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE IN CHERISHED AND PERPETUAL MEMORY We still suffer from the wound we sustained a litle more than a year ago when, by the tragedy of the San Pablo, on July 2nd 1942, there went into the Great Beyond our darling One and Father Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR WILLIAM LAPSLEY Twas no idle pastime that took you there, Twas in the pursuit of thy honest living, Te preevide us with our datly bread.
Never shall ihy memory be absent from our soul Tina Sterling and Harold, Mary, George, William, Frank, Rolando, Alice and Albert (Children)
Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra we saCHOCOLACTO MARVELLOUSLY PRESENTED WAS THE DRAMA SHEPHERD OF HIS FLOCK On the occasion, last Sun day night, of the presenta lestine and in the presence am Shepherds on the hills of Pa tion of the Drama entitled of the angels who deliveWE PAY THE BEST PRICES Shepherd of His Flock. red the Message of the counder the able direction of ming of the Prince of Peathe Rev. Fr. Hubert of the ce, penetradingly personifiREMEMBER Catholic Parish, were ed by the Misses Elena assembled in the Hall of Bourrette and Ruby Wright.
the Cathedral Day School. We saw the choice of his but the settings and portra Shephards, the merry danThe Crook and Lamb, eminence at its climax when tory associated with the yals brought to the mind ces of the Shepherds; repre symbols of the Good Shep iwe were vividly presented production presented in hothe magnificent scenes and sented by Miss Delrita Hun herd, were presented to His with an artistic Palace with nour of the Feast of St.
the illustriousness of that ter, under the influence of Lordship the Bishop, with a three section arch and John the Baptist.
of a which was staged on earth the moon. and the Mis whom was associated the the figure purified centuries ago.
ses Beryl Simmons, Ruby Rev. Frs. Acosta, John and Lamb adorned with a crown JAMAICA NEW Retrospectively the pac Pinnock, Angelia Pinnock, Valentin Martinez of Ala of gold, in representation ked audience were with the Olga Campbell, Eselee juela. The Misses Maria of the triumph of our Bles GOVERNOR Reid and Brooks, Marjorie Blackman Hermiralda sed Saviour over Death and Morine Charles. The inWright effected the presen and the Sepulchre.
The announcement has ES RICO EN VITAMINAS troduction to the act was tation.
At the close of the play been made that Sir John Hu FACIL DE PREPARAR the seasoned oration of Miss Other well seasoned con the Rev. Fr. John eulogi ggins, Chief of the Commi Victoria Green. Abel tributions were Mrs. Au zed the Rev. Fr. Hubert, ttee in Washington who ha UN ALIMENTO 100 DE crifice was presented after brey Gaston address of the moving spirit of ALTO VALOR NUTRIthe ve charge of all matters asTIVO the eloquence of Miss Fele welcome, the recitations by splendid entertainment, and sociated with the supplying cia Reid with Master Samuel the Misses Pearl Gayle, Nor also expressed the thanks of British Colonies with PARA NIÑOS ADULTOS Reid personifying Abel. Re Ima Hillarion, Delrita Hun of the Parish to all the par their needs, has been appresenting Him Who came ter and Elena Evans. The ticipants as well as the over pointed Governor of Jamai EXIJALO EN TODOS LOS as the Good Shepherd, Mas Misses Marjorie Hart and whelming audience. His ca in succession to Sir ArNEGOCIOS ter Osmond Evans was soMaria Bermudez blended Lordship, the Bishoy, gave thur Frederick Richards, lemnly impressive.
notably in their duet. The the closing address, in who goes, in a similar capa charming voice of Miss Co which he reviewed the hisl city, to Nigeria, Africa.
Those who bowed beforea Reid was heard in her re Him for healing were solo Loving Shepherd of Mrs. Foster, the Misses VeHis Flock.
Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the ronica Baylis, Mercelina The Drama ascended in pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon Brown, Ruby Hutchinson, Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
Nelda Reid and Helena Dumn. The great hour of RECENT DEATHS FRIO CALIENTE ES DELICIOSO rejoicing, as was demonstra MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS ted by the ancient Shep We have received the in ECONOMY. Everything in maWORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER SHOP herds, lifted the soul inspi formation that the follow chinery made or repaired, from FOR INFANTS AND Located in front former ration. Miss Felecia Reid ing were among those who a Pin to a Crane. See us. We ADULTS Motive Power Club in 3rd.
nitialed the act with an ef died recently in the San carry an assortment of Beds, RICH IN VITAMINS Avenue is the new parlour of fective prelude, while the Juan de Dios Hospital, San at all times. Building No. 89 Springs and other useful things EASY TO PREPARE the only Oriental Barber Shop scene was changed by the Jose.
in this city. All sanitary North Fifth Avenue. SOLD IN ALL BUSINESS graceful dance by the Misarrangements. Barber with Richard Smith Dausian THOMPSON, Proprietor.
HOUSES years of practice in all classes ses. Maria Bernard, Lupita (Dawson. a son of Ri CABINET AND UNDERTAK of the Hair Cutting Art. trial Pinnock, Ruby and Violetchard Smith and Mary Dau ING SHOP. Specializes in mak.
will convince the most Bourrette, sian (Dawson. He English Tweeds Seras Wright, Elena ente ing and repairing furniture and fastidious, Elsie Green, Masters Ernest red the institution on the wery other branch of woodLIONEL MONDOLY can still be had at and Rodolfo Wright, Ren: 30th. December last work. Coffins always stocked.
Proprietor, Reasonable Prices at year Xee as before going elsewhere.
nie Bourrette, Herbert and and died on the 23rd. ulti Pricos moderate.
4th. Street, NEW HARLEM BAR AND Marvin Charles and Charles mo.
Antrance Gamez THE PEOPLE HOUSE Lumber RESTAURANT. The Best drinks Isaac.
Eliza Davis Starlings, 84 Yard.
Limon SYDNEY BECKFORD, prepared by Crawford and Manager.
years of age, formerly of Grant, Genuine native and forGAME L UMBER YARD Pacuarita. She was admiteign liquors stocked Our CusiATLANTIC BAR AND ne service the most up to date.
ted to the hospital on the CRAWFORD AND GRANT, 4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops 7th. ultimo and died on the RESTAURANT Proprietors.
The very best an! highest Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to grade native and foreign L1 CDE RESETTER WITA IMPROVEMENTS. clean up to John Hypolite Guiber of quors always stocked No adul Aate Barber Parlour Centrally Short GAMEZ LUMBER YARD the age of fifty years and teration Our Order located on Commerce Avenue Service the best inthe City almost opposite Teatro Arrasformerly of this city is sta 4th Avenue and 7th. Street. ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous We never have a dissatisfied Customer ted to have died in San JoCLEMENT ROBERTS service. THOMAS PARCHMENT PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET se on thr 4th. instant.
Proprietor Dair Specialist.
to Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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