
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JULY 10th. 1943 Si está indispuesto JUPITER AND LIMON JUNIOR FOOTERS ENTERTAIN SPORT FANS Last Sunday football e well intentioned passes, hexercise was given in honour re and there. The regular of the anniversary of the sting was noticeably lacIndependence of the North king. Things dragged throu American Republic. ghout the entire game un The Jupiters trimmed til finally, Jupiter emerged their rivals with four points with four points against a Shut out.
gainst a Shut out for the The exercise presented no Juniors. Roy Hayling was real charm nor did it excithe Referee.
te emotion other than a few Sal Wvina Nieco es su remedio.
Alivia pronto refresca y corrige a la vez aSUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SEEKS NAND OF LADY IN MARRIAGE TEATRO MODERNO MEMORIAM In loving and lasting memory of our dear Lunes Julio 12 RESPECTABLE. HEALTHY WEALTHY, Son, Father and Brother El Doctor Broadway CHRISTIAN WIDOWER MacDonald Carey SAMUEL JONES wishes to marry a Lady: one who must be a devoted Martes 13 de Julio who departer this life on the ill fated San PaChristian and intelligent, be eable to take personal Me Despierto Gritando blo on July nd. 1942 while working for his honest Bread, Oh care of the domestic duties of her home and do sewBetty Grable Sam, dear, so suddenly did you leave us in the grip of ing for herself and such men wear as may be con Miércoles 14 de Julio sorrow, grict and pain. We hoped to have had you with sistent for her to make. Her age is to be within thirty Un Día en la Unión us for many more years dear Sam. You are one from five and forty five years. One with a little means us but not forgotten. We think we feel your presence preferred.
Soviética near. but, our hearts are sad and broken, for your Please communicate to Eastwood Narrada en español Caco we no more see. We are, however, cognizant a better Jueves 15 de Julio day is coining when we hope to meet again Yes, dear Farm, Cuba, Zent Line La Novela de un Joven Sam, that daya coming when we shall neet again Pobre MOTHER CHILDREN SISTERS Satisfaction, the desire of the masses, is to be had at Hugo del Carril CIMARRONES. JULY 2nd. 1943 Dixon Barber Shop West of the city Market.
Viernes 16 de Julio La Novela de un Joven Pobre Hugo del Carril TRIBUTE Sábado 17 de Julio Interwoven with the regu attendance fell below the Hombres de Peligro Time onward marchlife, lasts will our memory lar services last Sunday, mark usual on such оссаRichard Dix brought us on Wednesday of her grow dim. Requies the anniversary of the sions. The Monday of the week in course to the cat in pace.
even Domingo 18 de Julio Sunday School associated ing programme was com Ser o no Ser anniversary of that very with the Methodist Church pletely washed out: it is Carole Lombard y Jack sad day, seven years ago, in this city was observed.
Benny call now announced for presen when, answering the The programme, in which tation on the FROM ESTRADA evening of of Him who giveth and ta the youngsteils participa Tuesday the 13th, instant.
keth life, our dear friend, ted at the three o clock af During his sermon at the Circuit Steward, Mr. Angus Rhoda Lord, left us for the Our district is much athe ternoon hour, was of a high Sunday evening service, to offer a prayer on behalf Great Unknown.
glow with respect to Faithful in all her ways, Rally to be staged on the standard and greatly apprethe Rev. Holmes refer of the bereaved relatives of ciated. Mr. Leslie Angus red, in touching words, to the departed brethren. So she was a true Christian night of Monday the 12th.
presided. Consequent on the San Pablo disaster of a lemnly and with expressions and has, we sincerely belie instant, commencing at 30 the incessant rain fall, the year ago, and asked the of the deepeet feeling, was ve, earned her Redeemer in the Methodist Church at the prayer effected. Well Done. Never while San Jose Creek.
The cast of characters will include several of the heroes and heroines of the Bible. rich prelude will be presented. It is hoped our Methodists and friends will turn out and grant a one hundred per cent sun ASSORTMENT IN LIMON port.
1b. 50 Undiluted, free burning White as snow. Why pay as high as 60 per pound elsewhere.
ISLAND PALM SOAP 060 Sold elsewhere as high as 00 BLACK BEANS. 1b. 40 Guaranteed soft and fresh TOILET PAPER roll. 10 Why pay 45 and 0. 50 elsewhere.
Not rasioned any amount you wantSAPOLIO 00 high quality Why pay 25 elsewhere.
Ib. 50 Will not give you a sick stomach like many Only 115 pounds left other cheap oils.
pk. 20 Keep pots and pans clean at low cost.
Why pay. 25 for stale starch elsewhere BLACK EYE BEANS. lb. 35 KLIM NIDO Soft and fresh POWDERED MILK. tin. 4 25 Well known products at low prices We offer you not only lower prices, but also correct weight, courtesy and fresh guaranteed merchandise.
LA PROVEEDORA LIMON The modern method of travelling has certainly enhanced the convenience of those who desire to visit their loved one, at intervals consistent with their many duties beyond the borders of the Republic. As a result of this, we are enjoying the very welcomed presence of Mr. Rogers, who arrived in the Capital yesterday, a week ago, just in time to take advantage of the resumed daily passeyger service to this city.
Our much regarded citizen is here on a brief vacation.
Sistema Nacional de Biblioteeas de ministerie de


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