
SATURDAY, JULY 10th. 1943.
CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao us terdays, and on this signifio. Minott and was climaxed arms of jesus brought us higher than mortal tune, MEMORIAL RADIO PROGRAMME ON BE82 HALF OF VICTIMS OF SAN PABLO RAICILLA IPECACUANA Though distance separa: their renditions filled ted them physically, they with wonder. The Program were mentally united. Many me was initialed by Mrs.
RUBBER had previously expressed Evelyn Laird with the imdeep condolence for the tra mortal song. Where is gedy, and on this its first my wondering boy tonight.
We are Agents for anniversary they tangibly The enchanting voices of renewed their affection and the Misses Maria and Tere THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT.
sympathy sa Charles and Inez WestThe memorial radio pro ney followed. Mr. John RoOFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE damme transmitted over gers, Jr. presided at the the Voice of the Victor piano. Sublimely Mrs. Clari system of Colon, at the hour ce Chambers added her pia of one last Sunday, refres no selection Abide with and Inez Westney Mrs. Lester Cole. Mrs. Chambers Nearer my God to Thee. sang hed our ear with the sound me. The oration on behalf Rock of Ages, with of many voices which had of those who had perished Chambers playing the piano again officiated at the pia accompanied with Mr. John charmed us during the yes was delivered by Mr. acompaniment. Safe in the no. Like the dirge of some Rogers as pianist. Mrs Laird was again heard with by the. Misses Charles much effectiveness in her solo Far from home. The dead march was played by Mrs. Chambers.
Attention Rubber Producers Magnificent were the eu logies showered on Messrs.
Of The Old Line and Limon Percival de Amil and Minott, our old Limonense, who effected the arrangeOur Field Technician don CLAUDIO ROJAS will be visiting your Zone, acments for the broadcast.
companied by a Mexican Rubber Expe rt, for the purpose of demonstrating the We. too, extend them our new method of Bleeding the Rubber trees without damaging them and securing warmest thanks, as also all greater production.
who participated in so pene trating a tribute to those His Itinerary will be, approximately, as follows: who perished on the neverto be forgotten second day In Matina. Farm of Abel Robles, on 9th. and 10th. July.
of July 1942.
In Matina. Farm of Oscar Gutiérrez, on 11th. and 12th. July.
In Matina the 13th. July.
In Estrada Farm of Gough, on 14th. and 15th. July.
DECORATED GRAVE MONTE VERDE BRANCH OF LOVED BROTHER In Cultivation, Costa Rica Banana Company, on 16th. and 17th. July.
In Manila Costa Rica Banana Company, on 18th, and 19th. July.
Among the visitors to our city on Thursday of last In Siquirres ficm the 20th. to the 22nd. July.
week were Mrs. Bolton and sister, the Miss Violeta OLD LINE Jones of Cimarrones. They came for the speciflc purIn Colombiana, Costa Rica Ban, na Company, on the 23rd. July.
pose of decorating the gra In Colombiana, Farm of Castro Quesada, on 24th, and 25th. July.
ve of their beloved brother, In Destierro, farm of Jorge Rivera, on the 26th. July.
Samuel, who was numbered.
In Las Mercedes. Farm Bremen, on the 27th. and 28th. July.
among the men who perish ed on the San Pablo of In Iroquois Farm Las Delicias, on the 29th. and 30th. July, July 2nd. last year, and to In La Cabaña, Farm of Alberto Piza, on the 31st. July and 1st. of Aug.
also attend the service In El Peje. Abundio Seco, on the 2nd. and 3rd. August.
which was scheduled to be In Guápiles from the 4th. to the 7th. August.
held in the St. Mark Church in commemoration Endeavor to see Mr. Rojas to learn the Mexican method and to secure the of the first anniversary of necessaryimplements.
the passing of all the view tms. The service was can celled, unfortunately. The RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION sisters, however, in token their love and remem Office of the United States Government brance, laid several beautiSan José, Costa Rica ful floral offerings on the grave of their departed brother.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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