p. 12


PAGE 12 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JULY 101h. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN were a are to RAMMED U BOAT THE MIDDLE SEA BRITAIN THE NAZI OFFENSI NAZIS BOMB AND PARATROOPS VE IN RUSSIA GUN CRIPPLED For critical seconds in The Mediterranean Sea is no North Atlantic midnight the longer just a battelfield. It has CHILDREN bows of a rammed German II become once more a great high Paratroops of the British for As this paper goes to press, boat towered above a British way. The blasting of the last ces are being trained by the the German hordes on the corvette which had chased her island barriers out of the Si Royal Air Force at a School of Russians front have at last Forty crippled children, aged between two and 12.
for more than five hours cilian Narrows ends one phase Army Co operation Command loosened their long expected Then slowly with a crunch of the war as definitely as it working every daylight hour of iron and a shower of spars inaugurates another. Final clesummer offensive. The dispat playing in their convent home Many men fit enough for ches received up to the last Suddenly there was the drone of aircraft. The children shieltlying off the plates, she sidarance of the passage from Gi some of the finest regiments minute indicate that the fightback to the sea from the bows braltar to Suez puts the Allies now in Britain are unaccept ing is fierce, but our Russian ded their eyes against the sun and gazed skywards.
of her attacker and one of the in control of a vast naval belable as paratroops. very high allies are holding their ground Three planes roared from most remarkable anti subma that, with the single interrup. degree of fi ness is demanded, in all he strategic strongpoints cloud, and as the children, rine fights in which a small tion of the enemy held East In Perfect eyesight, hearing and between Kursk and Orel!
ship has been engaged was dian archipielago, girdles the above all quickwittedness are against which Hitler is throw sensing danger, started to run ended circumference of the Four times in 19 minutes The effect on global strategy must be prepared to make his half earth. essential. Every parachutisting an army of more than the machine guns in the three a million men on this raiders began blazing. Then zoomed this littel British 600 toner one of the Germans is bound to prove profound. own decisions, to be his own relatively short front seclow over the convent and sent had crahsed deliberarely inco)
From the beginning of the officer; to be entirely selit sud tor. It appears the De a bomb crashing into the ber enemy. Her name is that war Britain has fought despe ficient in an emergency. Tłussian High Commands as, of a hardy flower, the Dian rately to keep the Middle Sea grounds Paratroops recruites is it did in the two pro One child was killed; five thus how hardly has already lepen, sacrificing even the ar from all types, professions and vious nazi offensives, rely others were badly hurt been told in part by the first mor of her island home to temperaments. So are the ing on its huge recuperative Two raiders, following heir Lord in a recent speech maintain the fluctuating battle. instructors. A: one power and vast reserves to leader, gunned the streets as She is only 193 fet in length With our help the long battle school. many of the instructors hold the important positions nuns rushed from the ruins of and certamfily smaller than the has been won From Spain tu were teachers in civil life. of its great defence in depth their wrecked convent home, ocean going raider she was at Turkey the whole Axis flank Others were circus performers, system, and only to the north tacking, shepherding and carrying the lies open 10 atta The equestrian acrobats, ballet dan of Kursk the nazis seem cripped to the conveny vaults.
aitack is already develop cers, variety artists, professio have made slight progress. in One nun returned five times THE LOOK OUT CALL ing with such power as ral footballers, or wrestlers. the meantime, Russian official as bomby were falling and cathe air has never carried befo. Such men are used to the communiqués reveal that rried the wuonded, and the Last night in the wardroonre. This summer fighting, limelight and fit well into a Hitler ha already lost more babies, to safety.
her curly headed 22 year old will map its course, Italy now job where there is a mixture than two thousand tanks, a man who saw the bombing anti submarine officer. Lieut seems the chosen victim, but of excitement, danger and con thousand, aeroplanes, and a and gunning said to me: Peter Hickman, who whereaver the blow falls it will tinual activity.
hundred thousand men in ca The nuns were marvellous.
comes from Bognor Regis, be aimed at Germany sualties, of which about thirty. Some of the younger children where he worked as an archiThe remoter effects of the GROUND EXERCISES five thousand should se reckon were frightened, but imme tec and surveyor, told the story opening of the ancient watered as dead.
diately the sisters appeared of the action from start to way are not so obvious. But at The trainees are all volu The fact which stands out as they became calm and did as finish.
the very moment we seem to teers and are shown how to a departure from usual nazi they were told. It began just before dusk, be getting the better of the jump and get the feel of pa procedure is that so far the But for the prompt action when the lookout screeched submarine we receive the equi rachute. For the first Ivo German communiqués have of the sisters many more of out from the mast head that valent of several million tons days they go through a series been rather reticent regarding the crippled children might the had spotted a submarine of shipping. The slow convoy of ground training exercises in this last desperate attepmi, o have lost their lives, as the on the horizon passage around Africa is auto a hangar which has been corcrush the Russians, free their gunning went on for sore time We turned off and lost her motically canceled The verted into a vast synmasium. armies from the powerful liug after thảy, had been got. 10 for a while in the thick rain Near East, South Russia stad! They slide down chutes to of the Soviet bear and turn its safety squalls that were sweping over india can be supplied directly practice a forward landing, eyes toward the west and south One cripled nine year ole, the sea. Then to our amaze from our main bases in a third swing on a giant stride, rom where the United Nations pre with her legs in iron splint, ment we saw not one, mut two of the time it took before. This which they drop at a given sumably are getting ready for helped to carry two wuonded submarines going hell for tia should mean a release of ship lagnal, to get accustomed to their counterstroke by way of playmates to cover when the ticks away from us, with their ping in every theatre of the landing on one side without the invasion of the Fortress first bomb fell. She said: conning towers showing in war, Atlantic and Pacific injury os sit suspended in a Europa was terribly frightened flurries of spray about eightcluded harness trapeze learing how when the machine gunning miles off.
Japan must be watching deve to change direction. They pracstarted, but when the bomb We closed in and opened lopments in the Mediterracan tice dropping from a troop balloon ascends to a height of fell remembered what had up with out four inch at full with anxious eyes Once we carrier by means of a machine 600 feet in three minutes. Dur been taught to brave. and range. Then we lost them establish our footholds called the High Aperture. ing the ascent the instructor tried to do what could.
again, but we spotted one again Southern Europe, the bulk of The first jump most probably gives last minute advice. The raiders also bomhed on the surface just febore mid the Mediterranean fleet will be comes just as dawn is break Immediately the parachute three densely populated disnight.
freed for action elsewhere. ing: at daybreak or sunse: the opens an officer on the ground tricts of the town, killing two The four inch gun let her Madagascar stands ready as a conditions are more often shouts instructions through a babies. five weeks old three have another bibful and she halfway base for a strong naval table for parachuting. microphone such as No 1, months, a they slept in their went under. By this time we concentration in the Indian The first and second jumps. eep your feet together. and prams.
were right on the mark and Ocean Then the Japanese are taken from a thethered NO 2, try and turn round. Two oher people were killed blew her up to the top with fleet, already harried by cur balloon in a park adjoining tise Each jump is recorded on a. the raid.
depth charges. Everyone growing strength in the Pacific, aerodrome. From the baloon special chart.
Extensive damage was cauour ship began to go dancing would find itself caught bet hangs a small cage. waist Each day the pupil chartssed to houses and shops mad ween two fires, unable to ex hieight in the centre of which are inspecsed and any faults Tonight resque squads are srill Our captain Commander tinguish either. Dominance of is the hole through which the ure dealt with by the officer in searching in the wreckage of Clement Edward Bridgeman, the Middel Sea is a long step troops will drop. The cage is charge.
a block of flats or several peoR. is an imperturbabie vid toward victory in the East as just big enough to hold four R. sergeant instetor ple reported missing.
Blue Funnel man from Broad well as the West.
men and the instructor. The summing up his pob said: Mi clyst, Devon, and even he he ne is one in a thousand We SAYINGS gan to get excited. He gave are all units in a team which the order to ram and we hit the other side and brought the underneath as we went over, is 100 per cent. co operative. We are not prepared to the submarine at full speed ship right round and were at but there she still was, and we Over me have officers whose lend an attentive ear to sug.
There was a terrific crunch, er again.
went in for the third time only interest is in the welfare gestions from any quarter that Dur bows went You could see tracer. It as quite a fantastic sight of the school; under me are sombardment from the air is a could see her being rolled right sheils smashing righ into the Our gun crews were shooting men who have volunteered to weapon that shall be yielded over.
conning tower. saw one man without using their sigh do a dangerous and worthwhile up. Least of all are we impres And in the light of every completely disintegrate as he One of the 21 German pri job and whose only anxiety is sed by belated conversion kind of flare we could put up tried to climb our. Our crew soners we had been carrying to learn quickly.
this view. Mr. Eden, Forand the flashes of every kinl were yelling and dancing like after a previous Uboat saking a eign Secretary of gun from pom poms to rifles. u pack of Red Indians. ny Assiniboine, was reared right up and crashed on we could see the Hun rolled Some of them were screech yelling in German over our our deck and it looked for a The German armed Dries right over on her side while ing, Ram her again, sir, iam loudspeakers telling the survi moment as thought we were are a three legged stool. The her crew pitched out of the ner again were vors of the boat to try to going down, too.
army leg was shaky, while the conning tower as fast as they going at 10 yards range. Then swin alongside so that we could She was shot full to hoies air force leg is cracked. If could.
we climbed right up and over pick them up.
andour men were still firing things go on as well as they her again After we had gone over her into her as she slid. The sur are going, the third leg of the TEN YARDS RANGE It seemed imposible that the third time we again same vivors were left swimming stool the boat is broken. We felt her go down she coud still float. Rays of in and hit her by the conning around and we managed to. Air Vice Marshall Sir Philip beneath us then we slid off on sparks were flying out from tower This time her bows pick them up.
up and we our 10 Our guns Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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