
ATLANTIC VOICE PROVISIONS OF SOCIAL SEGURITY LAW SHOULD BE APPLICABLE TO LIMON Wherever domiciled, the worker deserves protecEditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 tion in every branch of servive At the close of his ca reer, whether because of disability or imbecility, he YEAR LIMON, JULY 17th. 1943 NO 382 should have some financial source on which he can depend other than the uncertain and unstable one of charity.
LIC. DON TEODORO PICADO ELECTED FIRST VICE PRESIDENT OF On an impartial review being made of existing conTHE RI PUBLIC ditions it will be clearly observed that whether privately or publicly employed, a very large percentage of EXTRAORDINARY LOTTERY DRAWING our people are the recipients of remunerations hardly sufficient to provide their families and themselves with It has been released that ty of one thousand colones proper food and raiment.
the Managing Directora of each and others of busi Neither the worker nor the members of his family tine National Lottery have amounts apart from the ap are immune from the ailments to which humanity is subconcluded arrangements for proximations. The tickets jected, and when any of these set in the afflicted is usu: an extraordinary drawing will be divided into twenty ally without the means of procuring proper medical to be effected on the Sth, of parts of the value of 50 treatment apart from the fimited amount he might August proximo.
each or 30 for the full ti obtain, if affliated with some charitable or fraternal or The first or grand prize cket. It is expected the tic ganization. However thrifty the worker may be, the will be of the value of kets will be on sale imme.
possibility of his setting aside any reasonable sum as 150. 000; the second of. diately after tomorrow provision against the proverbial Rainy Day is very 40. 000, followed by twen drawing.
We are of the cainion that the Social Segurity Plan, as promulgated by His Excellency the President of the HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA Republic, has within its sphere the most effective means LIMON CITY of solving the difficulties, as it provided a guarantee by which the worker and his family will be able to obtain Special Attention and Price for Families.
At the sesion of the namedical attention, hospitalization, share in a pension Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath.
tional Congress held last and receive other essential humanitarian benefits.
Thursday Lic. don Teodoro CANTINE WELL ASSORTED The operations of the Splendid System must even.
Picado was by a large majoriHIGH STANDARD ATTENTION tually lift the economic, social and moral status of the ty of votes elected to the eworker and his family. We urge that this great Plan be ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor alted position of the First placed in operation in this Zone.
Vice Presidency of the Repu blic, which had become vaTHE UNITED NATIONS CONTROL cant by the death of Dr. CalPROFITEERERS WILL BE PUNISHED derón Munoz, From the car ier days of hed without the lose of even The Atlantic Voice tenders the month in course we ex one o fthe two thousand vesDue, we don Teodoro its sincere conunderstand, to be repeated, the guilty par.
pected the receipt of news or sels employed and with an uni the initiative of the Natio ty will given the maximum gratulations.
a thrilling character regar sually small number of casuali nal Price Control Cemmit sentence and his license sus ding the activities of the Uni ties among the troops. Each tee of San Jose, a law has pended until one year after ted Nations on the several advice which comes to us tells been promulgated by the the close of the war. If the battle fronts. We had not of rapid advances and added National Congress, destined offender happened to be a long to wait.
successes by the invading enemy troops captured at do punish all profitearing foreigner, he will be deporEearly last Saturday the foroes.
18, 000.
traders and industrialisis. ted after having served his news came across that inva More than fifteen of the im lied air forces have regis The taw is stated to stipu term of imprisonment.
sion of the European conti portant cities in the Island tered violent bombings in late that any one who shall The provisions of the law nent had commeneed with the have fallen in the hands vf the North of Italy as also in exact a profit of more than will be effective on Monday landing on the important ita the Alied troops; and the la the occupied territories and twenty per cent on his mer the 27th. of the current lian island of Sicily of large test adviees state that the ad Germany.
chandise or product, after month.
numbers of British, North Vance continues on all fronta, President Roosevelt and having provided for ali ex It is really time that so American and Canadian troo the movements being direc Premier Chuchill have, by a penses, will be categoried a mething rigid be undertaken ps under the supreme com ted northward.
jount note, called on the Ita profiteerer and subjected to to control the extortion to mand of General Eisenhower. The important bases of Melian people to capitulate if imprisonment for a period which a very large percenta We also had the report that sina, in Sicily; and San Gio they desire to save themse ranging from one to six ge of our hardpressed peo the Russians had dominated vanni, in Italy, have been selves arid their conntry. months. Should the offence ple are subjected.
the recent y initiated Nazi of verely hit by air units with fensive and inflicted tremen the view of hindering reinfo dous losses on them. The japa roements reaching the Nazis WAR ACTIVITIES IN THE FAR EASTERN positions in the Salomon gropu were the objects inces nese were stated to have suf on the Iland where they are fered further at the hands of said to be experiencing diffiZONES sant aerial attacks with telling effects on the much exhausthe North Americans. culties in securing sufficient The invasion of Sicily was amūnition and other supplies. inforced Japanese units who system established by the Chungking reports that re cipal points in the defence ted defending garrions.
effected, we are told, after the The allied activities have had attacked the mountai Japs in New Guinea and that The North American naval way had been made olear by reached such a stage in Sicily nous region of Taiheng, had a formidable offensive had units inílicted another serious a ferocious aerial attack and that a report states the Nazi been detaired in all the soc begun for the purpose of ejec blow on the enemy when, on the active bombardiment of forces are to be withdrawn tors though violent fighting ting the eremy îrom their Wednesday, last they sank the coastal defences by Allied for concentration along the was still in progress.
bases along the northwest four of the ten ships they ennaval units. The brave deed is italian coast. last moment Ten thousand enemy tro coast of the Island.
countered for the second time said to have been accomplies report places the number of ops are operating, it is said, Mundo and other important in the Gulf of Kula.
milia in the Linchwang Zone.
Units of the North AmeriNOTICE can navy are carrying out a JOSEFINA DRESSMAKING PARLOUR series of bombardments Address all your Eng. Para todos sus trabajos gainst the Island of Kisku, LIMON ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a one of the Aleutian group, on which is located a powerful Beside the Universal Barber Shop Japanese garrison. BROTHERTON) BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 General Me. Arthur anno SAN JOSE unces that the Allied forces Ladies Dresses, Children Dresses and other Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos had tightenedd their encircleNovelties made according to The Latest Styles.
ment of Mudo, one of the prin ROIG Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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