
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, July 17th. 1943 RALLY BY ROSE OF PARADISE LODGE son Haircut, from Dixon Barber Shop West of the held a Don say you need a hair cut. say you need a Di.
WATER FACTORY city Market.
COSTA RICA SODA While enjoying a walk, of rich items for the prelu DRESSMAKER AND MILLINER a few nights ago, under thede to the big Rally, based THE 1943 NEW CREATION. SPECIALIZES charming influence of a bri on several of the heroes and IN NEATNESS Fábrica de Hielo y lliant moonlight, our ear heroines of olden days, to Keeping abreast the latest models and up to date me Refrescos was treated to the melodies be staged, under the auspi thods of fittings for Ladies and Children. Minute at: of human voices, and on our ces of the Rose of Paradise tention also given the making of Men Shirts and other wears.
Limón encroaching on the compa Lodge of the British Order ny of good friends who were of Good Samaritans and Da PRICES TO MEET THE SITUATION engaged on a rehearsal, we ughters of Samaria, on Thu (Near Cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson)
FLORIDA ICE AND were given a hearty welco rsday night the 12th. Au Miss Vinetta Gordon Jamaica Town me Though not wishing to gust, in the Hall of the Shep FARM take tales out of school, we herd Lodge, located in front discovered that the parties of the St. Mark Church, THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE TAKING LA FLOR were preparing a number NADERAS OF THE BASTILLE FABRICA DE On giving consideration to have been executed, the the RECENT DEATH TRIUMPHANT French Revolution, christian faith which has PERSONAL which had its birth in the been trampled under foot Ricardo Cascante Cascan RALLY te, a former resident in the year 1789 and to the na and a god of military power We are enjoying, once districe of 25 Miles and fifThe Methodist Church of tion fall in June 1940, we set up all loyal subjects of again, the presence of Mr. ty five years old, is said to Estrada triuphant might be permitted to say France must be grief stricAubrey Ham, son of our have died in the San Juan Ra ly of the Heroes and that within the period of a ken.
little more than one hun place of that civilized good citizens, Mr. and Mrs. de iDos Hospital, San Jose, Heroines of Bible days, on the Third Republic which came Blackman. Mr. Ham arriv on the 1st of the present Monday night the 12th ins. dred and fifty years ed a few days ago from a month. He was admitted in tant The atmosphere was French people enjoyed that intobeing in 1793 under a trip abroad. We bid him the Inst tution on the 13th. charged with classical rer freedom which is usually as Constitution made by Frenhearty welcome.
ditions of anthems by sociated with nationhood ultimo the chmen one which accor chor. the two sensation The efforts of the revolu ded them freedom, liberty solos of Mr. Nasymth 14th. day of July tion were effective on the and the pursuit of happiThe vote of the people is the law of the land. and the spicy rendition of Miss 1789ness, the present Vichy Asthe people vote Dixon Barber Shop for better service. Ivy Smith solo, accompaI which has since been known sembly functions according West of the city Market, nied by her sisters, the as the day of the fall of The to the dictates of the Ger Misses Elithia and Ezeka, on Bastille. Wherever domici man Reichstag and enslaves LA FRANCE LIBRE the viclin and organ, respec led, French nationals have the nation. This will not Frente la Compañía Eléctrica, Limón tively. Those who took the always commemorated the long continue. The day is SOUVENIRS DE COSTA RICA leading positions in the Ra grand event; but in view of fast approaching on which Revistus on inglés y español. Novelas Famosas, lly were Mrs. Estrena Porthe present tyrannical op France will regain her na eventuras, terroríficas, etc.
ter, who represented Naomi pression to which the coun tional liberty and her peoto Cámart Foiográficas, Peliculas, Joyas de Fantasía, of Israel and Mrs. Una Vose try is subjected. Frenchmen ple be once again free Resistencias, Ropa para Niños, Adornos de Casa who spoke for Miriam. of in the homeland must have not only celebrate as they Propietaria: ANITA DE NANNE immortal memory. The Re wept bitterly when thinking were wont to do the Fall of COMPRO ESTANONES VACIOS verend P. Holmes, presiof the past glories of their thé Bastille, but their libe: On parle Francais English Spoken ded.
beloved country. When they ration from the totalitarian Special Correspondent.
recall the large number of aggression their fellow nationls who INTERNATIONAL SHORTS PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT MESSAGE TO CAFE HOLNESS The Brazilian Corner 2nd. Avenue and 7th. Street Academy THE POPE directly in front the Football Ground.
of Medicine is reported to have been notified of the The following message and to expel the Nazi oripre This New Eating and Refreshing Spot discovery of a method by was directed to His Holiness ssors who infect the coux.
which the blood of bulls the Pope, by President Roo try.
is now at the Public Service may be used for transffusion sevelt, immediately after Si Its hardly necesary for COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD in human bodies, after havicily had been invaded by me to reiterate the respect AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREing been submitted to a cer the troops of the United we entertain for religious he ME ON OUR BILLBOARD, tain process.
liefs and for the free exer At the time this message cise of such beliefs. Both The Chief Executive of reaches the hands of Your the churches and religious out Italy, will be respected. the forces of evil, the papal domain through will only be possible when which he Board of War Produc: Holiness, large numbers of institution will, in so far as ion of the United States an North American and Brit may be possible, be exemxiety as Your Holiness, the gions of Europe and Asia in await with the same an nhw control the vast nounces that a new type olish forces shall have landed pted from destruction in dawn of that brilliant day complete slavery are totally war plane is being produced on Italian territory. Our the fight which approach and important modifications troops have arrived to put es. During the perod of ope will return to rule the world.
on which the Peace of God destroyed.
For the celebration of this carried out with the olderſ an end to Italian Fascism rations, the neutrality of the We are convinced that this day we have put aside from types.
with all its evil propensities. Vatican City, as also that of our energies the painful 01 us, in order to dedicate them to the benefcial task Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al corso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back of reconstruction. United de su recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: with all the other nations This bill must be paid at our office before Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month and forces imbued with the de los primeros 10 días de cada mes spirit of good will toward Be so good as to comply with this request and do not humanity, and with the help Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, u step which, of the All powerful God, we de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
consegrate our minds and our hearts to the immense DE labour for the restoration of a just and lasting peace throughout the universe.
re COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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