
SATURDAY, July 17th. 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE THE NEGRO IN THE AMERICAN MEDICAL CORDS Limon Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR large group of American Schove with the highest hoNegroes recently completed, nours.
with success, a difficult and Fourteen other members of extensive training at the Uni the Race also recently receited States Army Medical Served commissions as officers vice School and received com of the United States Army, missions as Second Tieute and won the congratulations nants. They will be sent on of the Deputy Commander of active duty overseas.
the American foroes in the Among the newly commis British Isles. They were the sioned officers is Fabian first group of Negroes to pass Fancis of Jamaica, who volun through the United States teered for service in the early Army Officers Candidate part of last year and gradua Schools.
ted from the Army Medical.
Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuis and Copra de Julio WE PAY THE BEST PRICES REMEMBER July to socie will be as DONATIONS ASKED FOR BRITISH yer with the citizens in the United Kingdom, on Suns day July 11th. There was a SOVEREIGN FUND FOR SAILORS service on this day at the St. Mark Church, Limon, British Legation San Jose at p. when a collection was taken for the bene To The British Colony in Costa Rica fit of King George Fund statement was issued membered in the grateful for Sailors. The Rev.
from Lambeth Palace on Ju prayers of the Evans, the Rector, officiated congraga ne 12th. signed by the Ar tions in Churches on If British subjects who En los Estados Unidos se celebró el de julio, día de la inchbishops of Canterbury 11th.
dependencia nacional, trabajando en las fábricas para producir kere unable to attend the las armas que han de asegurar, una vez por todas, la libertad and Westminster, the Mode Special collections in the de individuos y naciones. En la fotografia, una graciosa obrera rators of the Church of Scot United Kingdom will again like to support the service feel that they would empaca cinturones de municiones de ametralladora.
land and the Free Church be made for the benefit of their contributions may be Fund, General Council, once more King George Fund for Sai sent to the San Jose LegaGAME LUMBER YARD drawing the attention of lors, which is the central or tion, marked King Georall citizens in Great Britain ganization for collecting 4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops ge Fund for Sailors. to the debt of gratitude and distributing funds and it is hoped the response FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE they owe to the Royal Navy nautical benevolent and and the generous Merchant Navy, ties.
Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to spontaneous as on the last oc and suggesting that the of It is hoped that the Bri casion when over 260 were GAMEZ LUMBER YARD ficers and men of both ser tish Colony in Costa Rica contributed by the Buitish vices should be specially rel will, as last year, join in pra Colony in Costa Rica.
We never have a dissatisfied Customer PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET Francis Patron improved competitich would the match terminated in a Charge Affetres be seen but the expected did victory for Gimnastica.
LAST SUNDAY AFTERNOON FOOT BALL not materialize. Th. Gim nasticas again shelled the Not so much for the gold gained for services, as for the MATCH fortress of their opponents, pleasing countenances of the clients served. Go to Dixon and Roy Hayling earned the Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
With a score of half a dozen goals against a fouth goal. Coincidentally, the Mexicans secured MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS the Single, Gimnástica gained the victory advantage of a foul penal: WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER over the Mexicans SHOP the fine was collected. The ECONOMY, Everything in maBasing an opinion on what Chivi and Granville Taylor but Hoy Hayling failed to carry an tables turned immediately, a Pin to a Crane. See us.
chinery made or repaired, from We Located in front former assortment of Beds, was observed, it was not up (Mula. 10 other players of effect the shot. shuffie. Springs and other useful things Motive Power Club in 3rd.
Avenue is the new parlour of to expectation and was a so the vanquished side demonnewhat one sided affair.
the only Oriental Barber Shop. strated any alertness or ag to left wing, and Carlito Ha FTHOMPSON, Proprietor.
and then a pass from center at all times. Building No. 89 North To begin the match was gressiveness.
in this city. All sanitary, Fernando yling added the fifth point arrangements. Barber with fixed to start at 30 Wright, the right extreme to the score of the winnns RESTAURANT, The Best drinks NEW HARLEM BAR AND years of practice in all classes but it was until fifteen minu for Gimnastica, was without of the Hair Cutting Art. trial side; the sixth appeared in prepared by tes to the hour of four that rival. At no tim of the en Crawford will convince the most fastidious.
play actually commenced, counter was he challenged succession, by the effort of Grant, Genuine native and forViniei. Time crept on and eign liquors stocked Our Cusi LIONEL MONDOLL due to the slow drag by by an opponent; he thus had ne service the most up to date.
Proprietor which the Mexico Juniors ar things his own way and reCRAWFORD AND GRANT, Proprietors.
CABINET AND rived at the playground. gistered three goals in the UNDERTAKING SHOP, Specializes in mak.
The Gimnasticas were there order. Further English Tweeds Sergs THE RESETTER IS THM bng and repairing furniture and much in advance of the star chastisement, during the can still be had at clean up to every other branch of ting time and were ready, as first half of play, was averReasonable Prices at Nate Barber Parlour Centrally work. Coffins always stocked.
it turned out, to register alted by the sounding of the located on Commerce Avenue See as before going elsewhere.
almost opposite Teatro Arras. Prieus moderate. 4th. Street, most unretaliating blows a Referee whistle for Rest.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE ty. Pleasant, reliab. e courteons antrance to Gamez Lumber gainst the Mexicans. nthe players resuming Limon Hervice. THOMAS PARCHMENT Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Apart from Noel Lord. the sward, it was hoped an Lair Specialist.
and Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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