
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, July 17th. 1943 Estampas Nacionales SCHOOLS CLOSE FOR AN APPROACHING MID. SUMMER MARRIAGE VACATION Mr. James Murray, one We are given the infor of our pioneer Hair Speciamation that the English Pri lists and widely esteemed ci vate schools of this Zone, tizens, has announced the which are affiliated with a proaching marriage of his the National Educaters As daughter Miss Ina Elena, sociation of San Jose as listo Mr. Rolando Pugh, son of ted on pages and 30 of the and Mrs. Daniel Pugh also Education Bulletin Nº 16 of this city.
have co operated with thel The happy event will, it government schools of this is understood, be solemni province by having suspen zed in our Cathedral on the ded operations since yester evening of Saturday, the day the 16th, for the mid 31st. of the present month, summer period of rest and the reception being held at recreation. The re opening a later hour, in the residendate is listed for Monday. Ice of the Bride sister, Mrs.
August 2nd proximo. Ernest Wright.
www Satisfaction, the desire of the masses, is to be tudd at Dixon Barber Shop West of the city Market. oruna Sm SEEKS HAND OF LADY IN MARRIAGE reLA PROVEEDORA RESPECTABLE, HEALTHY, WEALTHY CHRISTIAN WIDOWER wishes to marry a Lady: one who must be a devoted LAS CARRERAS DE SAN JUAN Christian and intelligent, be cable to take personal y entre los Licores Nacionales sobresale la Ginebra extra fina. con Gincare of the domestic duties of her home and do sewing for herself and such men wear as may be con Ale y limón, entona, reanima y sien o bien.
sistent for her to make. Her age is to be within thirty five anil forty five years. One with a little means preferred.
ter Rafael Angel Calvo and Please communicate to Eastwood Miss Yolanda Rivas, fist CAPT. ALVARADO HEADS COMMITEE OF Farm, Cuba, Zent Line and second year students res pectivelly. Prizes are said TOMAS GUARDIA SCHOOL to have been awarded.
STUDENTS COMPETITION BY COMMERCIAL the Educational stuff, as al We highly congratulate. We are in receipt of the, of the General Tomas Guar The students very pleasing information dia School.
election NIGHT SCHOOL so the successful for the proficiency they ha that Captain Noe Alvarado took place at a special sesThe Commercial Niglit tion on Commercial Corres ve attained and hope their of the Volunteer Fire Brigasion held on Sunday last.
The other members of the School of this city, directed pondence among the stu success will serve as a mede of this city has been elecby Professor Ricardo Moradents. The examination ans of stimulating other stuted to the Presidency of esteemed Executive are dents, the Educational Committee don Pablo Arrieta, Secreta recently held a competi suited favourably for Masry; don Nicolas de la Treasurer; Mesdames de Acuña, Carmen de Chin, Lo lita de Tasies Erna de Fe rreti and don Antonio Gutie rrez Vocales.
With so efficient and high LEADS WITH LOW PRICES, HIGH QUA LITY AND LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE ly regarded a personnel to direct the managing fegASSORTMENT IN LIMON tures of this educational center, we look forward to a KEROSENE.
constant rise in the stan bot. 50 STARCH 1b. 50 Undiluted, free burning White as snow Why pay as high as 60 dard of the functioning.
per pound elsewhere.
ISLAND PALM SOAP 0160 Sold elsewhere as high as 00 BLACK BEANS.
1b. 40 Guaranteed soft and fresh TOILET PAPER.
roll. 110 Why pay 45 and 0. 50 elsewhere.
TONIGHT SPECIAL Not rationed SAPOLIO. 00 (7 high quality any amount you want Why pay 25 elsewhere.
1b. 41. 50 Will not give you a sick stomach like many Listed on the social agenOnly 115 pounds left other cheap oils.
da for tonight is the much spoken Inaugural Dance of WIRE SPONGES. 25 CORN STARCH.
pk. 00. 20 the Eagle Aces Friendly Keep pots and pans clean at low cost Why pay. 25 for stale starch elsewhere Club. in the Hall of the St.
Mark Parish. The RiversiPOLIFLOR WAX tin. 50 KLIM NIDO.
The best for the floor POWDERED MILK tin. 4 25 de Orchestra, headed by Mr.
Well known products at low prices Ernest Barley, is engaged to dish out the rythms. this We offer you not only lower prices, but also correct weight, courtesy and fresh group of merry boys have guaranteed merchandise.
certainly been swinging things of late.
LA PROVEEDORA LIMON Invited guests should not fail to honour the function with their presence.
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