
SATURDAY, July 17th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 THE PASSING OF MR. SAMUEL HOLMES MEDIUM OF HELP De Witt Pills quickly relieve JOINT PAINS BROWNE ABRAHAMS De Witt Pills KIDNEY AND BLADDER food by the splendid play HITLER LATEST OFFENSIVE IN RUSSIA The Atlantic Voice learns of the Methodist circuit, and Through the medium of with profound regret of the is said to have occupied an a Purchasing Concern ої death of Mr. Samuel Holmes outstanding position in his Puntarenas, a measure of fi of Sawyers. Trelawny, in native district and parish. nancial assistance has beco Jamaica. The very sad event We extend our heartfeltme accessible to some of the took place on the 2nd. of the sympathy to the Rev. Banana cultivators located present month.
and Mr. Holmes as also to the in the Estrada Siquirres reThe deceased was the fa other members of the family gions.
ther of our highly estreemed who mourn bis loss.
The Concern, we underscitizen the Rev. Holmes tand, has established fort nightly purchases of the bananas at prices ranging from sixty to ninety cents a bunch, as well as of plantains at a VENTA DE MERCADERIAS very reasonable figure per Joint pains and backache warn you that your kidneys are hundred. The farmers who Pout of order. They are getting DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR are benefitting by these sa sluggish and allowing impuriles have expressed their graties and poisons to escape from Apartado 362 tefulness, we are told. It he bloodstream and lodge in clear away clogging impurities and poisons they actually tone up and is hoped the business will the muscles and joints.
strengthen the kidneys.
Yon get IM ON increase.
These poisons (especially excess uric evidence of the direct action of De Witt Pills within 24 hours of taking acid) may bring on painful rheumatic the first dose. This gives positive swellings if they are not quickly cleared proof that a wonderful internal antiout of the system. The way to tackle the ANNIVERSARY septic is getting to work at the very trouble is to go at once to the root causeTWO ITALIAN GENERALS TAKEN PRISONERS root of your trouble. in the vidneys the unhealthy condition of your kidneys.
themselves. Once your kidneys are De Witt Pills are specially prepared PROGRAMME restored to healthy activity, those joint IN SICILY to correct kidney disorders. That why pains, rheumatic twinges and depressing backaches vanish completely.
When the curtain was they have proved such an effective treatAnd because the cause of your trouble Up to the day before yes of the coastal troops and ano ment for Joint Pains, Rheumatism and lifted last Tuesday night at Backache. De Witt Pills not only has been removed you can expect mor?
terday it was officially repor ther who directed the 54th the Methodist Church, in cothan temporary relief.
ted that more than twelve division of Napoles. This latnnection with the closing pro thousand axis troops had been ter surrendered with his engramme of the Sunday taken prisioners by the Allied tire staff. The number of ene School 1943 Anniversary, forces in Sicily. Among this my troops falling in the hands a very charming view greet Specially for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Joint Pains and Kidney Tronbles.
large number are two Italian of the invading forces hourly ed the eye. This was augObtainable everywhere. Prices 36 and 6. Start to get well TO DAY Generals. Avilles Daven, who increases.
mented with intellectual commanded the 20th. division entitled, When Naney went on strike, in addition to LA FAMA FAILS the well rendered items by the children of the School. After eleven days of the mand regarding the difficult (Frente a la Unidad Sanitaria)
a Unfortunately, the audien most violent fighting along problems created with the ce was not what is usualy the Orel. Kursk. Belgorod failure of the offensive and RECIBIO has been on such occasions front, the germans have again the imminent Italian disaster.
from a numerical point of failed in their effort to domi So effective has been the LIJA EN TODOS LOS NUMEROS View due, no doubt, to the nate the Soviets. Their losses Russian counter offes sive, fact that many of the mem are given as 54, 000 men, 608 started last Tuesday, that 0. 15 EL PLIEGO bers of the congregation tanks and 1, 650 planes. The more than ove hundred dicand friends had been sum Russians have now assumed, tricts have been recaptured ROGELIO TASIES moned to attend a general the offensive.
and terirtory to the exent of assembly of parents and Hitler, who personally di twenty miles covered in the guardians at the govern rected activities in the Kursk heart of the enemy defence ment Girls School on the sector, has abandoned the po zone. Over 12, 000 prisioners TOMORROW OUTDOOR EXERCISES same night. The Rev. Mr. sition and gone back to Berlin have also been captured and Froń what we have ga Barcelonians left by this Holmes presided over the en for the purpose, it is supposed, much war materials.
tertkainment to confer with his High Com thered, with the arrival of morning train for Turrialthis afternoci passenger ba where they will tomo train we shall live as our rrow engage the local play guests, the Josefios Base ers in what is anticipated an ball and football teams who exceedingly sensational con will match their wares test. We wish our Boys the gainst the Cubs in Baseball very best of luck. May they and a Selection of Footers.
bring homa the Pie.
The exercises will be pre cumintima atestemummur sented on our playground SALOMON CHIN tomorrow commencing at Estrada The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao.
12. 30 ALADDAD We bid the players and LA IBERIA others of the party a hearty welcome to our city.
Abarrotes y Licores We also take this oppor tunity to mention that the Precios Económicos 20302 Pall financimizi HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA FRENTE AL MAR. CIUDAD DE LIMON We are Agents for ERNEST LEWIS. Propietario Atención y precio especial para familias.
NITIES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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